
The Greatest Monarch

After an unexpected accident, the king of Zion went into a state of coma. The ruler should be the heart of his people but the truth was entirely different from this. The coma seemed more like a blessing for the people of Zion. They wished for this blessing to never vanish. Why? That was because if it did not vanish and if he died, the holy church would take over the kingdom and they would no longer have to serve under a trash king anymore. But after he woke up, something even better happened. The King has lost his memory, even his personality was completely rewritten. When the trash king came to know the wrong deeds he had committed earlier, it pierced into his chest like sharp arrows making him feel guilty beyond what words could explain. He decided to change the shape of his kingdom and become the strongest king ever with the help of the "system" he got! Will he be able to dominate the world? Will he be able to enjoy the luxurious life of a king? Those questions can only be answered when you read his story and dive into the world of fantasy! Note: This is a remastered novel of my previous novel. After I had to undergo surgery I could no longer write, which made people lose interest in my novel and I actually wanted to rewrite my novel too. There were many mistakes and loopholes that I wanted to fix so here I am... writing my novel once again.

TheHeavenlySleeper · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Calling Off

Oliver was panting heavily once he entered the room but he did not waste any time and looked at Andrew before yelling "We are attacked, your highness!"

Andrew at first sighed in relief when he saw Oliver and not Lucia however after hearing his statement, he instantly got up and walked over to him "Explain." He asked, looking at him with a straight face.

Oliver tried to speak however he could not. He ran all the way from the upper levels to the palace and even in the palace dining room was on the sixth floor.

One of the maids present in the room quickly gave Oliver a glass of water and placed a chair behind him. He sat on the chair and drank the water to calm himself down before speaking normally.

"I-it is not exactly an attack but there is an army outside our territory wall asking to meet you, sire. They are furious." Oliver somehow explained the situation.

Andrew glared at Oliver with a cold face hearing that "You dare to say it's an attack without even understanding the situation completely?"

Oliver winced feeling Andrew's glare at him "S-sire," He had reasons for why he did not look into the matter more carefully or why he suspect an attack but out of pure fear he could not speak normally "I-I suspect-t b-because t-they k-k-killed-"

Andrew felt annoyed by Oliver's stuttering thus in anger he ended up yelling at him "Talk probably!"

"I suspect an attack because they killed one of our soldiers, Sire!" Oliver said in an instant once he heard Andrew yell in anger.

Andrew kept glaring at Oliver but soon enough he sighed before he started to walk "Show me the way." Although he acted so calm, cool, and collected outside deep within he was pissed 'How dare someone touch my people!?' That was his thought.

Oliver gulped before he quickly got up and led Andrew the way out of the castle. He wanted to tell Andrew to teleport them but he dared not. Although Andrew was pretending to be calm by having a straight face, Oliver could clearly feel that Andrew was angry beyond saying.

Oliver sighed once they reached the stairs that led down to the upper level. It would take a long time if they were to take the stairs and not to mention they would have to take stairs or paths made for carts every time they wanted to go down to the lower level.

Andrew looked down at the stairs before looking at Oliver and saying "I will teleport down you come down by yourself." Before Oliver even had the chance of saying anything Andrew already teleported himself down the stairs.

"S-" Oliver sighed "First Lord victor used to bully me now Sire is bullying me... Am I even the head advisor of the court?" Since he had no choice he took the stairs and since there were no railings he had to walk carefully but at the same time fast.

It took Oliver solid 8 minutes to climb down the stairs and once he was done he sat on the last stair tiredly and panting heavily 'Whoever created this design- Fuck you!' He thought.

"We have no time to waste, let's go." Andrew showed no sympathy for Oliver instead he was even grinning at the sight of misery.

"Sire... please teleport me with you next time. I beg you." Oliver slowly got up and started to walk towards the chariot that was not too far away from the stairs.

"Even if I wanted to I couldn't." Andrew could only teleport himself around the kingdom and it was clearly written in the description.

"I-" Oliver just sighed and shook his head. It was his fault for even thinking that he could be treated nicely.

They both got inside the chariot and sat opposite each other.

The chariot was a simple designed black colored carriage that was pulled by two white horses. Most of the chariot was pulled by a monsterized animal for better and faster travel, however, Zion used normal once since they did not travel too much, and not to mention there were hardly any monsterized animals close by Zion.

Andrew looked out of the window as the charioteer drove through the kingdom. The more he traveled the better he got to know his kingdom.

At first, Andrew found the further the buildings were from the castle, and the closer they were to the border the worse the buildings' condition was extremely weird however a little thought on that made him think otherwise.

It created a perfect social class system and if the kingdom was to be attacked it would have been very efficient. Since the attackers would have to climb up the mountain the kingdom would get enough time to prepare forces on higher levels and easily surpass the attackers and since they would have to attack the lower level where mostly the poor live the kingdom would suffer minimum losses.

Andrew was very well aware that it was wrong for him to think of the poor's life as the minimum loss however it was the truth thus he did not think much about it.

After several minutes, the chariot finally stopped and a soldier opened the gate for Andrew and Oliver.

Oliver and Andrew got off the chariot respectively. Andrew looked up at the wall with a blank face but he was surely impressed by the massive wall.

The wall was massive reaching a height of approximately 30 meters and a width of approximately 20 meters. The entrance gate was exactly 8 meters tall and at the moment it was closed because of the army outside. There were two layers of the door: the outer layer was made up of very thick wood and the inside layer was made up of thick iron. The wall was similar to any other wall in Zion but the boundary wall was the only one that stayed completely undamaged.

After Andrew was done admiring the wall he was led up to the top of the wall by the stairs which were connected to the walls sideways.

