

A group of teenagers, are on a dare to spend the night in an abandoned mansion. As they explore the creepy house, they notice strange things happening around them, like objects moving by themselves and sounds echoing from the shadows. They're starting to feel uneasy, and their worst fears are confirmed when they discover that the mansion is indeed cursed. The ghosts of its former residents are angry at being disturbed, and they want to exact their revenge.

Kirabae23 · Horror
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: The Gruesome Death

As the spirits of the mansion continued to torment the teenagers, Samantha was the first to succumb to their horrors. She felt a cold breeze on the back of her neck and turned to see a shadowy figure lurking in the darkness. Before she could scream, the figure lunged at her, its razor-sharp claws slicing through her flesh like butter.

Samantha fell to the ground, her body convulsing in pain as the figure continued its onslaught. It ripped chunks of flesh from her body, exposing bones that shattered like glass under its grasp. Her screams echoed through the halls, but no one came to her aid.

The figure continued to tear into her, its face contorted in a sickening grin as it reveled in her suffering. Samantha's vision began to fade, and she knew that she was dying. She gasped for air, but all she could taste was the metallic tang of her own blood.

The figure finally stopped, its twisted form hovering over Samantha's broken body. It let out a deafening shriek, and the room was filled with a malevolent energy. Samantha's body twitched one final time before falling silent, her lifeless eyes staring up at the ceiling.

The figure vanished into the shadows, leaving Samantha's friends alone in the darkness with her lifeless body. They huddled together, too terrified to move, as the spirits of the mansion continued to torment them. They knew that they were not safe, and that the same fate could befall them at any moment.

Suddenly, a chilling voice echoed through the halls, "You think you can escape my grasp? You are all mine now." The friends froze in fear, as the voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. They clung to each other tightly, trembling with terror as they realized that they were trapped in the mansion with the vengeful spirits.

Footsteps echoed down the hallway, and the friends held their breath as they saw the shadowy figure reappear. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent energy, and its twisted grin seemed to taunt them. They knew that they had to escape, but they were paralyzed with fear.

The figure lunged at them, and they scattered in terror, running blindly through the mansion's dark and twisted corridors. The walls seemed to close in on them, and the floors groaned beneath their feet. They heard screams and howls coming from every direction, and the air was thick with the stench of decay and death.

As they ran, they stumbled upon a room that seemed to offer refuge. They slammed the door shut behind them, but it wouldn't latch. They pushed with all their might, but it refused to budge. Suddenly, they heard a deafening crash as the figure slammed into the door from the other side.

The friends screamed in terror as they realized that they were trapped. The figure began to claw at the door, its fingers digging into the wood and tearing it apart. The friends huddled in the corner, too terrified to move as the figure's twisted face loomed closer and closer.