
The Guardian Of The Multiverse

In the real world, there lived a young adult with a simple life. Until one fateful night, a small meteor barely noticeable landed near his home, then his entire life completely changed. He once fantasized about being a superhero but who would have thought that his dream would come true? Follow the story of the once called Adriel now Karito in his new adventure of being the multiverse's sole protector. He will fall, he will stand. But will he be up to the task of saving everything in reality? Let a new story unfold...

ElectricWrites · Cómic
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91 Chs

My Responsibility Part 2

(Marvel, DC, images, manhuas, and every anime that will be mentioned and used in this story are not mine. They all belong to their respective owners. The main character "Karito Josue Valdez" and the story are mine)

No Pov...

(Karito) "I just...thought that hanging out with powered people like me...would be fun...but I just seem to ruin everything..."

The mutants now lower their guard but not completely, they were now confused at what Karito had said.

(Kitty) "What do you mean?"

(Karito) " I'm Spider-man..."

(The entire group) "...What?"

(Jubilee) "Wait, you're the Avenger? Spider-Man?"

(Karito) "Hi..."

(Scott) "Prove it."

(Karito) "Okay." Shoots a web line to Kitty and pulls her towards him catching her around the waist

(Kitty) Flustered "I-uh-um-I-uh..."

(Karito) Helps her stand straight "There, enough proof? I don't wanna get caught in front of so many people in a disco."

(Scott) "Well, I'll be damned."

(Jane) "You gave us a scare right there, who would've thought you were a mutant like us?"

(Jubilee) "I know right?!"

(Karito) "Oh, I'm not a mutant."

(Kitty) "Then how do you explain your powers?"

(Karito) "Bitten by a radioactive spider..."

The group starts to laugh but then stops.

(Scott) "...Oh your serious..."

(Karito) "Mhm..."

(Jubilee) "Hey but, I heard that you disappeared all of a sudden for a week. You used to go out and help the city every day you even went to the hospital to visit fans. What happened?"

(Karito) "I...I'll...I don't know if I should say it."

(Jean) "Why?"

(Karito) "Because you will be disgusted by what I did that day."

(Scott) "Wait...the massacred children on the streets of New York...was that you?"

(Karito) "Would you believe me if I said that it was an accident?"

The group stood there, a collective hush descending upon them, their previously amiable camaraderie tinged with a sense of bewilderment and uncertainty. In this profound moment of revelation, their perception of Karito underwent a profound shift, his past actions defying their expectations and challenging their preconceived notions.

Scott, ever the embodiment of duty and responsibility, felt the instinctual surge of protective impulses coursing through his veins, his muscles primed to leap into action. However, Jean, her acute perception attuned to the nuances of the human psyche, intervened with a gentle touch upon his arm, a silent plea for patience and understanding. She understood the importance of discerning the full extent of Karito's story before hastily passing judgment.

(Jean) "You said it was an accident. How?"

(Karito) "...Jean you can read my mind...exactly a week earlier...when it happened."

(Jean) "You sure?"

(karito) "I should be the one asking you that."

(Jean) Hesitates but stands firm "I will do it."

(Karito) Looks around the booth and locks the door sits down "Be my guest."

Jean, her ethereal presence emanating a serene sense of wisdom, closed the gap between herself and Karito. The others, their gazes filled with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, observed from a respectful distance, their collective interest piqued by the unfolding tableau.

Logan roused from his brief slumber, rubbed his eyes, and took in the scene before him. Scott, ever the protector and mediator, approached his grizzled comrade, eager to convey the gravity of the situation. In hushed tones, he shared the context, offering a glimpse into the enigmatic circumstances that had brought Karito into their midst.

Meanwhile, Jean, her psychic abilities honed through years of disciplined practice, stepped forward with purpose. Her delicate hands, radiating an otherworldly warmth, came to rest gently upon Karito's temples, establishing a psychic connection that transcended the boundaries of the tangible world. In that moment, an intricate dance of consciousness unfolded, as Jean delved into the depths of Karito's memories and experiences.

Visions and emotions swirled within Jean's mind, fragments of a fragmented narrative. The tumultuous events of a week prior unfurled before her like a reel of film, the raw emotions of pain, regret, and anguish reverberating through her own psyche. As the images played out, Karito's story unfolded his pain and guilt laid bare for Jean's empathic discernment.


As Jean Grey delved deeper into Karito's memories, she found herself immersed in a web of vivid recollections.

The confrontation with Dark Vulture loomed large in her consciousness, the battle unfolding with a fervor that echoed the clash of titans. In her psychic exploration, Jean experienced the ebb and flow of the conflict firsthand. She felt the rush of adrenaline as Spider-Man swung through the urban expanse, the weight of responsibility upon his shoulders. The malevolence of Dark Vulture's illusions, transforming reality into a nightmarish desert, cast an eerie veil over the memories, intensifying the tension that pulsed through the air.

As the battle commenced, Jean observed Spider-Man's unwavering resolve, his indomitable spirit shining amidst the chaos. Blow after blow, the hero met the onslaught with unwavering determination. The visceral pain he endured became intermingled with Jean's own empathetic connection, her heart resonating with each impact and exertion.

Within the shared memory, a pivotal moment unfolded—the emergence of a swarm of vulture-like monsters, assailants intent on overwhelming Spider-Man. Jean's breath hitched, her mind ensnared by the escalating danger. She observed Spider-Man's resourcefulness, his desperate gamble to harness an extraordinary ability, transforming himself into a living explosion. The release of raw power, devastating in its magnitude, engulfed the adversaries, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Jean's gaze remained fixed on Spider-Man, a figure now fallen upon the sandy terrain. She felt the weight of his weariness, his pain echoing within her own being. But as the memory shifted, the landscape morphed into a nightmarish realm, Jean sensed the darkness that lay beneath the surface. Spider-Man's emotions cascaded over her, a torrential flood threatening to overwhelm her own psychic boundaries. With a valiant effort, Jean disentangled herself from the tumultuous maelstrom, seeking refuge from the abyss of despair.


Scott, witnessing Jean's distress, instinctively rushed to her side, his steps propelled by concern and a protective instinct that had been honed through countless battles. As he reached her, his arms enveloped her trembling form, offering solace and stability amidst the tempest of her fear.


(Karito) "...Nothing...I just showed her what happened."

As the rest of the group observed Jean's distress, a palpable unease settled among them, casting a shadow of uncertainty over their gathering. The weight of her anguish hung in the air, stifling the once-lively atmosphere and replacing it with a solemn hush.

Uncertain of how to navigate this unsettling turn of events, the group exchanged hesitant glances, their expressions a reflection of their shared concern. Each member, despite their own abilities and strengths, felt a sense of powerlessness in the face of Jean's turmoil.

In this tense moment, Logan, a figure known for his gruff demeanor and blunt honesty, stepped forward. His weathered face bore traces of empathy, his eyes revealing a depth of understanding that belied his rough exterior.

(Logan) "Bub, let's go for a walk shall we?"

(Karito) "Ok..."

As the tension in the group lingered, Logan, ever the perceptive one, made a decisive move to intervene. With a firm yet gentle hand, he guided Karito away from the disco's bustling atmosphere, seeking a more secluded space for their private conversation. The other X-Men remained behind, their concern palpable in the somber air.

Jean, still reeling from the intensity of her psychic experience, found herself immobilized by lingering fear. Her typically resolute demeanor gave way to a vulnerability that betrayed the depth of the impact Karito's memories had on her psyche. The weight of her unease hung heavy, casting a shadow over the gathering.

Meanwhile, the remaining three X-Men—Scott, Kitty, and Jubilee—witnessed the exchange with a mixture of empathy and pity. They had glimpsed into the depths of Karito's turmoil, catching a glimpse of the burdens he carried. Their hearts ached for the young hero, recognizing the weight of responsibility that rested upon his shoulders.

