

The Guardians, were a group of silver priests born with emmense power and abilities for the purpose of controlling each of the life forces on earth. They were so powerful and wielded extraordinary powers that caused all the creatures to bow to them. They had an edict which guarded them and prevented them from abusing their powers. But, one could not imagine what would happen if a Guardian turned corrupt. Tricia was an every day normal girl, whose only thoughts were to find true love and build a happy family. But, what happens when she discovers the deep down secrets and sacrilege caused by ambitions and greed that had every thing to do with her?. would she choose to fulfill her part or run away from it?.

Job_Emmanuel · Ciudad
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30 Chs

Lies And Evil

Standing in the Green park at the west side of the University, Tricia looks about the place.

"So where the hell is Xavier?"

The Green was big so, how was she supposed to start searching for him. not like his lined were responding.

Just as the thoughts processed in her mind, she noticed three guys approaching from a distance and she decides to Haber some information from them. Standing at a corner, she looks about the environment then watches the guys as the move closer before approaching them.

"Hi!", "Have you guys been here for a while?"

She scans their faces awaiting an answer which finally came as one them flashes her a flirting smile showcasing his silver colored tooth at the center that matched with the rings in his ears.

"Yeah!, for about an hour now!"

"He eyes her from head to toe then probes.

"So pretty, were you waiting for someone special?"

His lips curl up and a smirk girls on it causing Tricia to roll her eyes st the back of her head.

"So much for wanting help!"

She mutters in her mind a d responds in a 'not interested' tone.

"Yeah, for my bro_,"

she pauses as her vibrates and she reaches out for it. taking out the phone from her bag, she smiles on seen Xavier's name on the screen and that didn't escape the notice of the three guys. That means, he had surely seen her attempts to call him.

"Excuse me!" she utters to them and turns away swiping the screen of her phone when one the guys move swift like lightening and snatches the mobile from her hand and ending the call leaving to gasp at him. Before Tricia could snap out of her daze and realize what was happening, a kerchief had been placed on her nose forcing her to inhale the toxin and pass out.

" That was risky! "

The guy with a Silver ring spoke from behind them, the smirk on his lips was long gone and stood gazing at the lady that lay unconscious on the floor.

"Well better get her out of here, Zine" and the guy who stood behind the unconscious lady with a kerchief in his hand sighs before bending down to pick the lady from the floor and heading deeper into the park.

"what are you going to do with that Lex?"

He gestures with his eyes towards the mobile that was vibrating in his hand.

"Take it with me."

He replied in dry tone and turn of the phone before shoving it into his pocket and trailing after the first guy. A sharp glint flashes in his eyes and his lips curled up again before he followed behind them.


Xavier stares at the phone that had turned dead in his hand and is confused, he dials the number again but this time it was unreachable. He had left his phone at the black block when rushing to attend lecture in the morning and had come back to find it there only to find out From Riev that Xanier had been constantly playing with it since morning. He gritted his teeth and search for Xanier but the idiot was smart enough to escape the building. he plugged the phone and power it to discover Tricia's attempt on contacting him.He made up his mind to deal with the idiotic Xanier later but first reached out to Tricia.

The call had connected successfully but right at the time when the call was answered, he heard Tricia gasp and the call ended abruptly. He redials the line and it connected but without anyone answering it. Repeating it again, the call was suddenly ended and the next one was successful. Out of no where, a slow chill creeps unto him and he begins to panic. Could he be that something had happened to her again. Their brother had personally ask him to watch over her closely and make sure to keep her safe till he returned. Recalling the last time Tricia was kidnap his feet immediately move on their own and he leaps out of the room.


Ellen watched closely as the man whom the red head referred to as 'lord' went through the books on the shelf in front of him. The young man stood behind him and watched as he pulled out a hard black covered book from the shelf.

"This is the last book of the Temple Magic which has been pass down in the lineage of the guardians till this day_," he pauses an d dust the cover of the book with his hand.

"This book has always remained a buried secret even to the dead of it's owner, until the next silver pries locate it.

Johya eyes the book with intrigue visible in his expression but tries to level it down and listen to every words the Lord was speaking. " it not only contains knowledge but powers that can destroy a silver pries if not suitable and not controlled well."

He suddenly turns to Johya his calm blue eyes glinting brightly.

"I am assigning this book into your care, there will be a time when need shall arise of it. No one can be certain when a war will break, but I see it fast approaching and the times will be different."

It turns a again and places the book back into the shelf as another figure emerged from the door and walks towards them. He stops before them and bows to the lord.

" my Lord, Estoban is here. He brought a letter from the frontiers."

He Spoke his head still bowed low

"Inform Value to join us and accompany him in the room Oscar."

"yes my lord!" the duo echo and exit the room. immediately the walked through the door, the guardian placed his hands on his chest and gasp his eyes narrowing as the colour flipped from blue to gold that was some how fading to gray. He mutters a few spells and stretches his hand at the book he had placed in the shelf lifting it in air. He snaps his fingers and blue spark of light emerges from his hand towards the book and envelopes it before lifting it back to the shell. But Ellen notice something else, the book had changed colour and the cover was now pale blue in colour. Also, the man wasn't exuding the charm of elegant man again, there was an evil glint in his eyes and right now, he resembled a wizard. Just that the color of his hair remained the same.