Once Andrew was at the top he saw some soldiers and Victor talking to someone while leaning on the walls by their stomachs. Some soldiers looked super pissed while some were quiet. Victor was calm and tried his best to have everyone calm as well however it did not seem to work.

Noticing no one realized Andrew had arrived Oliver quickly announced that he had arrived after clearing his throat "Attention! his royal highness! the sun of Zion! King has arrived!"

Everyone quickly turned around and bowed to Andrew to show their respect to them "Glory to King Andrew!" They hailed his name together in one voice.

Andrew made a quick hand gesture commanding them to stand straight and then move aside "Move aside."

Victor and the soldiers stood back normally and looked at each other before slowly turning their faces to Andrew. They wanted to say something, but they decided not to offend him and quietly walked over to where Oliver was standing.

Andrew walked forwards to the edge of the wall and looked down at the "army" which made him let out a snicker. The "army" was just a group of soldiers. There were no more than 70.

They wore a chain armor inside light armor with a crest of angel wings in the middle of the armor and for the lower wear they wore blue color pants along with protective gear such as a knee cap made of metal and long boots which hid something similar to chain armor inside.

One of the reasons Oliver had suspected they were being attacked was also because of the fact they wore armor with a crest. By the rules of the continent wearing armor with a crest on it meant that they were in a war. However, Oliver could have not brought himself to tell Andrew about that earlier because of his glare.

Among all the soldiers two men were standing out the most. They both were looking alike meaning they both were twins. Also, they were the only ones who were not wearing helmets.

The twins were attractive men likely in their early twenties, the same as Andrew. They had some clear body features such as; fair white skin, medium size spiky silver hair, strong facial features that fit their attractive face well, and an endomorph-type muscular body. They were an almost exact copy of each other if it was not for their eyes. One had shiny brown eyes color and the other had plain blue color eyes.

As Andrew looked down upon the twins, the twin also looked up at him with a big grin on their lips "Hello brother-in-law~! We were waiting for you!" They said together.

Andrew squinted his eyes at them and before they got a chance to say anything he walked away from the corner and walked over to Victor to ask "You didn't tell me I had a sister."

"Uh-" Victor looked at Oliver but he looked away to avoid eye contact with him. Victor sighed softly and looked back at Andrew to answer "Because you do not have a sister, sire..."

"Then why are they-" Andrew's eyes widened a little as he realized who they were. He let out a scoff at the very thought "Kalyra kingdom huh?" in response Victor just nodded.

"Oi!" The blue-eyed twin said loudly and the brown eye twin continued the line "Answer us! Did you really make our sister cry? We demand an apology or the engagement is canceled and we will declare war on you!"

"To think she will send a small group of soldiers to threaten because I denied interpreting with her. Ha... and here I thought I overdid it yesterday."

Victor looked down at the ground not sure how he should reply to that statement. He wanted to defend Lucia but he could find no words to do so.

Andrew walked back to the edge and looked down upon them with cold eyes before suddenly grinning at them "Very well... but instead of you I declare war upon Kalyra and call off the engagement! But first Victor kill them all!"

The twins flinched at the response Andrew gave before looking at each other and then looking back up to say something however Andrew had already walked away from the edge of the wall.

"Sire you cannot!" Victor shouted in the moment of heat however once he realized he basically yelled at Andrew he quickly put his hand on his mouth.

Andrew did not mind the fact Victor yelled at him and calmly asked "Why not?" He then cracked his fingers casually however everyone present there thought it was a warning to not argue and follow the command given to them by him.

Everyone present there was not new to the new Andrew and his mysterious powers. They knew they could not resist the power which Andrew used to make their body move as he wishes thus their fear for him was natural. Even Victor who loves Andrew so much could not help but be scared. A little at least.

Victor looked down and just nodded, feeling like a dog who could only move by his master's command. He really started to miss his cheerful grandson-like figure, Andrew.

Andrew could see tears in Victor's eyes which made his chest tighten and his heart hurt. He sighed before walking toward him and suddenly giving him a tight hug without saying anything.

Victor was surprised by this sudden hug, however, he instantly hugged Andrew back. He could not help but smile brightly as some tears of happiness started to fall from his eyes. They both hugged each other for many seconds since they both really enjoyed the moment.

Andrew was not sure why exactly he felt so nice while hugging Victor, but it did not matter right at that moment. They both were not ready to break their wholesome interaction between grandfather and grandson figure.

The soldiers and Oliver also could not resist but smile at the beautiful relationship between them, however suddenly the beautiful scene was ruined by a voice coming from outside.

"Oi oi oi! Why aren't you attacking us now huh!? Scared sister will hate you huh!?" The twins both started to shout again after a long silence. At first, they were actually scared but after no one attacked they became fearless and thought Andrew was just bluffing.

Hearing that Andrew got annoyed and angry once again thus he pulled away from the hug and walked toward the edge of the wall.

"Never mind Victor, you won't kill them!" Andrew said that loudly which made Victor let out a sigh of relief feeling like Andrew understood killing was not always the answer, but the twins thought something else, they thought Andrew was scared of them.

"I will kill them all by myself!" Andrew grinned and everyone looked at him with different emotions. Some encouraged the twins, some felt tired at the moment, some were confused about the situation while some were just feeling like what could this trash even do.

The moment Andrew said that a panel appeared before his eyes that made his grin turn even wider. The grin of the devil returned on his face which made everyone below feel a shiver running down their spine.

"Eyes for an eye, teeth for a tooth, and massacre for a kill! That's my moral!" Andrew said as he started to channel his aura throughout his lower legs.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading! :>

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