(Jean) "I should've at least...hugged him...the poor man...it wasn't his fault..." Crying

(Jubilee) "Jean...what happened?"

(Kitty) "Um...I don't know if I wanna know..."

(Scott) "Let's hear it. He's been nice to us and accompanied us, he saw us as people...not as monsters. So let's try and help a fellow hero."

(Jean) "Um..okay, if you say so..."

Scene change

Karito and Logan

No pov

As the two figures stood on the desolate rooftop, the rain began to fall, casting a melancholic atmosphere over the scene. Logan, ever the listener, remained silent, allowing Karito to pour out his heart with raw honesty. Each word uttered held weight, carrying the weight of the burdens he had carried alone.

The raindrops cascaded from the heavens, their gentle patter forming a symphony that echoed the emotions that hung heavy in the air. Despite the moisture that soaked their clothes, they paid no heed to the discomfort, for their focus was solely on the shared moment of vulnerability.

Time seemed to stand still as Karito unraveled the depths of his despair, recounting the pain and regret that gnawed at his core. Logan, with a weathered visage that bore witness to his own share of hardships, understood the weight of Karito's confession. His silence spoke volumes, offering a safe haven for the young hero to unburden himself.

(Logan) "You had a rough week. I just wanted to talk with you for a bit, okay? Look, I know what you're going through-"

(Karito) Starts to break down "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M GOING THROUGH!" Starts remembering all the responsibilities as a Guardian and all his most recent experiences "No... Idea..."

As the city bustled with its usual rhythm, a sudden hush fell upon the streets. All eyes were drawn to a colossal screen that illuminated the urban landscape. The screen, a vivid canvas of despair and heartache, unveiled the events that transpired a week ago—the devastation that shook the very foundation of New York City.

Flickering images danced across the screen, capturing the raw emotions of grief-stricken parents who clung to remnants of hope, their tear-stained faces etched with unimaginable sorrow. The scene unfolded like a haunting tableau, an indelible testament to the fragility of life and the profound loss that enveloped the city.

As the visuals played out, the weight of the tragedy reverberated through the collective consciousness of onlookers. Whispers of disbelief mingled with muted sobs, weaving an atmosphere of shared anguish. The screen became a mirror reflecting the shattered dreams and shattered lives that now defined the aftermath of that fateful battle.

Each frame showcased the indomitable spirit of resilience as parents, still bearing the wounds of their losses, grappled with their newfound reality. The grief-stricken faces etched on the screen became a poignant reminder of the irreplaceable void left by innocent lives extinguished too soon.

(Logan) "That's the place where it happened, ain't it?

(Karito) "Why am I doing this...? I don't deserve to live after what I did..."

(Logan) "When the people saw the Avengers save them from the alien invasion that happened in New York, you and a few other heroes stepped in and risked your lives. Everyone talked about you and the Avengers on how amazing you all were, taking down bad guys and saving civilians. I even heard a report of how you held a building and saved the almost crushed people, I heard how badly injured you were but despite the pain you were going through you gritted your teeth and continued, I heard how you redirected a nuke that was supposed to hit New York and in the process destroy those monsters in space. Everyone in the world was inspired by the bravery of the Avengers but the hot topic was you, how you saved people over and over and you didn't even bother taking the credit after the war, you kept on as a hero taking bad guys, you avoid proxy and your excuse was that you did what any hero would do. You have the heart of a hero kid. I believe you can do this and so are many people in the world, the mutants are inspired by you when they heard of you thinking that you are also a fellow mutant but it turns out you aren't. But Karito...you do have what it takes to be a hero."


(Logan) "You think I don't know what you're going through? ME?! Try this. It's like somebody shot a cannonball right through your stomach, leaving a great big hole. Eventually, it starts to close up from the outside in...and one day, it'll be different. The load won't feel as heavy."

(Karito) "..."

(Logan) "Of course, then you'll hear a song, or somebody will laugh or the wind will blow the wrong way...and the hole will tear wide open again."

(Karito) "I...I don't know what to say..."

(Logan) "Believe me or not, it heals back faster after each time."

(Karito) "...And when does it go away?"

(Logan) "You already know the answer to that or else you wouldn't have been standing after that fight in New York. You wanna know why it's called "depression"? Because it is depressing...A death isn't like losing a job or getting divorced. You don't "get over it". You have to integrate it into your life. Learn to live with it. But...life doesn't get better."

(Karito) "Will it be someday?"

(Logan) "Best you can hope for..."

(Karito) "Someday..."

As the rain continued its gentle descent from the darkened sky, a fleeting moment of solace enveloped the rooftop where Karito and Logan sought refuge. The rhythmic patter of raindrops provided a soothing cadence, momentarily shielding them from the weight of their shared burdens.

Their gazes met, unspoken understanding passing between them like a current in the air. In that ephemeral exchange, they acknowledged the resounding call to action that echoed in the distant explosion. It shattered the tranquil ambiance, a stark reminder of the turmoil that persisted beyond the sanctuary of the rooftop.

With a mutual nod, they acknowledged the urgency that demanded their attention. Rain-soaked clothes clung to their bodies, the droplets mingling with their resolve. It was a solemn agreement, a unification of purpose and the unyielding determination that defined their paths.

(Logan) "Remember Kid, learn and improve what you can do better. Never let a mistake happen twice."

(Karito) Looks down reflecting for a bit and looks up "I can't keep this up...people need me."

(Logan) "Then you have this covered right?"

(Karito) "Yeah, I do."

With unwavering determination, Karito propelled himself from the precipice of the towering building, a graceful leap that defied the force of gravity. As he sailed through the air, his agile form swiftly donned the familiar attire of his heroic alter ego. The crimson and black hues of his suit, adorned with the emblem of a spider, epitomized the essence of his arachnid-inspired persona.

Suspended by the slender thread of a web, Spider-Man traversed the cityscape with remarkable finesse. His movements were a symphony of fluidity and precision, guided by a web-slinger's intuition honed through countless encounters with adversity. The city's landscape blurred into streaks of vibrant lights, a mesmerizing tapestry of urban life.

The cacophony of the world below reached his ears, a discordant symphony of chaos and distress. The unmistakable sounds of turmoil echoed through the night air, beckoning Spider-Man to their source. In a seamless display of acrobatics, he swung towards the epicenter of the commotion, his trajectory a testament to his unwavering commitment to protect the innocent.

With practiced ease, Spider-Man descended upon the scene, the burning apartment complex casting an eerie glow against the night sky. The crackling flames licked at the building's facade, threatening to consume it in their fiery embrace. Urgent cries for help pierced the air, a haunting chorus that tugged at Spider-Man's sense of responsibility.

His keen senses heightened by the familiar tingling of his spider-sense, Spider-Man leapt into action. In a swift motion, he shattered a window, shards of glass dancing in his wake. His eyes scanned the interior, a meticulously calculated sweep that sought out signs of life amidst the encroaching inferno.

As he ventured deeper into the blazing building, Spider-Man's spider-sense guided him unerringly towards the trapped civilians. The frantic pounding of their hearts echoed in harmony with his own, a shared urgency that propelled him forward. With unwavering resolve, he set about extricating the imperiled souls, using his web-slinging prowess to provide a lifeline of salvation.

In the midst of his life-saving efforts, a familiar voice pierced through the chaos, cutting through the cacophony of the moment. Kara, his steadfast ally, relayed an urgent alert.

"WARNING! Dark minions are in the area. Not so major as a threat but proceed with caution. Numerous have been detected inside the building."

