




Greg and I drove to the restaurant when we noticed someone in a car stuck in the ditch.

/"That is Gabe’s car./"

I pulled in front of the car. We got out as Greg ran toward it. I popped the trunk, grabbed tools, then made my way to the car.

I walked up, shocked. Bradley Wilson was helping Gabe from the passenger side.

/"Gabriel!/" Greg said. /"Wake up!/"

/"He’s in shock,/" Bradley said.

Greg moved out of the way as I checked the area. The accident pinned Gabe in the car. I used a metal grip to pry the steering wheel from Gabe’s leg.

/"I need you both to pull Gabe, but carefully. On the count of three,/" I said as they nodded. Bradley grabbed Gabe’s underarms as Greg held Gabe’s legs. /"One. Two. Three./"

They moved him onto the seat. I released the grips as the steering column dropped.

Gabe’s pants had a tear turning a dark red.

/"We need something to stop the bleeding,/" I said.