

The Guardians, were a group of silver priests born with emmense power and abilities for the purpose of controlling each of the life forces on earth. They were so powerful and wielded extraordinary powers that caused all the creatures to bow to them. They had an edict which guarded them and prevented them from abusing their powers. But, one could not imagine what would happen if a Guardian turned corrupt. Tricia was an every day normal girl, whose only thoughts were to find true love and build a happy family. But, what happens when she discovers the deep down secrets and sacrilege caused by ambitions and greed that had every thing to do with her?. would she choose to fulfill her part or run away from it?.

Job_Emmanuel · Ciudad
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30 Chs

Blood Poisoning 2

At the time of sunset, in another town in Transylvania.A little commotion was going on inside the forest as three vampires were unlucky to be ambushed by a group if witches.

"You blood sucking leeches, you all fucken deserve to die!"

one of the witches roared and charged at one of them who just lazily stepped aside with the use of his vampire speed.He laughed maniacally and mocks at them.

"Did you think that a bunch of soul sucking worms like you can kill the three of us?"

The witches left no other space for him to continue talking and immediately charged at the three of them pulling out knifes from their clothes.

The man who stood apart from the other two was,fast in evading their attacks as he deal them with his own and succeeded in snapping their necks one after the other.A man and a lady fought together as they stuck close to each other. The lady held a gun that contained silver bullets and fired continually at the witches that came close to attacking her while the man snatched a knife from one of the witches and used it on stabbing him on the chest.

As the scuffle went on for a while, most of the witches were already on the ground while the rest kept on battling with the night creatures. As the lady faced a female witch who tried to claw at her chest with her nails that had grown scarily long, another crept to her from behind and pierced her with the knife clogged with poison as they felt that the poison walked faster than silver bullets.They lady gave out a cry and then fell to the floor causing the witch to cackle and the male vampire to rage and pull out a gun and aim for her forehead shooting it for the bullet to pierce out through the back of her head.Black blood spurts out of her mouth and she false to the floor and convulses yo death.

"Fucken witches!"

He grits his teeth and fired at the ones around him.


The other appears besides him .

"Keep them off, I will take Katherine from here!"

He picks the lady from the floor and vacates the vicinity.


Edward opens his eyes and sits up looking around the suite as his eyes trues to adapt to the darkness in the room.He picks up his phone that was besides him and clicks on the screen to realize it to be some minutes pass ten pm. He ruffles his hair and looks at the line attached to his body and follows the trail to find the almost empty bag hanging on the holster.He detaches the line from his hand and throws it o. the pole then steps down from the bed and goes into the bathroom.Standing in front of the mirror, he stares at his eyes that had returned back to its usual color and runs his hand through his hair as he inhaled and exhaled calmly.Though the poison still remained in his body, he could make do with it till Emert found the solution for it. At least right now, he had the upper hand against it as the sleep had aided it and he had needed it.Finally, he walks back into the bedroom unbuttoning the shirt he wore underneath the suit jacket which he hadn't bothered to removed and had only folded up the sleeve for the line to be attached to his hand.

Pulling off the shirt, he throws it on the bed and walks to the closet opening it to pull out his suite case and take a bag of blood from it.Pushing the suite case back into the closet, he walks back to the bed and and sits on it tearing the edge of the bag with his teeth and gulping down the blood as the screen of his phone lits up besides him.Picking up the phone from the bed, he swipes it a smile Coming to form on his lips as listened to the soft voice on the other end.


Came Tricia's voice.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

He spoke like he was scolding her and Tricia pouts on the other side before whining.

"But you don't seem to be sleeping then why should I sleep?"

Edward chuckles and seeps from the bag before responding.

"But I just got up now, don't tell me you also got up now!"

But he didn't tell her that the reason he was forced to sleep was because he had poison in his system which required him to take a deep rest so that the fluid administered to him would be able to take full action.

Tricia ponders for a while then replies.

"Okay, then I will go to sleep now!"