As the flames danced in a frenzied symphony, Spider-Man's senses heightened to a crescendo. The cacophony of panic and desperation reverberated in his ears, a dissonant melody that threatened to engulf him. But within the heart of the chaos, an insidious force gripped Spider-Man's being—a panic attack.

His body trembled with uncontrollable shivers, a chilling embrace that seemed to seep into his very core. Each breath became a labored struggle, his chest heaving with the weight of overwhelming anxiety. The memories of his harrowing encounter with Dark Vulture still lingered, a haunting specter that cast its shadow over his present.

Yet, amid the tempest of his anguish, a lifeline emerged—a conversation with Logan, a voice of reason and understanding that resonated deep within him. In those moments of vulnerability, Spider-Man mustered his inner strength, willing his racing heart to find solace in the echoes of those shared words.

With unwavering determination, Spider-Man mastered the art of controlling his breath, drawing in measured inhalations and exhaling the tendrils of fear that threatened to engulf him. His mind sharpened, his focus honed on the cries for help that pierced through the raging inferno.

Embracing his role as a guardian of the innocent, Spider-Man surged forward, his masked visage cutting through the billowing smoke. His senses guided him to the first civilian in need, a nearby door serving as the portal to their salvation. With a mighty swing of his web-enhanced strength, he shattered the flaming barrier, revealing a Japanese woman whose eyes glimmered with recognition and hope.

In her desperate embrace, Spider-Man found solace—a fleeting respite from the relentless onslaught of his own fears. He wasted no time, his every movement a testament to his unwavering commitment to those in peril. Using his web-slinging prowess, he created an escape route, defying the consuming fire that threatened to engulf them both.

With his burden securely cradled in his arms, Spider-Man leapt into the night, his webbing serving as a lifeline that gently slowed their descent. The ground embraced them with a grace born of heroic resolve, and Spider-Man's gaze remained steadfast, fixed on the daunting task that lay ahead—five more lives in desperate need of rescue.

Unyielding in his pursuit of heroism, Spider-Man darted back into the inferno, navigating the labyrinthine corridors with agility and purpose. His senses danced upon the precipice of danger, alert to the imminent threats that lurked within the depths of the scorching edifice.

As he reached the upper floor, his path obstructed by the impassable flames, a gargantuan electric monster materialized, its formidable presence a testament to the dangers that awaited him. With lightning-fast reflexes, Spider-Man defied the creature's menacing advance, sidestepping its deadly grasp with a nimble grace that belied the chaotic battlefield.

With a deafening roar, the monstrous entity called upon its brethren, a quartet of electric monstrosities converging upon Spider-Man with malicious intent. Undeterred, the arachnid hero harnessed his agility and unleashed a flurry of lightning-fast strikes. Like a phantom, he maneuvered through the onslaught, each blow executed with a precision that defied the chaos surrounding him.

In a display of acrobatic prowess, Spider-Man exploited his lateral repulsion, launching himself at the creature that summoned its allies. His knee met its mark, a devastating impact that sent the beast hurtling across the hall, disoriented and defeated. Seizing the advantage, Spider-Man deftly webbed the remaining adversaries together, entangling their formidable forms in a sticky embrace.

Drawing upon his resourceful nature, Spider-Man surveyed his surroundings, his gaze settling upon a heap of rubble. A spark of inspiration ignited within him, and he wove his webbing around the debris, fashioning a makeshift wrecking ball. With an impressive display of strength and finesse, he swung the impromptu weapon with a force that shattered the floor beneath them, plunging the monstrosities into the abyss below.

But as the dust settled, an eerie revelation gripped Spider-Man's senses—the primary antagonist had vanished, dissipating into a cloud of enigmatic darkness. His attention quickly shifted to the cries of the imperiled civilians, their pleas for salvation resonating in his ears with a haunting urgency. With unwavering resolve, Spider-Man hastened toward their location, shattering the obstructing wall that stood between them.

Within the smoldering room, a teenager stood before him, a glimmer of hope flickering in their eyes. Spider-Man wasted no time, scooping the young soul into his arms and propelling himself through the shattered window. The room erupted in a blinding explosion just as they made their daring escape, the hero's unwavering speed preserving the precious life entrusted to him.

Gently placing the teenager on solid ground, Spider-Man expressed gratitude for their well-being. Yet, their encounter was not without its repercussions. The teenager revealed that a family of four remained in peril, their intended journey to the rooftop abruptly intercepted by the raging inferno. Urgency coursed through Spider-Man's veins as he leapt into action, traversing the treacherous heights with unyielding determination.

Reaching the rooftop in a breathtaking display of athleticism, Spider-Man beheld the horrific tableau unfolding before him—a family on the precipice of calamity, their very lives threatened by the looming presence of the electric monster. Time seemed to dilate, a fleeting heartbeat stretching into eternity as Spider-Man bore witness to the imminent danger.

In a torrent of emotion, a primal scream erupted from Spider-Man's depths, an impassioned cry that echoed through the night. With unwavering resolve, he lunged forward, propelled by an inner fire that burned brighter than any inferno.

(Spider-Man) "NO!!!"

Imbued with crackling currents of electricity, Spider-Man harnessed the raw power coursing through his veins. In a swift, graceful motion, he propelled himself forward with an electrifying burst of energy, hurtling through the air like a celestial comet ablaze.

With a resounding impact, his fist collided with the malevolent monstrosity, a convergence of kinetic force and lightning-infused strength. The sheer magnitude of the blow unleashed an explosive shockwave, propelling the creature across the expanse, its trajectory disrupted as it careened towards an adjacent edifice. The reverberation of the collision echoed through the cityscap.

As the monster hurtled towards the building, its menacing form disintegrated into a swirling veil of obscure shadows. Like a specter vanishing into the night, it dissipated into nothingness, leaving behind an ephemeral residue of darkness.

Overwhelmed with relief, the family, their faces etched with profound gratitude, rejoiced at their miraculous deliverance. The mother, her eyes brimming with tears of gratitude, embraced Spider-Man in a heartfelt embrace, conveying her profound appreciation for his valiant intervention. Behind the mask, a faint smile tugged at the corners of Spider-Man's lips, his heart warmed by the knowledge that he had made a difference in their lives.

Gently extricating himself from the mother's embrace, Spider-Man gestured with a silent assurance that he would guide them to safety. With steady steps and unwavering resolve, he led them down from the precarious heights of the burning building, ensuring their descent was secure and their passage to safety assured.

As they reached the solid ground, mingling amidst the throng of grateful onlookers, Spider-Man's presence did not go unnoticed. Reporters, keen to capture his enigmatic exploits, swarmed around him, hungry for answers. Sensing the need for anonymity, he activated his camouflage skill, seamlessly blending into the crowd, evading the relentless pursuit of the press.

Yet, before his departure, a sense of duty and compassion compelled Spider-Man to seek out the individuals whose lives he had touched. Approaching the rescued family, he ensured their well-being, his eyes conveying a silent reassurance of their safety. Their faces radiant with gratitude, they expressed their eternal gratitude, a sentiment he humbly accepted, brushing off their profuse thanks as his gaze met that of the father, a silent acknowledgment passing between them.

(Father) "Thank you...thank you so much Spider-Man..."

With a subtle gesture, Spider-Man extended his gloved hand and formed a thumbs-up sign, a universal symbol of reassurance and approval. The father, his eyes brimming with gratitude and admiration, reciprocated the gesture with a warm smile, their unspoken connection affirming the unyielding bond forged through an act of heroism.

Assured of the family's safety and the absence of immediate danger, Spider-Man sprang effortlessly into the night sky, propelled by the seamless synergy of agility and web-slinging prowess. The wind caressed his masked face as he traversed the urban landscape, swinging with remarkable fluidity and grace, returning to the familiar sanctuary of the disco.

