
Chapter 4: Team Black in Ireland

Team black of the grail war were getting used to their servants. Rin annoying archer who went along with it, even if it had only been a few years for Rin, for him it had been over twenty, maybe more the way time worked with the counterforce was weird.

Waver was talking with rider, trying to be casual but not succeeding, he was practically fan boying about him. And even if waver denied it rider still joked with him in a good manner that he was still like the kid he knew all those years ago.

Shiro was ignoring berserker who tried to talk with Shiro with his limited language. Of course shiro didn't want anything to do with him, he wasn't going to entertain a minotaur.

The caster servant and the creep that was Rocco were talking passionately about something. Caster kept going on about the 'greatest cool' and Rocco kept agreeing with him.

The assassin and Tyler were talking to each other, although it was mostly silent. Tyler wasn't the best at talking to new people and assassin didn't want to make his master uncomfortable, although they would have to talk later for now Tyler getting used to presence was enough for now.

The saber, which was revealed to be a girl, was leading the conversation with her master Lucy. Sometimes smacking her master's back in excitement.

And haruto and the lancer were talking as well, it was obvious she was a goddess or at least the kid of a powerful god, the divinity was radiating off of her.

All of them would know when the rest of the servants were summoned as the grail would inform them, but so far nothing had happened.

That was until the blonde lancer let out a scared Yelp and hid her divinity and all the mana she could. The others were surprised but then they got informed that the other servants were summoned by the Grail.

"Are you okay lancer?!" Haruto asked worriedly.

Lancer took a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just there's someone else like me out in this war." She responded vaguely.

"Like you?" Waver asked questionably. It had clearly scared her, whatever she had sensed or whatever had sensed her.

"Mhm. A god of death. Unlike me, who controls the underworld, this god seems to control death itself." She informed them. This gave them a sense of relief as they knew she was a goddess, so she was definitely strong, although they already knew that. But also have them dread, as that meant that there was a god on the enemy team.

"Is he stronger than you?" Assassin asked.

"I don't know. I haven't met another god of death before, so I don't know who this is." She informed them.

"It doesn't matter who it is, we'll beat them. We're going to win this thing right, master?" Saber started full of energy.

"I think we have a good chance." Lucy hoped they did, she didn't exactly have a wish but winning would be good. She just hoped she could pull her weight and not slow down her team.

"Well, since you're all acquainted with each other, you can each go your separate ways if you wish. From what we have been able to gather the grail will appear in Ireland. So you'll have to go there, it's already confirmed that one team is there, but we couldn't find the other team." Caules said. The clock tower had searched for the last team but with no luck, no magus had any suspicious movement and there wasn't an influx of magus's to Ireland either.

"Who did you check for potential masters?" Waver asked, he had a feeling this wasn't going to a quiet war, and that wasn't just because of the amount of servants.

"Any magus in the clock tower and any magus going to ireland." Caules said.

Waver nodded his head. "What about non magus people?"

"What?! There's no way a commoner would be put in the grail war!" Shiro refuted straight away.

"It's not impossible, one of the masters from the fourth grail war was a non magus. An insane man that killed dozens of innocent people, mostly kids, was chosen as a master." Waver informed them. He was still disgusted by that guy and was glad he was dead.

"Then… we might have been searching for the wrong people?" Caules asked, confused.

"Yes. Although that doesn't matter now, they've already summoned their servants. Their servants will participate in the war whether they like it or not." Waver said.

"Let's go archer, I want to get to Ireland sooner rather than later." Rin demanded, already moving towards the door.

Archer let out a sigh. "You're still such a troublesome master." Rin turned and glared at him, but it wasn't an actual one, just one that friends would use at each other.

"Well, you're the one who answered the call to the grail. You can't go complaining about it." Rin reminded him. And yes, it was true EMIYA had decided to be rins servant again, but even he forget how demanding she was sometimes.

He just let out a sigh and started following her.

"Wait!" Caules shouted. "The clock tower have a private jet to get you all there if you all go there now." The clock tower had already prepared for them to be impatient, especially considering who some of them were.

"Alright, let's go master! I'm not going to be late to another war." Saber said as she grabbed Lucy's hand and pulled her along, already past Rin who was at the door.

"Let's go waver, I want to see if I can add any servants to my army." Rider said as he stood up pulling waver with him, but walking at a normal pace.

"Of course, rider. But can't you focus on something else other than getting servants into your army?" Waver said as he stood up walking beside rider.

"No. It's a king's job to get great warriors to follow him. And that's who I am, Iskandar! The king of conquerors!" Iskandar said proudly while also shouting it out.

"Don't go telling them your name, rider!" Waver complained. Some might see that as a bad side to his king, revealing his true name as that is also considered some servants greatest weakness, but that was just who Iskandar was. A man who did whatever he wanted while not caring much about the consequences.

