


Weekend getaway


Elias invited me to the cabin after my parents understood I wasn’t rushing into sex. I asked my parents. Dad said no, but Mom said yes. It’s not like we’re having sex. Plus, I’m not ready.

Why do parents assume every teenager is horny? I’ll never understand that mentality.

On our way to the cabin, we stopped and bought snacks. When you take a road trip, snacks are a necessity. You need salty, sweet, and wet, aka chips, candy, and pop. Damn, people need to get their minds out of the gutter, you dirty birds.

The drive took three hours until we arrived. My bladder wanted to burst. When Elias opened the door, I bolted to the bathroom.

/"I told you not to drink all that pop!/"

/"It’s not my fault. I was thirsty! /"

I finished, flushed, then washed my hands. I came out of the bathroom as Elias gave me a look.


/"Next time, I’m going to limit your pop intake, penny pees a lot./"