Upon landing gracefully on the rooftop of the establishment, Spider-Man deftly shed his heroic attire, donning his casual clothes with a swift and practiced efficiency. Blending effortlessly into the bustling atmosphere of the disco, he treaded the familiar path towards the room where his mutant allies awaited his return.

Entering the room, Spider-Man was met with a collective surprise that reverberated through the air. The mutants, their eyes alight with curiosity and anticipation, regarded him with a mixture of awe and intrigue. Logan, a seasoned observer of humanity's complexities, fixed his gaze upon Karito, conveying an unspoken understanding through a subtle nod of acknowledgment.

(Logan) "Did you do it?"

(Karito) "Yeah, and I saved those people."

(Logan) "I knew you could do it." Smirk

(Karito) "Thank you, Logan."

(Logan) "No problem, kid."

s Karito concluded his conversation with Logan, a sense of resolution and camaraderie settled within him. They made their way back to the private room, the ambient lights casting an aura of intimacy and comfort. Jubilee, perceptive and effervescent, detected their entrance and rose from her seat, she outstretched arms beckoning Karito into an embrace suffused with genuine warmth.

(Jubilee) "I'm sorry for what happened to you..." Hides her face in Karito's shoulder

(Karito) Hugs her "It's alright, I just need to live with my mistakes. Never repeat them again and become better."

(Jubilee) "Good." breaks the hug

(Kitty) "My turn!" Tackle hugs Karito

(Karito) Catches her "Woah! Calm down tiger!"

(Kitty) Giggles

(Scott) Places his hand on Karito's arm "You have done well. Don't ever let adversity pull you down. Keep standing up even if it hurts."

(Karito) Breaks the hug with Kitty "Of course."

(Jean) "At least you're doing a little better than before."

(Karito) "I guess it was the pep talks, you know?"

(Jean) Giggles "Of course."

(Karito) "But seriously guys. This was great, thank you."

(Jubilee) "Hey, superheroes need saving sometimes." Smiles

(Karito) "Of course."

(Scott) "The night is still young, let's keep going!"

(Everyone else) "YEAH!"

Karito basked in the newfound sense of purpose and determination that had taken root within him. He recognized the weight of his responsibility, the burden of ensuring the safety of innocent lives, and the resolve to confront and eradicate the dark forces that threatened the multiverse. The echoes of Logan's advice resonated deeply within him, propelling him forward with an unwavering commitment to never allow such tragedy to befall the world again.

But for now, in this fleeting moment of respite, Karito chose to immerse himself in the joyous ambiance of the disco. He embraced the company of his newfound friends, the X-Men, as they ventured onto the dance floor, surrendering themselves to the rhythm of the music. Laughter and mirth filled the air as they reveled in the simple pleasures of dancing, sharing light-hearted moments, and indulging in drinks that temporarily swept away the weight of their burdens.

The pulsating beats emanating from the speakers intertwined with the exuberance etched upon Karito's face. In the company of his companions, he found solace and kinship, united by a shared purpose and the transient nature of this ephemeral euphoria. Time, however, proved to be a relentless adversary, reminding them that this jubilant interlude would soon give way to the dawn of a new day.

Returning to their sanctuary, the X-Men retreated to their room, seeking rest and respite from the night's revelries. Amidst their fatigue, they engaged in spirited bouts of classic board games, the clattering of dice and the shuffling of cards punctuating their laughter-filled exchanges. Karito's mischievous encounters with Jubilee and Kitty during their playful games of chance added an extra layer of amusement, drawing smiles and teasing banter among the group.

As the hours slipped away, dawn approached, signaling the need for the X-Men to bid farewell to the disco and its enchanting embrace. They acknowledged the transience of these cherished moments, cherishing the memories forged in this fleeting sanctuary. Reluctantly, they made their way towards the exit, their steps heavy with the knowledge that the night's festivities would soon become mere echoes in their collective consciousness.

(Karito) "Well, it was fun spending time with you all."

(Scott) "Same here man, I'm glad we meet."

(Jean) "Mhm, you're a very nice person Karito."

(Jubilee) Bites her lips "And a great kisser too~"

(Kitty) Nods in agreement

(Karito) "Anyways, Logan I can't thank you enough."

(Logan) "Don't be, I did what I had to."

(Karito) "Yeah, I'll be fine now. Thanks"

As Karito bid farewell to his companions, their parting exchanges infused with Jubilee's mischievous teasing, he found himself standing alone in the room. His gaze drifted downwards, settling upon the familiar surroundings that intertwined two separate realities. It was a peculiar convergence, a momentary blending of realms caused by the enigmatic influence of the Dark minions that haunted his existence. A transient intermingling, where two worlds momentarily coalesced before resuming their distinct paths.

Lost in contemplation, Karito's eyes shifted towards Tony Stark, who slumbered peacefully upon the sofas, a steadfast presence that seemed to transcend the boundaries of reality. It was as if the threads of fate had intricately woven their destinies together, bringing them to this very point. A subtle amalgamation of their individual journeys, intersecting within this shared space.

The realization dawned upon Karito, stirring within him a sense of gratitude and appreciation for Tony's unwavering support. Their time spent together in Japan, a deliberate endeavor by Tony to uplift Karito's spirits, held significance beyond mere companionship. It symbolized a respite, a sanctuary where Karito could find solace and healing amidst the trials that beset him.

With gentle care, Karito scooped Tony into his arms, carrying him towards the penthouse that housed their temporary abode. The weight of Tony's slumbering form served as a reminder of the burdens they both carried, a testament to their shared experiences and the bond forged through adversity. Karito settled Tony upon his bed, ensuring his comfort, and left him to his restful repose.

Alone once more, Karito retreated to his own sleeping quarters, the room that served as his sanctuary within this ephemeral haven. He settled onto his bed, the events of the day weighing upon his mind. A soft smile graced his lips as he reflected upon the week-long sojourn, a respite gifted by Tony's unwavering support and friendship.

With a conscious effort to clear his thoughts, Karito closed his eyes, surrendering himself to the embrace of sleep. The weight of his responsibilities momentarily lifted, his mind found tranquility in the promise of a new day. As he drifted into slumber, he carried with him a sense of contentment, the assurance of respite within the sanctum of his dreams.

During that eventful week, Karito found himself immersed in a world of luxury and opulence alongside Tony. The experience was a stark departure from his modest upbringing, where the notion of visiting upscale establishments seemed like an unattainable dream. The mere sight of the extravagant menus evoked a sense of awe and disbelief, as if he were about to embark on an otherworldly feast fit for royalty.

Their itinerary took them to various distinguished restaurants, each offering a gastronomic journey that tantalized the senses and pushed the boundaries of culinary artistry. Indulging in these exquisite delicacies, Karito couldn't help but marvel at the transformation of his reality, momentarily transcending the limitations of his past circumstances.

Beyond the realm of culinary delights, Tony and Karito delved into the rich cultural tapestry of Japan. They embarked on explorations through vibrant museums and historic landmarks, drinking in the legacy and heritage of this storied nation. Their journey brought them to a haven of tranquility, a grand hotel that exuded a sense of timeless elegance and provided respite from the bustling world. Within its walls, they were treated like royalty, their every need catered to, granting them the freedom to unwind and savor the moment.

As their escapades continued, Tony and Karito ventured to renowned tourist destinations, embracing the role of avid sightseers. Among their sojourns, the majestic Mount Fuji beckoned, its allure captivating their gaze. However, the boundaries of religious customs restricted their ascent, preventing them from reaching the summit that served as the ethereal bridge between heaven and earth. It was a reminder of the diverse beliefs and customs held dear by the people of Japan, their reverence for the sacred intertwined with the natural beauty that surrounded them.

