
The Hateful & Loveable

The first time the sky turned red was the first and last time for most, leaving a tragic few alive to pick up the pieces. A few hundred years later the world had healed. But once more the darkness in the shadows stir, ready to lash out once more. The story follows the young man Samuel, the unfortunate young man thrown into an arena with gods and entities playing their own games. As Samuel tries walking the fine line of choosing his own fate.

SofaCouch · Fantasía
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170 Chs

Academy Part 2

The assistant took him on quite the round trip. Showing him where most classrooms and training areas were located. He also showed him the large adacemy canteen and library. Everything was so big and left Samuel stunned several times, he had never expected something of this size.

The assistant had finally showed him most of the 'campus' and showed him to his room. Samuel was expecting to share room with other students. So when he got introduced to his own room he was pretty shocked, not only did every student have their own room. But the rooms were not tiny either, a beautiful room with a large bed and a study desk next to it.

A wardrobe that would fit all of his clothes with ease, and several shelves to put other books or belongings on, lastly was a weird bathroom. With a small indoor bath and sink. One could almost believe to be inside a modern bathroom with plumbing system and all.

No more chamber pots or nature visits. The fact that every student was given such a luxury and free food just meant that the academies really focused on producing good mages that would serve the republic. Although one was free after graduating most people took jobs working for the republic, only a very few became adventurers or rogues that did their own thing.

The assistant did a few last things such as going over the basic rules of the academy to be followed. The first rule was no harming other students. If a dispute occured one could request a duel instead. The first rule also went onto several sub rules that followed other branches of 'harming' students.

The rest of the rules were pretty basic, like no cheating and following regulations and to listen to teachers.

Samuel had to write an agreement to all the rules before finally being given the key to his own room and a small token for the gates to the academy. After that the assistant left him on his own to do whatever he wanted. The first thing Samuel did was lie down in bed and look at the roof, with a sigh he held up his hand only then realizing that there were magic crystals that lit up the room that could be turned on and off.

He played with it for a bit fascinated by its simple existence and learning that there was a similar button inside the bathroom. He finally sat down on the bed again and took out the academy suit that was in the wardrobe. It very much resembled a shirt and nice jeans with a small jacket to be put over the shirt that had the emblem of the academy which was a black rose.

He took some time to get accustomed to his new environment, starting to wonder how his academy suit was tailored to fit him so well, maybe they just had all kinds of sizes.

"I finally made it here! Mom, Dad! Im one step closer to avenging you!" Samuel said as he put his head on the pillow not having realized how tired he was from the full day of new experiences. He woke up only an hour or so later though feeling pretty rested from it.

The first thing he did was get up and look out the window to realize that it was early evening still. So he decided to go get some food at the academy food hall. Apparently the way it worked was that they served food 24/7 and there were always different dishes to pick from that were regularly swapped.

The cafeteria was surprisingly active with students still, he noticed that students had different stripes on their outfit probably resembling what year of magic they were studying. The thing that made him confused was the fact that there were those that looked younger than him that had two or three stripes already.

'Perhaps they come from well endowed backrounds.' Was the only thing he could consider seeing that he could not apply until he was legally an adult. A change for those that bought early eduacation compared to those who came from commoner backrounds who had to buy their own way in.

Samuel ordered some nice steak, realizing that the food was top notch almost made him go crazy, the thought of eating such good food for years, he had rarely eaten something so delicious before and those times it was always a rare treat. The thought of eating something good for years blew his mind. As always he had seated himself in a corner alone and relaxed a bit after finishing his meal.

He looked around the hall a bit to see what type of people were there. The youngest were probably only 15 or so while the oldest probably no older than 20. It seemed like the academy only accepted those 18 or younger. Probably because there were other academies for older people who continued their studies.

Those that became really succesful often went to the mage colleges and studied there for several years. After looking around for a while he noticed that most people were indeed humans. But there were plenty of dwarves, halflings, half elves and elves and a few gnomes. Most of them were sitting in areas dedicated for their height differences and sitting around their own races.

Only a few groups of brave mixed people sat together seemingly not caring about being different races. Samuel yawned and realized himself to have gotten quite tired again. So he decided to call it a night after leaving his tray. He was in no mood to get to know other people anyway. He had never been the social type.

From the little he could overhear there were indeed nobles studying there. They often separated themselves from the commoners of course. Some nobles even came from the Kingdom of Rookia from the north. The nobles from Rejuan were certainly nicer than those of the Kingdom, but they still tried to separate into classes as best they could.

Samuel could easily understand the class divides from the little travelling and reading he had done. He simply sighed and inwardly shrugged and went back to his room, there were plenty of students returning to their respective dorm rooms at that hour but his corridor seemed awfully quiet.

"Oh wow, I thought I was the only one living in this empty corridor!" Samuel heard a girly voice say and turned around to see a young human girl probably a year or so younger than he was. Samuel just smiled and gave her a nod. "Hi, names Samuel and I moved in just today!" The girl instantly replied with a small curtsy and smile. "Nice to meet you Samuel! My name is Erica!"

"Its nice to finally have a neighbour!" She said as she opened the door opposite of his room and went inside. 'Certainly a chatty one that one huh.' He sighed in relief and went inside his own room and did something he had only done once or twice in his life before. Taking a warm bath before going to bed.

Sleeping through the night like a log. Only waking up to a loud banging on his door. Afraid to have overslept he saw that it was still dark outside but got dressed really quickly anyway and went to open the door.