
The Greatest Kage

Born in a small hidden village, Shinja Asahi dreams of one day for his village to be the greatest shinobi village there is! Armed with the knowledge of his past life and a magical gift, watch as Asahi embarks on his dream journey. ******** NOTE: 1. OC is prevalent in this story 2. Asahi's village is an OC village located in the land of tea therefore making the story AU 3. The protagonist is the same age as Minato 4. If you like stories where the MC solves all the problems by himself, then this is not for you Disclaimer: I do not possess any rights to Naruto or its affiliated content, with the exception of my original characters, storyline, and techniques.

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24 Chs

Chapter 11

Uzushiogakure is located near the border coast of Konoha and the fastest route to get to the village from Yokogakure is by going through the sea route between the Land of Fire and the Land of Mist.

However, with the tense relationship between the two villages, there is a likely chance that the group will be caught by the tight surveillance of the two.

Fortunately, Udon as the leader of this mission has thoroughly planned their journey as the group instead heads to the Land of Woods, home to an elite anbu ninja group called Prajñā.

The time at sea is boring, more so for the two children Osamu and Reiki who instead expected a more exciting journey.

Fortunately, much to Udon's relief, Asahi was able to keep the two in check preventing any mishap on their way.

The journey lasted for a single month, often making stops to fish for food, while for water, the group relied on Osamu and Udon to sustain themselves, effectively training Osamu's water nature control.

The group stayed cautious throughout the journey and finally, then have reached their checkpoint.


The children celebrated as they disembarked from the boat and ran to the shore. 

"Careful kids, this is not a field trip," Udon warned but the kids continued playing in the land which they missed so much after staying in the cramped little boat.

'Sigh, kids these days, they never listen' Udon sighed in defeat but a smile on his face contradicted his thoughts.

 "We are in another village's territory, this is not the time to play."

Witnessing the children having fun might brought a smile to his face but Udon knows the lurking danger they would face as he steeled his resolve and scolded the children.

They must remain vigilant, something Asahi agrees as he observes the tall trees in front of them.

'So this is the Land of Woods' Asahi thought satisfying his curiosity.

In his past life, he wasn't able to visit this place because it was heavily guarded by the Prajñā Group until they were annihilated by the Konoha's Shadow, Shimura Danzo as the group tried to assassinate the latter.

Still, Asahi wouldn't dare to look down on the group with such balls to do such a thing and would even be unwilling to pass through this place if it wasn't for Udon reassuring them that it was fine.

"Wear this!" Udon yelled as he threw cloaks at the children to hide their identity.

"From now on, listen to all I say, I will do all the talking so stay quiet and just follow my lead, understood??" 

"Yes, leader!"

"Good. let's go." 


Making their way through the woods, the group runs at a moderate speed while maintaining vigilance to their surroundings.


"Yeah, I know."

Udon affirms with a solemn face as he suddenly stops in his tracks followed by the others who have no idea why but know.

 All of a sudden, dozens of shurikens flew straight to the ground, blocking their path as ninjas wearing masks appeared on top of the trees.

"Speak your purpose." A ninja wearing a white oni mask spoke with a hoarse voice with his arms crossed.

'This doesn't look good.' Asahi thought, racking his brains to come up with a plan for escape in case the situation didn't go as planned.

Fortunately, it seems like Asahi was just being over-cautious as Udon stepped forward.

"It's me," Udon announces as he removes the hood of the cloak he is wearing to show his face.

"It's Bro Udon!"

"It's the legendary 'Hundred Day, Hundred Women' Big bro Udon!"

The masked ninjas murmurs among themselves as they lower their guard, much to the relief of Asahi and the two kids.

"What are you doing here Udon and who are those brats behind you?" The ninja with the oni mask asked as Udon introduced the group to the ninjas and explained their situation.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion my friends, we are on our way to our mission, and because of some circumstance, we can't take other routes so can we pass through your territory." 

"Sure my friend, you are always welcome in our land." The oni-masked ninja agreed as the four Yoko ninjas breathed a sigh of relief.

"...But before that, let's have a welcoming party for our guests, everyone!" He added, causing the ninjas to cheer as Udon laughed and said;


This once again caused a cheer from the crowd as Udon went closer to the oni-masked ninja and hugged him.

"It was nice to see you again, brother"

"Me too, brother"

However, this turn of events confused the three children as Asahi tugged his clothes and whispered.

"What about the mission," Asahi asked the laughing Udon who was joking around with the Prajñā ninjas. Partying in the middle of the mission doesn't seem right in Asahi's view, especially given the task of their mission.

"Ah, don't worry, we still have time to spare" Udon leisurely answered, seemingly not taking the task seriously.

"Yeah but if we get there earlier, we can save a lot more people!" Asahi answered back as he raised his voice.

"Well, it seems like there's a misunderstanding here kid, our mission is not to save them, but to 'save' them," Udon replied with a solemn voice as his answer caused Asahi to frown.

"What does that supposed to mean?!" 

"Forget, you'll understand when you get older." 

Udon ruffled Asahi's black hair as he went back to the Prajñā ninja who was preparing for the upcoming party, leaving Asahi confused as he racked his brain as hard as he could.

'Something's off with this mission....'