
The Guide Games

Having borrowed for his late mother's treatments and subsequently failing to repay, Isaac is forced to repay his debt by playing a unique game. The catch? Players are unable to exit the game until their demise, all while forgetting they are engaged in a virtual world and instead believing they are dead. Follow Isaac's journey as a World Guide, he will build worlds, create magic systems, design species, and all kinds of things that the Guide Games has to offer. ------ Update: 1 - 2 chapters a day ------ Additional tags: Video Game, World Creation, World Guide, World Wars, Creating Systems, Creating Races, Administrator, Magic, Cultivation, System, System Adminstrator, Fantasy.

UnCultured_Daoist · Fantasía
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13 Chs


When Isaac woke up the next day, well, it was probably the next day at least.

They really needed some way to determine time for the Admin Room.

Anyways, when he got up, he noticed that the computer was flashing an indication, showing that the fast forward had stopped.

Sara didn't seem to be paying much attention to it, as she was curled up happily at the foot of his bed.

Giving a mild chuckle at her state, Isaac got up and moved over to the computer, glad that he did not have to worry about certain biological needs anymore.

He basically doesn't have to worry about any of it if he doesn't want to.

Isaac can still sleep, but it's not like he need it, you know?

Back on topic, when Isaac got to the computer, he gave a quick look at the map of the world.

This was actually more information than he had received when he was simply looking at the world from above, as it clearly marked the locations of the various racial settlements.

Furthermore, it also included things such as population.

The first race of [Mida] has entered the Civilization Era.

Elves have begun joining together to found a country, naming it Gandor.

[~Elves -

Population: 12,000.

Average level: 5

~Humans -

Population: 25,000.

Average level: 7

~Catkin -

Population: 15,000.

Average level: 7

~Dogkin -

Population: 12,000.

Average level: 6

~Bearkin -

Population: 13,000.

Average level: 8

~Foxkin -

Population: 18,000.

Average level: 7

~Dwarf -

Population: 20,000.

Average level: 6

~Halfling -

Population: 25,000.

Average level: 4]

[Current kingdoms established - Gandor]

Well, that was interesting, at least.

And, looking at the map, the various [Beastkin] tribes were starting to come together as well, just a little bit behind the [Elves].

Or, at least, they were moving to the same area, and not showing signs of fighting.

As for the [Humans], [Halflings], and [Dwarves]… they were still little more than scattered tribes.

On the bright side, the different races spawned on vastly different parts of the planet, meaning that there would still be a long time before they encountered each other.

That should give each race enough of a start to build up their own empires before worrying about any sort of invasion.

Well, he would let that play out a little more.

As such, Isaac decided to have it fast forward until the next kingdom was established, and check on the progress then.


[ POV: Eldwynn Ryon ]

I was the elected leader of the elven people.

Following my mother's death centuries ago, I had chosen to devote myself to the elves, to help them understand this strange new world that they lived in.

Lesser races may not remember, but the long-lived elves knew clearly that things had changed.

It was my grandmother who was one of the first to be introduced to the [World System], which has since become a common part of our lives.

With the System, came certain knowledge and abilities.

Abilities far beyond our knowledge.

Suddenly, certain elves had gained the ability to create fire by drawing strange symbols in the ground.

These were recognized as [Mages] by the System, and for some years they were seen as a disease.

It couldn't be helped, we were still yet to properly develop.

But I sought to change that.

I myself was a [Mage], and had unlocked the second of these strange [spells].

This second spell was one completely different from the first, as it would conjure ice that could trap a foe.

Displaying my power to the other elves, as well as my apparent relation to the elven [Adminsrator], Rose, it did not take long for people to rally behind me.

Withmy guidance, I led the elves to settle on the plains of my birth, where I began ordering them to construct shelters.

This would be our first true home.

No more would we wander, no more would we be afraid of the barghests and the grue.

Now, we would be the ones in control of our land.