In an act of compassion and reverence for those who had lost their way, Karito paused to pay homage to the souls said to dwell within the tragic depths of the nearby suicide forest. In a moment of contemplation, he offered his prayers, seeking solace and peace for those who had succumbed to despair.

With the weight of his compassion lifting his spirit, Karito resumed his intimate vacation with Tony, cherishing the bonds formed and the memories forged. Their journey was a testament to the transformative power of friendship and the capacity for newfound experiences to reshape one's perspective. As the week drew to a close, Karito carried within him a profound appreciation for the moments of respite and the glimpses of a world beyond his imagination.

During his sojourn in Japan, Karito found a delicate balance between leisurely pursuits during the day and vigilant heroics under the cover of nightfall. As the sun bathed the vibrant cityscape, he relished in the vibrant offerings of the culture, exploring bustling streets and partaking in the enchanting traditions that wove through the fabric of Japanese life. However, even amidst the festivities, his sense of duty and unwavering commitment to justice remained steadfast.

While the crimes he encountered bore a certain familiarity, with the occasional encounters with common thieves, it was the reprehensible acts of sexual assault that stirred a righteous fury within him. The very notion of such heinous actions against the vulnerable filled him with disgust. Though he exercised restraint, he would unleash a measured and relentless retribution upon those perpetrators, ensuring they received their just desserts before promptly delivering them into the waiting hands of law enforcement. His unwavering dedication to the victims of these atrocities led him to provide solace and reassurance, escorting the affected women safely back to their homes, where gratitude flowed abundantly from their hearts.

With a nod and a wave, Spider-Man bid them farewell, gracefully leaping into action, his web-shooters propelling him through the city's labyrinthine web of streets and skyscrapers. As he swung through the urban expanse, his thoughts briefly turned to the prospect of acquiring a skill known as linguistics, a mastery that would bestow upon him the ability to communicate effortlessly in every language spoken across the globe. However, the steep cost of 10 million coins served as a sobering reminder of the decisions that must be made, as the acquisition of the detoxification skill had taken precedence. Nonetheless, he filed the thought away for future consideration, his mind set firmly on the immediate task at hand.

In a serendipitous twist of fate, Spider-Man's keen senses detected a troubled figure perched precariously on the edge of a rooftop. Without a moment's hesitation, he gracefully descended, alighting near the individual while ensuring an appropriate distance was maintained, conveying both his concern and respect. As the scene unfolded, a contingent of policemen arrived, their collective gaze fixed upon the web-slinger, their hopes and expectations pinned upon his ability to save the tormented soul on the precipice.

Anticipating the challenge of communicating with the distressed individual, Spider-Man steeled himself for potential linguistic barriers. However, to his surprise and relief, the young man responded in fluent English, mirroring his own linguistic proficiency. This unexpected commonality forged a connection, transcending the limitations of language, and allowing the two to engage in a heartfelt dialogue that delved into the depths of despair and the value of life.

(Spider-Man) "Hey man, why don't we step away from the edge and talk? Please, it looks like things have been hard for you. Let's talk an-"

(Man) Aggressive "NO! Stay away from me! Don't you touch me! I know what you're doing, you are just gonna wait until I drop my guard and you will shoot those webs from your hand and catch me by force! Because I know damn well you can just do exactly that! You are stronger and faster than me and I can't do anything about it! I heard that when you give your word you never break it. Is that true!" Both stay silent but the jumper was impatient and screamed at the masked hero "TELL ME, IS IT TRUE?!"

(Spider-Man) "...Yes."

(Man) "Then promise me, I want you to promise! You won't try to forcefully stop me when I jump. If I jump it's because I choose to do so...and you won't stop me. If you promise then...I'll talk."

(Spider-Man) Deep sigh "Okay, I promise. I won't stop you, and I won't forcefully stop you from jumping..."

Observing the unfolding scene from their vantage point on the streets below, the vigilant policemen found themselves in a state of contemplation, their brows furrowed in a mix of curiosity and concern. Though the hero's actions appeared enigmatic, they opted to exercise patience, understanding that hasty intervention could disrupt the delicate equilibrium between hope and despair that hung in the balance.

(Man) "Ok..."

(Spider-Man) "Tell me what's wrong..."

(Man) "I buried my wife, I stood there...even after everyone else left. Her parents died and her family doesn't even care about her...she only had me and. I was alone...there...just watching her grave...and I thought...is this it? I mean, is that all there is? Busting my ASS off in a cubicle six days a week! I'll have to do that until I was too old to do it anymore and then DIE! Is that it?! Is that what we're HERE for?! What's the point?! My wife was my only anchor! She was the only one keeping me sane in my life! My family is too busy to even visit my home and say hi! She...was my only hope...and we didn't even have a child...and she was so happy about the idea." The man calmed down and continued his story "When I graduated high school, I thought...We all thought...we're gonna go off and do great things. We're gonna change the world. Hell even SAVE it! If somebody said "Hey you're gonna pump gas your whole life" or "Better get used to cleaning up after people because that's gonna be YOUR whole life," we would've laughed at them. IT'S NOT FAIR! NONE OF IT IS FAIR! AND DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME IT IS!"

(Spider-Man) "...I won't because you're right. It's not fair. There are people with actual change that have died for the good of humanity but are not recognized and are left in the dust while there are others who won't do shit about it and that are still alive and fattening their bellies while stealing from the people who bust their ass on a daily basis. Fuck, J.F.K. is dead and Castro is alive. Gandhi is dead but Manson keeps hanging there somehow. It's not fair...but...it's not unfair either...it's just...is..."

(Man) Laughs and starts crying "That's it? That's the best you can do? It's neither fair nor unfair, it just is."

(Spider-Man) "I'm telling you because that's the truth. We all have dreams, we get out of school hoping for a bright future. Some do make a change, but others just suffer..." Looks up to the stars for a bit and sighs "And your right when you say we all come out of high school thinking we're going to save the world...we do sometimes...and other times...we don't. So you don't think about saving the world. You think about saving just one person."

(Man) "..."

(Spider-Man) "All I know is that we have to try. That's what life is. We try and push back against hardships...even if just a little we-"

(Man) "Can we...just not talk about this anymore? For a while at least? My head is killing me, I feel sluggish...I feel empty...I don't know for how long I have been crying...I just...want to rest for a bit."

(Spider-Man) "Okay...just rest. I'll be here when you're ready to talk." Grabs his phone "Ironman, I'm gonna keep a friend company. Return to New York tomorrow without me." Hangs up and sits down

(Man) Sits down as well

Engaged in a state of patient anticipation, Spider-Man found himself immersed in the realm of waiting. With his message to Tony sent, he had arranged for a private jet to be on standby, ready to whisk him away when the time was right. Until then, he sought respite and sustenance in the bustling ambiance of the gamer systems shop.

With a deft exchange of currency, Spider-Man secured his meal without delay. There was no need for idle waiting as he deftly navigated the intricacies of the transaction, seamlessly merging his heroic duties with the pleasure of indulgence. The shop's digital interface provided a seamless experience, allowing him to acquire the Tripleta with the utmost efficiency.

As he grasped the fragrant culinary creation in his hands, the intoxicating aroma of succulent meats and tantalizing spices enveloped his senses. The savory symphony of flavors danced upon his taste buds, an instantaneous reward for his discerning palate. Each bite offered a burst of culinary bliss, the perfect blend of textures and seasonings.


Morning dawned upon the scene, casting its ethereal light upon the steadfast figures of Spider-Man and the troubled man on the rooftop. Time seemed to stand still as they remained rooted in their respective positions, engaged in a silent communion of shared humanity.

Spider-Man, ever attuned to the needs of others, recognized the significance of personal hygiene even in the midst of a crisis. With utmost care and consideration, he departed momentarily to procure the necessary toiletries: toothpaste and a toothbrush. A brief absence marked by a quest for the essentials of self-care.