"Hahaha, I told you, waver, you need to stop worrying so much!" Rider said as he pushed by Rin who was still standing at the door, just shocked that rider would casually reveal his true name.

Caster and Rocco just walked past her as caster dematerialised.

Shiro turned over his shoulder to look at berserker who was sitting on the floor looking at the window with curiosity. "Come, monster, we're moving!" He demanded as he walked out of the room, not caring if the monster followed him.

Berserker seemed sad that his master had called him a monster, but he was also a little mad. He dematerialised to follow his master after that.

Rin was shocked she saw a berserker show emotion, she didn't even think it was possible. Yeah, Hercules showed something like that but it wasn't emotion. It was loyalty towards Illya.

Tyler and assassin had somehow already left the room, not going noticed by Rin who was still in shock and archer who was enjoying looking at her like that. This would be great material to annoy her later.

Haruto went up to Rin and put a hand on her shoulder, snapping her out of her trance. "Come on, you're the one who said we should leave and you're still standing there like…" Haruto trailed off as he didn't want to get hit and there was no nice way to say she looked like an idiot.

But she was the last master to leave the room as Haruto left after speaking, out of fear for what Rin might do or because he didn't want to be the last one to leave after saying that was unknown but he left anyway.

"Hmph, let's go archer. Well win this war and then we'll see who he's going to call an idiot!" Rin whined as she left with archer who just shook his head in disappointment. He really thought Rin would have changed but he guessed he should've known better.

The next day all masters working with the clock tower were in Dublin. Although they were all spread out, getting a feel for the city that would become a battle ground.

Like the last time Rin was in the grail war, she decided to go to the highest building so archer could scope out everything.

"So what have you been doing since the last war, emiya?" Rin asked, she didn't need to use his class name as long as they were alone.

"The usual. Although Alaya has been giving me more breaks recently, so that's good." EMIYA replied casually, already somewhat familiar with the city as he was here in the past. Well, his past as a counter guardian and even further in the past of history.

Rin stays silent before speaking again, a reminiscent tone in her voice. "Doesn't this remind you of anything, shiro?"

EMIYA smirks before answering. "Yeah. First night of the holy grail war we fought in." He then lets out a chuckle. "Now we just have to wait until tomorrow to see a lancer trying to kill someone."

Rin lets out a loud laugh. It was good to talk to EMIYA again, he might not be the shiro she knew from her time but it was still fun to interact with him. Her shiro after the holy grail war, had gone to the clock tower with her for a few years before travelling to some poorer countries, saying he would help wherever he could.

Rin had made a promise to archer that she wouldn't let her shiro end up like him. But she didn't know if she could stop him, no matter how hard she tried he always found a way to help people, even if not intentional.

She snaps out of her thoughts and looks at archer who is looking over into one peculiar direction, but she would ignore it until he said something. "So whos on our team? And don't say you don't know, my shiro told me how your magecraft works."

Archer smirks. "Your shiro? That's a bold claim."

Rin blush's profusely. "Shut up! You know what I mean! Just answer the question… idiot." She said pouting with a red face.

Archer smirks enjoying the reactions he got out of her. "I'll be using that 'my shiro' later." Rin goes to complain before EMIYA continues. "The saber is, mordred of the round table. The Lancer ereshkigal, goddess of the underworld. And like he said before, rider is iskandar, king of conquerors. The caster is Gilles de Rais, one of the saint Jeanne followers. The berserker is asterios, the minotaorus. Assassin is Fuuma kotarou."

"It seems we have a really strong team, don't you think shiro?" Rin asks, although it was more a rhetorical question. They both knew it was a strong team, but if they could get this strong of a team then the other teams must be as strong if not stronger.

They would have to be careful. Definitely be more careful then they were in the fifth holy grail war.

Just as they thought that they sensed a build of mana, not from a noble phantasm but just from two servants fighting.

It was clear where they were with a pillar of ice being seen. It wasn't as big as any houses, but because it was ice it was definitely noticeable, although it was darker than normal ice, with it being almost pitch black on the inside and going blue on the outside.

"Let's check it out archer. But let's not engage unless we have to." Rin said already running to the edge of the building.

Ah, this was why EMIYA didn't exactly like Rin as his master. She was too reckless, always going into fights with him, but he guessed that's what made Rin, well Rin.

She jumped off and he jumped after her dematerialising and then re materialising just underneath her as they were still falling, saving her from death. "Such a troublesome master, but I'll definitely stick with you until the end this time, master."


For those of you who want to know each of the servants, skills, stats, noble Phantasms and such can check it out in the auxiliary chapters I created. But aside from that, yes, I know this is a filler chapter, you don't have to tell me.

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