To honor my ancestors, I named this new settlement Gandor, after my grandmother.

Although the density of the population invited attacks from the braver monsters, it did not take long before we learned how to set up patrols, to guard the city day and night.

And in this manner, the guards gradually became more powerful as well.

They received things known as [Skills], some even obtained new [Classes].

But they all remembered that this was brought to them by me, who they now revered as being close to the [Adminsrator].

According to tales told to me by my grandmother, when the System first appeared... People received some sort of strange knowledge, like they had always known about the [Adminsrator] Rose, the one who represent us the [Elves].

We did not know what that word meant, but we knew we should respect her... It's like an innate unexplainable feeling.


Off in the far plains to the east, on an entirely different continent from the elves, a muscular woman was running on all fours.

She had fiery red hair, and fur-covered ears and a tail.

Those around would know her as a Catkin, one of the cat beastkin.

But more importantly, she was Ardra, a [Priestess] in service to the great [Adminsrator] Sara.

The [Beastkin] had a similar experience as the [Elves].

For years she had wished to be given a sign from her [Adminsrator], who had chosen her at birth.

She had been lost, confused.

Her people scattered across the hills and plains.

Wandering tribes with no true home, living off the land and moving when danger neared.

However, she finally had her prayers answered.

The [Adminsrator] had given her a message.

{Go forth, my child, and gather the tribes.

Though you may be weak alone, together you will thrive. Deliver my message to the leaders of every family.

A new dawn is approaching for your people, and under the leadership of the Catkin, the beastkin shall see power they have never known before.}

At first, Ardra had doubted her sanity, thinking that the voice in her mind had been a mere dream.

However, it came again the next day, and the day after.

Finally, she told the leader of her own family, and a light from the sky descended down upon her as she spoke.

From that point, none doubted her words, least of all herself.

She ran day and night, sleeping and eating only when necessary.

She did not even think about where she was going, letting her [Adminsrator] guide her steps.

Yet somehow, she would always find her way to another wandering family.

And, upon delivering the message, the light would again shine upon her from above, as if reassuring her of her mission.

She lost count of the number of families she had already spoken with, how many she had convinced to join the gathering.

But, the voice once again whispered in Ardra's mind.

{Soon, my child. Soon, your mission will be over. Soon, you will see the reward for your work, for you have done well in my name.}

When Ardra heard the voice again, her tired limbs seemed to gain new life, her speed increasing further.

Whether this was some divine intervention or her own body overcoming its limits out of excitement, she knew not.

Nor did she care, for she was doing the [Adminsrator's] work.


While Isaac was waiting for the world to progress, he decided to go wake Sara up.

This was a surprisingly easy task, considering how soundly she seemed to be sleeping.

Once he rubbed her back and called her name a couple of times, she let out a loud purr and turned over to smile at him. "Yes, Isaac? Is there something I can help you with?"

Isaac nodded his head, saying something he was probably going to regret forever.

"Yeah. Do you think that you could put in a wardrobe or something in the Admin Room? it'd be nice to be able to wear clothes again."

She snickered slightly when she heard his question, before nodding.

"Sure thing. Anything else?"

"Hmm… could you help me research magic? You said that I have access to any of the powers that are present in my world, but I don't really know how to make them work yet."

This time, her eyes seemed to brighten, waking up considerably as she nodded, sitting up on the bed.

"Alright, I can help with that. Although I can't directly teach you anything that hasn't been discovered yet, I can show you all of the known diagrams, and give you the information behind them. "

"That way, you should be able to come up with some of the information yourself, once you have enough to piece things together."Sara said.

"That sounds… pretty neat, actually. So, how do we get started? You said that I can't be hurt in the Admin room, but I don't want to take the chance of hurting you if I mess up during the practice."

When Isaac said that, she grinned happily, before wrapping him up in a warm hug.

"Oh, don't worry about that. Unless you purposely choose to delete or injure us through the system, the AIs in the Admin Room are also functionally immortal."

