

Quickly jumping into the salon, he sits on the chair placed in front of the mirror and calls out to the hair dresser and asks her to please do his hair quickly as he has an important meeting with the board members of the company he worked with and he was already a five minute late to the meeting.

Just about to leave the salon, his eye caught an undefined beauty. She was a new apprentice in the salon.

Alex who had come to make his hair inorder to look good in the meeting found himself staring at her beauty with his jaw dropped down making him look like a fish. "Alex, what about the meeting" the hair dresser said as she tapped his shoulder driving him out of his Staring duty, "Ooh, yes the meeting, I have to be leaving now" He gently replied as he made his way to the door.

After his work hours, he stopped by the salon to know if he would see the angel he saw in the morning but unluckily for him, the salon closed earlier that day than usual and he turned around, got into his black Audi R8 Spyder and drove home.

On the morrow, walking out of his home of abode his eye quickly caught a glimpse of a young lady who was walking into a store and instantly he zoomed into the store to realise that it was the same damsel he had seen at the salon. Gently he walked up to her tapping her by the shoulder and as she turned filling his eye with her beauty, she gently smiled at him and Alex was surprisingly out of words and could only say hi-i-ii.

she gently smiled again and waved a goodbye to him as she left with her grocery bag. Alex was so confused and walked out of the store, he didn't realise when he walked pass his house and was already two blocks away from his area.

Alex suddenly made it a daily routine to always visit the salon every morning inorder to cast his eye upon the beauty of the young girl.

As time passed, he got to see how sweet and kind the young lady was and possessed a lovely character.

Alex decided to take a bold step walking up to her and as he said hi, the young lady smiled but Alex didn't let that smile get him off-guard this time around.

" Hi I've been seeing you around lately and I've really had an intention of talking to you but am a bit of a shy person. (ha ha) so, i was wondering maybe I could get to know your name and also take you out to grab a cup of coffee or dinner instead? " she waved her head in a way of saying no and Alex was surprised to her refusal, " okay-y, buh can I at least get to know your name "" he asked but once again she waved her head in a way of saying no and Alex left that spot in confusion.

Love seems to know no boundary, its just always beautiful to be in full matured True love

Joel_Nnamanicreators' thoughts