She spoke with AMD aggrieved tone and Edward sighs.

"Okay sweetheart don't pout, what were you doing before now?"

"I wasn't pouting.But earlier on, I was studying for this semester's exams that's coming in one no the time!"

She pauses then adds slowly.

"Before I decided to speak to you as I missed you!"

The smile on Edward's lips widens as she spoke the last words.

"Did you really miss me?"

HW drains the last drops if blood from the bag and his tongue came cane to swipe on his lips licking the drops from it.

"Yes, and tell me you missed me too!".

"Of course, I missed you darling and can't wait yo see you!"

Tricia blushes and draws the covers over her face.Just then, Valerie comes out from the bathroom and seeing Tricia drag the covets over her face, she walks over to the bed and drags it from her questioning.

"Didn't you say we were going to see a movie before going to bed and_,"

She pauses when she sees the blush on her cheeks.

"Why are you blushing bestie?"

On the other end, Edwards eyebrow furrows and he calls her name.


Then Valerie realizes that she is on a call and questions excitedly.

"You are on a call with prince charming?"

Edwards mouth twitches on hearing the cheesy nickname and Tricia picks up a pillow and throws it at Valerie then hops down from the bed leaving a confused Valerie on it.

"Is that your friend val?"

Edward questions for confirmation and walks to the door and drops the empty blood bag in the trash basket before walking to the table and grabbing the documents on it, then walks back to the bed with the phone in his hand.On the other end, Tricia walks to the couch and huddles into it before replying with a

"Yes,and we are having a sleep over" Edward stays silent for a while and then replies.

"Am happy that you have some one to accompany you in my absence!"

"And then, it must be very boring for you to stay in a big suite every day all by yourself!"

Tricia mutters and Edward replied.

"Now, sweetheart it is, you wouldn't want to try it!".

He spoke the smile not leaving his lips and poor Tricia fell right into his trap.

"I thought you go about with your secretary and personal assistants?, why don't they accompany you?"

"That i do, but are you sure that you want them to accompany me in my suite?"

He teased her with the smile still on his lips.


Tricia exclaims and blushes causing the smile on his lips to grow in further amusement.

"No!, I didn't mean for your secretary to accompany you I_,"

She trailed and then continued.

"I will speak with mum so Xavier can join you after the semester as this is their last year!"

Now, if Xavier were to hear her, he was sure to Pick a fight with her not minding their brother.Tricia thought as Edward praises her.

"Now, that's a very considerate girlfriend.I feel touched by your love for me!"

Tricia blushes till her turns red then clears her throat before replying.

"Stop bring cheesy Edward, I only felt sorry that you are lonely over there, having to deal with every thing by yourself, while I have mum, Xavier and xanier, not excluding val with me here"

"It hurts that you don't seem yo believe me!"

He fakes a gasp and Tricia snorts then yawns.

"Now, mister Withheald, you make me feel sleepy!"

"And here I thought I was being lively!"

"Uh_huh, I don't want you to stay up late, so I will go yo sleep and you can finish your work on time cause I know you have lots of them waiting for you to sought the out and then you can go to bed.I don't want you Heading out tomorrow with panther eyes and other ladies getting to gawk at you!"

"That's sweet coming from you, but then that sounds a little like an overprotective girlfriend!"

He tried to poke a reaction from her but Tricia ignores him ams only pouts demanding.

"You haven't kissed me good night yet!"

Edward blinks his eyes and replies.

"How would i, when I can't see you.Unless you want it through the screen"


She replies bashfully and Edward smiles.

"Alright,put your lips on the screen"

She puts her lips on the screen and Edward kisses the screen the same time and scolds her.

"Now, be a good girl and get to sleep!"

Tricia pouts her lips and mutters.


Which Edward replied to before the call was ended.

As the screen lights in his hand up showing the end of the call,the smile on Edward 's face falls and he throws the phone on the bed before walking into the bathroom as there was going to be nothing known as sleep in his books for the night.