The hero's return was punctuated by a renewed sense of purpose. As his gaze fell upon the man, a silent understanding passed between them. Words were not required to convey the unwavering commitment that Spider-Man held for the troubled soul before him. Together, they continued to occupy their respective spaces, a tableau frozen in time, as the city bustled below, unaware of the poignant moment unfolding above.


As the sun ascended to its zenith, casting its golden glow upon the cityscape, Spider-Man assumed a posture of alert tranquility. His senses attuned to the subtlest of disturbances, the hero remained ever vigilant, phone in hand, navigating the digital realm with a deftness that mirrored his physical prowess.

Yet, even in this moment of technological engagement, Spider-Man's unwavering focus never wavered from the troubled man who stood beside him. The vigilance of his spider-sense, a sixth sense honed by experience, ensured that no peril would go unnoticed. It was a testament to his commitment to protect and serve, a guardian ever watchful in the face of unseen dangers.

In his other hand, Spider-Man held an array of delectable sustenance, an offering of nourishment and comfort. He extended this gesture of goodwill to the man, recognizing the solace that a shared meal can provide. However, the man's refusal signaled a deep-seated inner turmoil, a hesitation to partake in the physical nourishment that the hero had brought forth.

Undeterred by the rejection, Spider-Man placed the spare food within reach, a silent invitation should the man's resolve waver. The hero understood that healing and acceptance cannot be forced but must be embraced on one's own terms. And so, he left the sustenance as a symbol of his unwavering support, a lifeline that could be grasped when the time was right.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, relinquishing its hold on the world, the nocturnal symphony of the city took center stage. Amidst the bustling streets and flickering lights, Spider-Man remained vigilant, his fingertips dancing across the screen of his phone, orchestrating a symphony of justice.

With each message sent to the local authorities, the hero served as a conduit of information, sharing knowledge of the crimes unfolding in the shadows. Guided by the ever-watchful eyes of Kara, his trusted ally and guardian, Spider-Man ensured that no transgression went unnoticed, no injustice unchecked.

Yet, in the midst of this relentless pursuit of law and order, a voice emerged from the shadows. It was the voice of the troubled man, a symphony of words that cut through the silence of the night. Spider-Man's attention swiftly shifted, his senses acutely attuned to the profound revelation that awaited.

(Man) "Can you tell them to turn off the spotlight? It's hurting my eyes..."

(Spider-Man) "Alright, man." He stands up and shoots the switch on the spotlight turning it off

(Man) "Thanks..."

(Spider-Man) "You're welcome."

(Man) "There's a lot of people down there..."

(Spider-Man) "Yes. I've seen people splattered on the sidewalk before. Are you sure you want to do that to them?"

(Man) "I don't know...I feel like I don't know anything anymore. I don't know what to do..."

(Spider-Man) "Hey, can I tell you something? I've lost... so many friends. Let me share three stories with you. There was this guy, Rafael, one of my best buddies from school. He had this birthmark on his cheek, and we were inseparable. We had plans to go catch a movie and cheer up another friend who was going through a tough time after losing her dad. But one morning, as we were crossing the street, out of nowhere, this drunk driver comes speeding and hits Rafael. I watched in horror as his body broke, bones shattered, and blood was everywhere. That image is burned into my memory, man. The driver took off, leaving us devastated."

Spider-Man's voice cracks with emotion.

"And then there was my friend, about to graduate high school. He had big dreams of becoming a biologist, moving to America, starting a family. We were still trying to cope with Rafael's loss when tragedy struck again. An old lady reversed her car in a parking lot without noticing him, and... she ran him over, dragging him across the concrete. When she hit the fence, it snapped his neck. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't bear losing another friend so suddenly, you know?"

A moment of silence as Spider-Man collects himself.

"But let me tell you about Andrea. She had been through so much, and we were there for each other. We went to an arcade with our friends, trying to find some joy amidst the darkness. Little did I know, it would be the last time I saw her. A drugged-up driver carelessly crashed into her, taking her life away. It felt like the world was playing a sick joke on me, losing three loved ones, one after the other."

Tears well up in Spider-Man's eyes as he continues.

"I'm sharing these stories with you because I know what it's like to be surrounded by darkness, to feel like hope is slipping away. But I want you to know that even in the darkest moments, there's still a glimmer of hope. And if you're willing to hold on to that, I'm here for you. I promised myself that if I ever saw someone in need, I'd reach out and help them, no questions asked. So, if you think there's even a tiny chance for things to get better, take my hand. Let me be there for you."

Spider-Man extends his hand, his voice filled with compassion and vulnerability.

The man's face contorted with a mix of shock, sorrow, and relief as Spider-Man's words sank in. Tears welled up in his eyes, streaming down his cheeks as he listened to the hero's heartbreaking stories. The weight of Spider-Man's own losses, yet his unwavering commitment to helping others, touched the man's heart in a profound way.

Overwhelmed with emotion, the man reached out and clasped Spider-Man's hand, their grip firm yet tender. In that moment, a profound connection was formed, a silent understanding passing between them. And then, without hesitation, they embraced, their bodies drawing close in a shared moment of solace and empathy.

As their arms wrapped around each other, the man's dam of emotions burst forth, his sobs escaping uncontrollably. It was a release, a catharsis born from the genuine compassion and support Spider-Man had offered. In that tight embrace, the man felt the weight of his burdens easing, knowing that he was not alone in his struggles.

(Spider-Man) "It'll be alright...you're safe...you're safe." Hugs the man back

(Man) "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." Hugs the hero tighter

(Spider-Man) "Just...let it all go, man... it's alright." Gently taps his back

(Man) "Alright...alright..."

Both figures held onto each other, finding solace in the embrace that seemed to stretch beyond time. Their connection, forged in vulnerability and understanding, brought a sense of comfort and healing to both their weary souls. Thirty minutes dissolved into an eternity as they clung to one another, offering a lifeline amidst the tumultuous sea of emotions.

Eventually, Spider-Man gently disengaged from the embrace, his hand lingering on the man's shoulder for a moment longer before they began their descent down the stairs of the building. The police, aware of the delicate nature of the situation, stood ready to offer support and guidance to the man, ensuring his well-being and mental health were properly attended to.

Spider-Man watched as the man was carefully escorted away, a sense of relief mingling with a tinge of melancholy. He had devoted an entire day to reaching out and helping the man find his way back from the brink of despair, and in the end, he had succeeded in saving a life. The hero's gaze drifted upward, the night sky serving as a backdrop to his introspective thoughts. Consulting his trusty timepiece, he realized just how much time had passed during this intense encounter.

With a final glance at the starlit heavens, Spider-Man turned his attention to practical matters. He navigated his way to the airport, his luggage already stowed safely within his inventory. Arriving at the designated private jet left behind by Tony Stark, Spider-Man gratefully sank into the plush seats, exhaustion tugging at his weary frame. The hum of the aircraft's engines lulled him into a deep and much-needed slumber, a respite from the emotional exertion of the day.

After what felt like an eternity suspended in the peaceful embrace of sleep, Spider-Man finally stirred as the plane touched down in his beloved city of New York. Gratitude flowed from his lips as he expressed his appreciation to the crew and fellow passengers who had shared the journey with him. Eager to return to the familiar comforts of home, he wasted no time in making his way to his humble abode.

Once there, a hot shower washed away the remnants of the long journey, rejuvenating his senses and allowing him to shed the weight of the day. Clad in fresh garments, he settled onto his bed, his gaze drifting upward to the ceiling above. As his mind began to settle, a small but important realization surfaced: his notifications awaited his attention, a digital reflection of the world that had continued to spin in his absence.

