
The Hagrid's son

Who says that if you live in the HP universe you have to become a wizard? Hagrid's son has his own way of doing things along with some unusual friends. Apart from the MC and my invented characters, I do not own these universes or characters and their rights are reserved to their respective authors.

Cadenadeaventuras · Derivados de obras
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28 Chs

Read before you start!

The fanfic is an AU, so in case of discrepancies with the original story...

A magician did it! One with a long beard, half-moon glasses and addicted to lemon drops and cockroach candy, but I won't say his name!

You can read the original fanfic in advance on my Patreon (link in my profile), while the version here is translated into English by ChatGP-kun. So if you have complaints about grammar or constant gender changes...

You complain to the AI and that's it! Or you can read the original version.

To clarify doubts, because someone will surely ask, they always do: the protagonist is a man.

I have another HP Fanfic with over a hundred chapters, check it out.

Sometimes chapters break, if that happens I will try to fix it as soon as possible.

I will write at my own pace as I feel like it or remember it.

It may not even be logical!

Oh, and this time, the MC doesn't know the plot.


Cadenadeaventurascreators' thoughts