

Dive into a novel about the rise of a legendary sportsman. Follow Zachary Bemba on his journey to become the G.O.A.T (Greatest Of All Time) in the soccer world. He travels back to a time in his past where opportunity abounds. Access to a system capable of propelling him to greater heights is just the icing on the cake. From a nobody born in one of the poorest and most remote places on the planet, he relentlessly pursues his goal of becoming the greatest sportsman the world has ever seen. **** ---- G.O.A.T SYSTEM INITIALIZING ---- ACTIVATION SUCCESSFUL **** My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Mujunel_the_Mystic Book Discord Link: https://discord.gg/NK4Uaw8GRN

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The Long-Overdue System Upgrade

A smile spread across Zachary's face as he read the system mission completion message on the translucent interface. The three SSS-grade elixirs promised immense benefits, far more potent than the SS-grade ones he had just used.

His eyes then fell on the Random Technique Upgrade Token. Though he wasn't exactly sure what it did, he felt excited at the prospect of its potential.

"System, what does the Random Technique Upgrade Token do?" he asked, his mind brimming with anticipation.

The system AI responded immediately. "The Random Technique Upgrade Token is one of the high-end system rewards. When used, it will randomly improve one of your Football Technique stats by a level. This includes Ball Control, Dribbling Skills, Passing Accuracy, and Body Control."

Zachary's excitement spiked. His ball skills had always been one of the most challenging aspects of his game to improve. They required natural talent and relentless training from a young age.