


The Harper Cousins are at it again


After the fiasco at graduation, my parents collected my diploma. It’s not my fault. No one told me about being valedictorian. I had the shortest speech in history because I didn’t have one.

I spent the summer with Elias and my friends. July 4 brought chaos from the cousins. Yes, Oliver and Kayden kissed and made up. Well, they didn’t kiss, but you get the point.

Our families had a party to celebrate our graduation. Life will get interesting at the party, setting in motion of what’s to come. It starts with a conversation and ends with a kiss involving Oliver.

Let the games begin.

* * * * *


Our parents planned a party for us. My cousins and I helped set up the tent, tables, and chairs. I grabbed two folding chairs and carried them to a table. I unfolded the chairs, placing them at the table.

I walked over to the stack and grabbed two more.