
The Guide To Paradise

[Currently on Hiatus] "Ah, at last, you've arrived," The student uttered with a sense of relief, her gaze fixed on the man before him. Surveying the female student sitting before him, the man's sigh carried a hint of weariness. "Rumors of the principal's disappearance years ago have reached my ears. Is my presence here somehow connected to this puzzling occurrence?" A soft, understanding smile graced the student's lips as she nodded affirmatively. "Your intuition serves you well. Prior to her vanishing, she entrusted me with a solemn task – to summon you in the event of any crisis." Puzzled, the man's brows furrowed slightly, "And may I ask why she would entrust such a responsibility to you?" Her own smile widened as she replied, "To that, even I'm not entirely sure. However, she emphasized that you were to assume the role of GUIDE, overseeing the students across all the academies throughout the entire continent." "Me, an instructor? Frankly, I don't believe I have the time for that." Amused, she chuckled softly. "Oh, you misunderstand. The position isn't that of a an instructor. Instead, you'll hold the unique title of G-U-I-D-E – a position conceived exclusively for you." His gaze sharpened, and he asked with a tinge of skepticism, "But what if I were to decline this offer?" Her eyes playfully closed, her smile taking on a mischievous air. "Ah, well, here's the kicker. The Principal foresaw this possibility and instructed me to convey that accepting is the sole means by which you can repay her favor. And should you decide otherwise..." With a dramatic flair, her eyes closed, her grin turning impish. "In my capacity as the President of the Student Council, I'd have no choice but to suspend your..." She paused, savoring the moment. "Allowance." Immediately, upon hearing this, the man slammed his hand to her table. "You evil witch!"

FalseFace · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs


As I descended through the infernal depths, escorted to a specific level of hell, an air of eerie calm surrounded me. Glancing around, I surveyed my surroundings with an almost nonchalant detachment. The blistering heat clung to my skin, and the grim scenes of torment played out before me – people cast into pits of fire, others impaled by vicious pitchforks.

Naked and bleeding, the tortured souls writhed in agony, their anguished cries melding into a gruesome symphony. It was a spectacle of horror and suffering, more disturbing than any nightmare I'd ever imagined.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, we reached the upper echelons of hell. Here, the devils knelt before a particular figure seated on a grotesque throne above us. Despite the gravity of the situation, my attention remained fixed on this distinctive devil. I barely registered the incessant babble of the devil soldiers escorting me.

The devil on the throne regarded me with a mix of mild horror and exasperation. Clutching a file bearing my name and picture, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if trying to regain his composure. Observing me closely, he opened one eye slightly, his silence urging me to speak.

Taking the cue, I broke the silence, feigning ignorance, "Hello. It's quite the unique setup you have here. But could you enlighten me as to my whereabouts? I seem to have taken a wrong turn somewhere." I offered a casual smile, masking my amusement at his reaction. It seemed he knew me far better than I had anticipated.

With a grumpy expression, the devil cleared his throat and pointed his pitchfork toward me. There was a sense of desperation in his attempt to appear authoritative, though it only served to make him seem more endearing.

"You, who have caused the death and suffering of countless innocent souls, are hereby sentenced to reincarnation in a world of magic, devoid of any talents."

"Reincarnation?" I feigned curiosity and excitement, though a dawning realization quickly soured my enthusiasm. "So, I'm to be reborn without any remarkable abilities? Well, there goes my dream of becoming an all-powerful sorcerer."

I couldn't help but smirk at the devil's attempt to intimidate me. It was hard to take him seriously when he seemed more flustered than fearsome.

He continued, "But don't think for a moment that this is a lenient punishment, mortal. You will be reborn into a body lacking any magical potential, condemned to experience the pain you've inflicted upon others. Furthermore, you'll be unable to defend yourself due to your lack of talent."

His speech halted, and he gestured as if expecting a final plea. "Do you have any last words? Perhaps a plea for mercy? I might reconsider if you grovel convincingly enough," he sneered, an arrogant smirk playing on his lips.

Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes, I sighed dramatically, "Ah, stop with the drama. Very well, let's wrap this up. Can we move along, please? I have more exciting things to do than indulge your theatrics."

Despite my anticipation of embarking on a new magical journey, his next words gave me pause. "Your memories shall be retained in your new life, but as a punishment for your insolence, you'll gradually lose your recollections of your previous existence. By the time you turn five, they'll be nearly gone."

My eyes narrowed in consideration, and I retorted, "Oh, what a devastating penalty! Forgive me if I don't quake in fear."

Interrupting my sarcasm, the devil dismissed me with a wave of his hand, "Enough of this. Take him away, and spare me the agony of his presence."

"Finally," I muttered under my breath, my patience growing thin.

As I was led away by the female devil, I couldn't resist a parting shot, "Toodles, Your Malevolence! Don't miss me too much!"

The female devil's impassive expression faltered for a brief moment, replaced by a hint of annoyance. She guided me toward a door, and as she turned the doorknob, an unexpected twist awaited me. The platform I stood on vanished, leaving me suspended mid-air.

"What the actual-?!!"

My startled exclamation was cut short as I plummeted into a seemingly endless abyss. My arms crossed defiantly, and I cursed my lack of caution. "Note to self: Beware of disappearing platforms in the afterlife."

"I'll remember this!" I shouted into the abyss, my words echoing back mockingly.


A girl emerged from behind the throne, addressing the devil seated upon it, "Are you certain about your decision to reincarnate him? You seem unusually invested in this, Father..."

The devil's gaze remained fixed ahead, his expression grave. "Yes... My standing here could be jeopardized if I allow him to suffer in this realm. He has the potential to ascend to my position without ever lifting a finger."

"What do you mean, Father?" The girl's voice was tinged with curiosity.

The devil's scowl deepened as he spoke, "He orchestrated the deaths of countless beings without direct involvement. Humanity on Earth narrowly escaped obliteration due to his actions. If it weren't for a certain intervention, his calamity might have wiped out the entire planet."

"What sort of intervention?"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, the devil replied with a mixture of irritation and solemnity, "An entity sent specifically to 'handle' him. He's more than just a mere demon or even a demon lord – he's something far worse."

As the girl processed this information, a devilish knight who had been present interjected, "Shouldn't you be wary of his potential, my Lord?"

The devil's gaze remained fixed, and his words dripped with a grim certainty, "Describing him as a mere 'demon' or 'demon lord' would be an insult. He's far more malevolent than even I am."

With a sense of foreboding, the girl posed one last question, "What shall become of him now?"

A smirk curled the devil's lips as he gazed into the distance. "He's to be reborn, stripped of his memories and abilities, into a world where magic reigns. And there, he shall suffer as he once made others suffer."

The girl observed her father carefully, her voice laced with skepticism, "Are you sure this is the right path, Father?"

His gaze met hers, resolute yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"Only time will tell, my child. Only time will tell."