Curiosity piqued, Karito reached for his system, his fingers deftly navigating the digital realm.

(Karito) "Hey, Kara...open notifications...please."

"Yes, Player."

Main Quest Complete

Defeat Dark Vulture


10 million Gold

50 thousand EXP

New Spider-Men skill

Main Quest complete

Defeat creatures of Dark


5 million Gold

5 thousand EXP

10 + on all skills

Karito's eyes widened in astonishment, his jaw dropping ever so slightly as he beheld the staggering numbers before him. A surge of elation coursed through his veins as he took in the sheer magnitude of his newfound wealth—15 million gold—a fortune that exceeded his wildest expectations. The accumulation of 55 thousand EXP further fueled his sense of accomplishment, a testament to the trials he had endured and the growth he had attained.

Yet, it was the revelation of a new skill, an enigmatic gift awaiting his exploration, that captured Karito's attention. The allure of its untapped potential beckoned to him, promising untold possibilities and abilities beyond his current repertoire. With a mix of anticipation and curiosity, he resolved to unveil this mysterious skill, eager to unlock its secrets and integrate it into his ever-evolving arsenal.

However, amidst the expanse of his achievements and the allure of his growing prowess, Karito's discerning mind cautioned against becoming too fixated on the material rewards. He understood that true fulfillment lay not solely in the accumulation of wealth and power, but in the pursuit of purpose and personal growth. While he could have desired more, Karito chose to remain grounded, appreciating the progress he had made while remaining open to the boundless potential that lay ahead.

"Choosing Random Spider-Men skill"





Retractable Stingers: From both of his wrists, Karito is able to produce a pronounced stinger about the length of a standard sword. It is very sharp and durable, able to cleanly and effortlessly slice through solid metal.

Karito's gaze intensified as he rose from his seat, a sense of purpose emanating from within him. The revelation of his new skill had ignited a dormant fire, urging him to explore its intricacies and push the boundaries of his abilities. With a deliberate motion, he extended his arms, and to his amazement, two sleek stingers emerged from his wrists, glistening with an otherworldly sheen.

Embracing the novelty of his newfound power, Karito swayed his arms in a graceful arc, testing the range and dexterity of his stingers. Each motion felt fluid, a seamless extension of his will, as if he had tapped into a wellspring of untapped potential. Satisfied with his impromptu display, he commanded the skill to retract, and with a subtle retraction, the stingers receded into the recesses of his wrists, leaving no trace but a lingering sense of unfamiliarity.

Undeterred by the enigmatic sensation, Karito directed his attention towards his ever-evolving status. It had been some time since he had delved into the depths of his progress, and a surge of anticipation coursed through his veins. With a mere thought, he called forth the intricate web of information, a virtual tapestry of his accumulated experiences, skills, and growth.

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 21

EXP: 100/21,000

HP: 76,000/76,000

Prestige: 2

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 80

END: 68

INT: 65

DEX: 104

VIT: 76

(Stat Points) SP: 54


Spider Physiology: Gained the proportionate abilities of a spider that had been genetically modified with the Oz formula.

(Level 40/100) Superhuman Strength: Possesses superhuman strength, making him capable of lifting at least 53 tons. His physical strength also extends into his legs, enabling him to be able to jump to a height of several stories in a single bound.

(Level 44/100) Superhuman Speed: Possesses the proportionate speed of a spider, therefore he can run and move at speeds that are beyond the physical limits of the finest human athlete.

(Level 43/100) Superhuman Stamina: Players' advanced musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows him to exert himself physically for much longer periods before fatigue begins to impair him. Karito can physically exert himself for several hours in his best condition before the build-up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.

(Level 37/100)Superhuman Durability: Player's body is physically tougher and more resistant to some types of injury than the body of a normal human. His body is also more resistant to impact forces than most humans.

(Level 40/100) Superhuman Agility: Agility, balance, flexibility, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of an Olympic-level gymnast.

(Level 42/100) Superhuman Equilibrium: Possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He can adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.

(Level 42/100) Superhuman Reflexes: Reflexes are enhanced and are currently about 60 times greater than those of an ordinary human. In combination with his spider-sense, the speed of his reflexes allows him to dodge almost any attack.

Wall-Crawling: Can cling to any surface using just his fingertips and feet.

(Level 45/100) Spider-Sense: When danger is present, The Player feels a buzzing sensation in his head as a sort of early warning system, allowing him to react accordingly. His spider-sense offers him near-complete awareness of his surroundings, and in conjunction with his reflexes, allows him to instinctively dodge or counter nearly all attacks. His spider-sense seems to be greatly enhanced compared to that of the original Spider-Man. For example, being able to see visions of the future before it even happens.

(Level 45/100) Venom Blasts: Can generate and manipulate a form of bio-electricity that his body produces, and can utilize the energy for multiple purposes. These energy projections vary in power and can affect the nervous system in humans and destroy technology. Depending on the intensity of the Venom Blast, some opponents can be simply dazed, while others can be completely incapacitated. It's also more effective on people with genetic alterations.

(Level 23/100) Mega Venom Blast: Able to emit a larger scale burst of bio-electricity from his entire body. It is powerful enough to repel a large group of opponents and destroy thick ropes and chains. This ability will leave Karito exhausted after using it and can be triggered by extreme stress.

(Level 40/100) Venom Beam: Player can channel his bio-electricity outward as a direct burst of electrostatic energy to knock away enemies in a stunning/concussive manner.

(Level 40/100) Venom Punch: Player can enhance the power of his punches by infusing his fists with bio-electricity.

(Level 38/100) Energy-Thread Generation: Player can produce threads of bio-electricity from his hands. Said spinnerets carry the same tensile prehensility of his web fluid, allowing him to swing from place to place or yank and flail around his opponents. He can also send a debilitating electric shock which disrupts their nervous systems as his Venom Blasts do.

(Level 41/100)Lateral Repulsion: By projecting a controlled Venom Blast, The Player can launch himself in the air with greater force than when jumping or web-swinging.

Spider-Camouflage: The Player, including his clothing, can blend into his surroundings, allowing him to sneak up on his enemies or, in some cases, flee from them. The effect closely resembles that of invisibility.

Accelerated Decoy: This allows The Player to move so fast that he can leave behind a body double for enemies to attack.

Detoxification: If Karito is poisoned, this buff automatically purges the said poison from his body.

(Level 10/100) Retractable Stingers: From both of his wrists, Karito is able to produce a pronounced stinger about the length of a standard sword. It is very sharp and durable, able to cleanly and effortlessly slice through solid metal.

(Level 21/100) Mark Of Kaine: Karito can channel energy endothermically through his hands and leave a severe burn mark on a person by making skin-to-skin contact with them.

(Level 34/100) Regenerative Healing Factor: Can regenerate his injuries much faster than normal humans can.

(Level 45/100) Karate: (Japanese: "empty hand") unarmed martial-arts discipline employing kicking, striking, and defensive blocking with arms and legs. Emphasis is on concentrating as much of the body's power as possible at the point and instant of impact. There are four main styles of karate in Japan: Shotokan, Goju-Ryu, Shito-Ryu, and Wado-Ryu.

(Level 45/100) Way Of The Spider: The Way of the Spider is a martial arts style developed by Spider-Man and Shang-Chi as a way for Spider-Man to compensate for the loss of his Spider-Sense. Peter Parker (Original Spider-Man) combined his bullying experiences, his superhuman capabilities, concepts from Fighting Form, and his training from Shang-Chi to create it. He also increased his skill with it using his now returned Spider-Sense. He also combined his mastery of acrobatics into the Way of the Spider. He uses this fighting style to counter all types of combatants and it complements his.

