
The Harem Lord

In the modern world, Dravid is transmigrated into another world, assuming the body of a defected magic academy student named Samael. He is bestowed with a system that enables him to level up, and as he gains the affection of more and more girls, he strives to expand his harem, thereby increasing his power. Observe as he endeavors to entice girls into his harem and enhance his abilities.

The_Sinner_of_Time · Juegos
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37 Chs

The Gifts

[ Ding! ]

[ The newbie gifts are now going to be received.]

[The basic cards have been prepared, Is the host ready to receive rewards?]

"Hell Yeah!"

[ Command received!]

[The rewards are-- One basic healing card, one basic experience card, one basic mana booster, one basic scroll booster, and one basic comprehension booster card.]

Dravid looked at the rewards with stars in his eyes and started clicking on them.


[Host has clicked on basic healing card]

[Injuries are now recovering]


In the messy room, A green aura surged in Dravid's body and started spinning around him all over.


His wounds started healing on visible rate giving Dravid a special kind of feeling as he felt like he was using his hand somewhere.


He groaned in pleasure as the card healed every cell of his body completely.

After some time passed, Dravid checked his body with careful eyes and found no injury on it.

"System, show me my vitality!"

[ Vitality-- 0.8 (Recovered )]

System's little panel shined in front of his soul.

Dravid nodded and inquired.

"System, What is the use of basic experience card?"

[The basic experience card would boost one point of anything you want excluding Mana]

"So you mean i can increase my stamina or anything one of them by one point?"


"Hmm, what should i increase?I think Endurance Point would be better since i can take on attacks,"

Dravid pondered about it as he saw such low points in everything.

"System, what are the average stats of a normal human ?"

[The data has been prepared--

Name -- A Normal Human

S.P.-- 0.5


Stamina-- 0.5

V.P.-- 0.6

A.P.-- 0.7

E.P.-- 0.3]

Dravid was in shock as he saw some stats of an ordinary human was even higher than him.

"Cursed be this body, what kind of loser was he?"

[Everyone has their different circumstances host, You should understand that.]

"Okay, Apologies. Now use basic experience card on my Stamina!"

[Command accepted.]


Something inside Dravid's body exploded as he felt himself becoming lighter and lighter.

He had this feeling as if he could do any task for long time.

After some time, This feeling was gone.

Dravid jumped around for some time testing his stamina in the room.

"Show me my Stamina!"

[ Stamina -- 0.2---> 1.2]

It was actually a monstrous change in his overall body since he could now last two times longer than a normal human.

"System, what about these remaining cards except mana booster?"

[Host shouldn't use them for now.]

"Well, as you say."

[Host should sleep now as his body has rapid change and needs sleep in night.]

"Yeah but i don't wanna sleep on this messy bed, First let me just clean this whole room."

For next thirty minutes, Dravid cleaned every corner of the room using his vacuum cleaner.

"Finally done, I should sleep now."

In night, he didn't even have to turn off the lights as it was already gone since he didn't pay his bills.

The night passed quite quickly as the sun's light fell on Cianna City which was still busy with flying cars carrying mages to their work in large buildings.

In one gloomy room, a boy was sleeping with one eye opened as he searched for mosquitos disturbing his sleep.

"Goddamn it! This fricking poor house, he couldn't even buy something to repel mosquitos in this giant city."

Dravid cursed as he saw some biting spots on his body still itching.

[Host should complete some quests and earn some money.]

System advised him.

[But before that, host should increase his stats else he would be eaten by a normal grizzly bear.]

"Can you stop imagining my death?Now use mana booster point!"

Dravid was annoyed due to mosquitos, so he commanded system to use the mana booster point.

[Ding!Command received]


Something like liquid started flowing in his whole body making his body relax and comfortable.

Dravid felt as he was in hot sauna since he only felt this comfortable there.

[Ding! Mana has been increased by one points.]

[Host should use remaining cards later due to lack of techniques and scroll.]

"System, Show my stats!"

[ The new data has been prepared --

Name-- Samael (Dravid)

Mage Rank-- Novice Level One

Attribute--Plant Element (Three percent pureness)

Class-- Healer

S.P.-- 0.3 (Very Low)

Stamina-- 1.2


V.P.-- 0.8(Recovered)

A.P.--0.4 (how did you jump?)


M.P.-- 5

Condition-- Weak but okay mage.]

The whole data was displayed on panel bar.

"How should i find the unique girls who meets your criteria, system?"

Dravid inquired with sharp gaze as it was the most important task for him.

[Don't worry host! When encounter will happen, System would alarm you.]

"Hmm. I should go to guild first since academy is closed today and receive some lower rank quests."

Dravid planned his day and strolled out of small room.

Although he was poor, but academy's dress was still upto standard.

On road, he saw many people walking around in fancy clothes.

Some people resembled office workers from his previous life but some also had mage symbol on their clothes.

When mages walked, many people greeted them in the way but none of these mages returned their greetings.

On their badges, their ranks could be seen.

Most of them had rank one novice mage same as Dravid.

Some mages walked past him but he didn't even look at them since he was mage himself, why should he greet someone equal to him.

On his way, he saw a big commotion where lot of people have gathered.

Dravid saw someone was yelling at a figure in cloak with disgust in his eyes.

He felt some sort of natural connection to that figure in the cloak as if his element was forcing him go there.

At this moment, a voice echoed in his mind.

[Ding!The first target has been found!]