
The Greatest Assasin Got Reincarnated As A Bug

Nyx's story begins as the greatest assassin of a magic-less world, only to be reborn as a Stiltbug in a mystical, enchanted forest, a stark contrast to his previous life. Grappling with the shock of his new bug form and the vast, unfamiliar landscape, he stumbles upon an enigmatic evolution system. This discovery marks the start of his journey of adaptation and survival in a realm where magic and danger lurk around every corner. Unbeknownst to him, his death in the human world coincided with the emergence of portals, unleashing monsters into the world he once knew. This twist of fate intertwines Nyx's past and present, suggesting that his role in both worlds may be far from over. As he continues to evolve and uncover the mysteries of his new existence, the implications of these parallel events hint at a deeper connection between Nyx's past life and the magical realm he now calls home.

BLACKangelmarl · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
67 Chs

Chapter 3

In the next moment, Nyx witnesses a surreal transformation. The body of the decapitated ladybug begins to disintegrate into particles of light, merging seamlessly with Nyx's insectoid form. The once vibrant creature now becomes an integral part of Nyx's evolving being, the essence of the ladybug absorbed into his being.

"Ugh." Nyx felt a little pain all over his body.

As the evolution completes, Nyx stands amidst the glowing remnants of the ladybug, feeling the surge of newfound strength coursing through him. The forest's alien ambiance bears witness to Nyx's evolution.

After the evolution is complete, Nyx examines his transformed body, discovering a significant increase in size. Once only slightly larger than the ladybug, he is now twice as big, matching the size of some small leaves around him. A sense of accomplishment fills Nyx as he contemplates the substantial jump in size.

"That is a huge leap in size," Nyx marvels, his voice reflecting a mix of satisfaction and awe. The forest, once an imposing environment, now seems more navigable from his elevated vantage point.

In his exploration, Nyx makes another discovery—he now possesses a pair of small wings. Intrigued by this newfound ability, he decides to test it out. With a subtle flutter, Nyx's small wings come to life, and he experiences a momentary thrill as he floats above the forest floor.

"Woah," Nyx exclaims in excitement.

Excitement gleams in Nyx's insectoid eyes as he hovers briefly. However, the elation is short-lived. Nyx soon notices the limitations of his fledgling wings. Disappointment creeps into his voice as he mutters, "Do I need to level up for my wings to grow?" Nyx harbors a genuine desire to fly, a sentiment shared by many, and the prospect of unlocking this ability becomes a driving force to level up more.

Determined to evolve further, Nyx resumes his journey through the lush and oversized vegetation of the fantastical forest. The dense foliage hides a multitude of insects, each potentially contributing to Nyx's growth. He spots a group of random bug species—a swarm of fireflies dancing in the dim light filtering through the colossal leaves.

Nyx, now larger and more imposing, employs his assassin's instincts to strategically approach the unsuspecting fireflies. His multifaceted eyes focus intently on the glowing insects as he readies himself for a series of swift and precise strikes. The forest becomes a battleground once again, but this time, Nyx is the predator.

His sickle-like front legs move with calculated precision, striking down firefly after firefly. Nyx's movements are a seamless dance of lethality, a reflection of his refined skills honed in his past life as an assassin. The luminescent bodies of the fireflies flicker and dim as Nyx systematically eliminates his opponents.

In the midst of the chaotic ballet, Nyx's voice echoes through the foliage, "Stealth and precision, that's how you survive." His insectoid form maneuvers effortlessly, utilizing the dense vegetation for cover and striking from the shadows. The once vibrant swarm of fireflies diminishes, their collective light extinguished by Nyx's calculated onslaught.

As the last firefly succumbs to Nyx's strategic assault, he stands amidst the aftermath, a lone predator in the vibrant forest. The transparent screen before him displays the evolving numbers:

[Level: 2]

Moving through the forest, Nyx encounters a different challenge—a swarm of mosquitoes. Their buzzing fills the air as they become aware of Nyx's presence. Undeterred, Nyx adjusts his strategy to handle the swarm. His assassin's instincts kick in as he maneuvers through the air, avoiding the mosquitoes' attempts to swarm him.

His transparent screen provides insight into the mosquito swarm's status:

[Level: 2

Species: Mosquito

Special Blood: none

Skills: Piercing]

Nyx, now attuned to the rhythm of battle, faces the mosquito swarm with determination. His heightened size and evolved abilities give him an advantage, and he plans his attack with precision. As the mosquitoes close in, Nyx's multifaceted eyes lock onto the incoming swarm, and his insectoid instincts take over.

"Well, well. A swarm of bloodsuckers." Nyx muses, his voice exuding confidence. With a swift movement, he leaps into the air, navigating the space between the oversized leaves with agile grace. The mosquitoes, eager for their next meal, follow him, buzzing relentlessly.

In a sudden burst of speed, Nyx dives into the heart of the swarm, his sickle-like legs slashing through the air. The mosquitoes attempt to evade, but Nyx's calculated strikes leave a trail of incapacitated insects in his wake. The forest echoes with the hum of wings and the occasional buzzing of frustrated mosquitoes.

In a seamless dance of precision, Nyx showcases his evolved prowess against the mosquito swarm. His size and exoskeleton, fortified by the hardened shell skill, become formidable assets. The mosquitoes, with their needle-like mouths, find themselves incapable of penetrating Nyx's robust exoskeleton with a hardened shell skill activated.

As Nyx stands amidst the dwindling mosquito swarm, his insectoid form radiates both triumph and assurance. The transparent screen updates to reflect his growing capabilities:

[Level: 3]

"I never thought, I would feel so much satisfaction killing a bunch of mosquitos" Nyx declares. The forest, witness to his calculated maneuvers, resonates with the echoes of victory.

Nyx, now a level 3, continues his journey. The forest's ambiance is alive with the hum of insect activity, a cacophony of nature that becomes a symphony of potential challenges and opportunities for Nyx's evolution.

Nyx, ever determined, faces more insect opponents, utilizing the skills acquired from each encounter to evolve further. Nyx saw a group of ants and decided to becomes his next target. Nyx, now an efficient killer, navigates the forest floor with agility, ambushing and eliminating the ants one by one.

Amidst the swarm of worker ants, Nyx recognizes an opportunity to expedite his evolution. His multifaceted eyes survey the bustling activity and numerous ants, hinting at the proximity of an ant colony. Despite the potential risks posed by hundreds of thousands of ants, Nyx contemplates the benefits of farming these insects for experience points.

"But I should be careful. If there's a colony nearby, there should be hundreds of thousands of soldier ants ready to attack," Nyx observes cautiously. Yet, he decides to proceed, driven by the notion that the individual ants wouldn't be aware of his daily harvest.

Nyx continues his calculated assault on the worker ants, his sickle-like legs moving with precision. His voice resonates with determination, "There's no way these ants will know if I just kill a twenty ants per day, right?"