(Level 30/100) Hacker: This skill enables The Player to hack any kind of technology. The higher skill the more things The Player can hack.

(Level 32/100) Cooking: The skill to be able to cook the finest of meals, The Player will develop a more refined taste buds because of this skill. The higher the skill the better you will cook and be able to put buffs in your meals.

(Level 30/100) Cleaning: This skill will allow The Player to leave all surfaces and materials clean. The higher the skill the more efficient you will clean to the point where you will be able to add buffs to the surfaces or materials you cleaned.

???????????: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Karito's brows furrowed in deep contemplation as he mulled over the allocation of his hard-earned status points. Each point held the potential to unlock new realms of power and capability, a critical decision that could shape the trajectory of his journey. He understood the weight of this choice, and he refused to let it be swayed by impulse or frivolity.

Minutes stretched into eternity as Karito delved into the recesses of his mind, evaluating his strengths, weaknesses, and the ever-evolving demands of the battles that awaited him. He meticulously weighed the merits of each potential investment, considering the intricate balance between offense and defense, agility and resilience, finesse and brute force.

In this moment of introspection, Karito tapped into the depth of his experience and intuition, drawing upon the lessons learned from countless encounters. His mind became a battlefield, where strategies clashed and possibilities intertwined. He envisioned himself in the heat of combat, analyzing the nuanced dynamics of each engagement, anticipating the tools and attributes that would give him the decisive edge.

Finally, a surge of clarity washed over him, illuminating the path he should tread. With unwavering resolve, Karito made his decision, a calculated move guided by a profound understanding of his own capabilities and the challenges that lay ahead. Each status point found its purpose, woven into the tapestry of his growth.

Player: Karito Josue Valdez

Level: 21

EXP: 100/21,000

HP: 76,000/76,000

Prestige: 2

Hero: Spider-Man (Miles Morales)

STR: 90

END: 78

INT: 75

DEX: 118

VIT: 86

(Stat Points) SP: 0

Karito's discerning eyes scanned the bustling cityscape, his mind alive with the knowledge of his newfound abilities. Satisfied with his well-rounded approach, he opted to distribute his status points evenly, allotting ten points to every aspect of his being. The culmination of his efforts resulted in a symphony of enhanced strength, agility, resilience, and intellect. And with a final touch, Karito directed four points towards dexterity, amplifying his nimbleness and finesse to unprecedented heights.

A contented smile graced Karito's face as he basked in the realization of his augmented potential. He relished the sensation of his muscles stretching and joints realigning as he indulged in a series of gratifying stretches. With each satisfying pop, he could almost feel the surge of power coursing through his veins, reaffirming his readiness to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Turning his attention to his trusty phone, Karito felt compelled to share his arrival with Tony, even if the astute businessman might already be aware. A brief message was sent, a small gesture to acknowledge their connection and offer a glimpse into the next chapter of his journey.

As Karito stepped outside his abode, the world awaited him, brimming with potential and possibilities. Sensing an opportunity to revel in his newfound abilities, he activated his suit with seamless efficiency, the fabric clinging to his form, blending him seamlessly with the shadows that danced across the alleyway. With a single bound, he leaped into the air, propelled by the force of his web-slinging prowess.

Minutes morphed into an eternity as Spider-Man swung through the cityscape, his agile movements carving arcs of grace against the urban backdrop. Yet, a simmering restlessness stirred within him, an insatiable craving for action that surpassed the mundanity of everyday life.

Suddenly, his spider-sense tingled with a sense of urgency, piercing the monotony of the quiet streets. A middle-aged man, weighed down by a bundle of groceries, emerged from a nearby shop, innocently oblivious to the impending danger. Spider-Man's instincts went on high alert, warning him of an imminent threat concealed beneath the garments of an individual about to enter the same establishment.

Harnessing the power of lateral repulsion, Spider-Man accelerated his journey, effortlessly landing in front of the shop with an air of unwavering determination. His gaze locked onto the unsuspecting figure, now demanding money with a concealed weapon held firmly in his grasp. Undeterred, Spider-Man strode forward, his presence both a challenge and a beacon of hope in the face of wrongdoing, as he gently tapped the assailant's shoulder, silently signaling that his malevolent plans were about to be foiled.

(Spider-Man) "Hey, the shooting range is a few more miles ahead."

(Theif) "OH SHI-" Randomly shoots but gets electrocuted by Spider-Man who taps his forehead and falls to the floor.

(Spider-Man) "Everyone alright?"

Grateful murmurs of appreciation resonated within the shop as Spider-Man's intervention diffused the tension and restored a sense of security among the patrons. Their eyes glimmered with gratitude, their voices carrying undertones of relief as they voiced their thanks to the masked hero.

Attuned to the ebb and flow of his surroundings, Spider-Man's acute senses detected the faint creak of the shop's entrance, alerting him to the presence of another individual stepping into the establishment. Intrigued, he pivoted his attention towards the doorway, his gaze fixated on the newcomer, poised to assess their intentions and gauge any potential threat.

(Middle-aged man) "Is everyone alright?!"

(Spider-Man) "Yeah, I got it covered here."

(Middle-aged man) "Oh...thank god."

(Spider-Man) "Hey, you let your shopping fall to the floor. Let me help you."

(Middle-aged man) "Oh no, it's alri-"

(Spider-Man) "I insist."

(Middle-aged man) "Alright."

With a deft and graceful motion, Spider-Man extended his hand to assist the man in retrieving his fallen groceries, ensuring that not a single item suffered from the brief commotion. Carefully inspecting the contents, his keen eyes and agile fingers assessed the packages, confirming their intactness.

Acknowledging the hero's aid, gratitude illuminated the man's features, his voice resonating with sincerity as he expressed his appreciation. A gentle tap on Spider-Man's shoulder served as a heartfelt gesture of acknowledgment, a subtle connection between two individuals brought together by circumstance and kindness.

(Middle-aged man) "Thank you for helping me."

(Spider-Man) "It's no problem."

(Middle-aged man) "I'm glad there are heroes like you in this world...and don't use their powers for evil."

(Spider-Man) "It's never easy, but I try my best."

(Middle-aged man) "Well, with great power comes great responsibility, right?"

(Spider-Man) Shocked "Of course! I believe that 100%!"

(Middle-aged man) Chuckles "Glad you do. I have to return back now, my wife and my boy. They must be waiting for me."

(Spider-Man) "Oh, of course. Have a great day sir." Waves

(Middle-aged man) "You too, Spider-Man." Walks away

Spider-Man watched the man walk away until he was out of his sight.

(Spider-Man) "...Uncle Ben...huh...who would've thought I would meet you." Smiles

Spider-Man makes a mighty leap into the air and continues his web-swinging.

Resolute and determined, our valiant hero emerges once more, his spirit unyielding despite the lingering shadows of guilt and despair. He traverses the cityscape with newfound conviction, each swing through the urban labyrinth an embodiment of his unwavering commitment to make a difference.

Though not fully absolved of his burdens, the weight upon his shoulders feels lighter, allowing him to navigate the complex tapestry of his own emotions. He channels his energy into serving others, recognizing the immense responsibility that accompanies his extraordinary abilities. For a true hero knows that adversity may test their mettle, yet they rise above, resolute in their pursuit of justice and compassion.

Indeed, he understands that the path of a hero is fraught with personal sacrifice and hardship. But it is precisely in these moments of darkness that their true strength shines, for it is their unwavering resilience and refusal to surrender that elevates them to greatness. As a sage once proclaimed, "With great power comes great responsibility," and our hero embraces this truth, ready to face every challenge that lies ahead.

With renewed purpose and unyielding determination, he swings through the city, a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who witness his heroic deeds. The world may be complex and unpredictable, but in the face of adversity, our hero stands tall.

To Be Continued...