She winked playfully at him. "You could abuse me all day and night and it wouldn't leave a single mark when you were done."

Well, can't really say I'd want to abuse her, but there were other physically exhausting things that could be done.

I'll just file that away for later. Isaac thought.

"That's good. So, how many spells are actually known so far?"

Sara tilted her head in thought, before nodding slightly. "Looks like there are five. One for the [Priest class], two for [Mage], one for [Spirit Tamer], and one for [Druid]. "

"Hadn't expected anyone to get the [Spirit Tamer] class so soon, but it looks like the elves managed to stumble on it. "

"For right now, we'll be going over the [Mage] spells. The other classes all use a different casting method, so it wouldn't be too good to try to train them all at once."

That sounded pretty reasonable, so Isaac agreed.

Sara focused on something for a moment, before the area around them shifted.

They were now in a wide open, stone room, with torches lining the walls.

"This can be our testing ground. I put it in the basement of the Admin Room, if you ever decide to come down here without me." She smiled slightly when she said that. "Now, I'll show you the basic spell diagram for the [Fire] spell."

Sara knelt down, and began tracing various shapes with her hand.

Whenever her finger touched the ground, it seemed to light up, leaving the image of what she was drawing clear to see.

"In order to cast the spell, you can either draw this on something and channel your energy through it, or visualize it in your mind. "

"Naturally, the first method uses a lot less energy, but has less freedom. Specifically…" She moved her finger to point at the center of the formation.

"Whatever you draw here will be the path your fire takes. Leaving it blank will simply create a stationary fire, while drawing a line will make the fire shoot out, or drawing a circle will make the fire fly in a circle. "

"If you draw this on an object, you'll generally have to carry that object with you, and not have enough time to alter it for different scenarios. "

"You give it a shot. Since this is the Admin Room, you should have unlimited energy reserves to work with, once you can get the control right."

Well, that didn't seem too hard. Isaac stared at the pattern she had drawn on the ground, burning it into his mind.

Once he was confident he had fully copied it, Isaac closed his eyes and tried to feel inside of himelf for the energy that Sara had mentioned.

He didn't know if this was supposed to be chi, or mana, or whatever, but he soon felt several different energies.

Furrowing his brow, Isaac tried to sort through them. One felt chaotic, like it could erupt at any moment.

One felt peaceful, like a flowing ocean. Yet another felt as if it was a gas, evading his grip every time he thought he had it.

Finally, Isaac settled on one that felt like a warm, blue light inside of him.

That seemed like the closest thing to magic, but he would need to ask Sara what the other energies were once he was done with this.

Grasping what he assumed was his magical energy, Isaac once again conjured the image of the Fire spell diagram into his mind, guiding his magic into it.

He could feel as the diagram lit up with the same warm blue light. But… nothing happened.

Opening his eyes, Isaac confirmed that there was nothing different about his surroundings.

"Well, it seems like you found your magic… You probably just forgot part of the diagram." She shook her head with a small smile, giving him time to stare at the diagram again.

This time, Isaac already had his magic ready, so once he closed his eyes, he focused on the diagram.

Isaac wouldn't allow himself time to forget, and before he knew it, he felt something warm in front of him.

Very warm. Hot!

Isaac quickly opened his eyes, and discovered… that his hand was on fire. He knew he should be screaming from pain right now, but it really didn't hurt that bad.

He felt hot, as if his hand was hovering above a burning fire, rather than as if his hand was ON fire.

I like Admin Room cheats… I really do.

[Congratulations! You have earned a new achievement!]

[For learning your first ability from your world, you earned the Copycat achievement. +10 points.]

"You did it, Isaac!" Sara called out happily, though maybe it would have been more of a triumph if Isaac didn't light himself on fire.

Nonetheless, she seemed excited since it worked, and moved on to show him the rest of the known magic.

This was going to be a pretty busy day.

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