

While the whirlpool was closing Björn was holding onto his axe while looking seriously at the whirlpool, the closer the whirlpool was to closing. The more tense Björn got, soon the whirlpool closed off completely causing Björn to let out a deep breath. 

As soon as the portal closed Björn looked over to the humans into pool, who by now was no longer standing upright but twitching from the pain coming with their transformation at the same time struggling from being drowned in the water. 

Watching this scene, Björn let go of Axe in hind hand as he looked up to the night sky with arms spread apart, the sound of pain and suffering all round him "This is the sound, I have missed this sound of misery" 

Björn had a look of joy in face as he closed his eyes to full take in the sound around him, soon the sound of pain ended, and the pool was just full full of human bodies floating around not making any movement.