
The Great Whirle Nae

An "ordinary" journalist thrown into the battles of gods and goddesses that started with a simple drunken mistake, a strange woman and chaotic friends.

Sou_Dahn · LGBT+
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7 Chs

The New Neighbor and...Them.


This woman keeps subtracting my braincell every time she opens her mouth.

"What do you mean you lied?"

"You start knocking like a maniac at my door at 3 in the morning, yelling 'Leonard' with three knocks" I really should stop watching TBBT when I got nothing to do. This is so embarrassing.

"Of course since I'm nice and got nothing to do but sleep, I mean who needs sleep at 3am?" I rolled my eyes while she laughed ," I let you in and sing soft kitty to you since you insist so cutely, then finally you passed out" she finished, biting her toast.

I really have to stop watching that damn show. Why did it have to be so good? Ahhh.

"Alright" I nodded, sighing softly. Some part of me is relieved but..

"So nothing really happened? Just me embarrassing myself?" Yep I'm disappointed.

"I didn't say that."

I frown in confusion and was about to question her when frantic knocks started coming from the main door. We both look at each other and shrugged.

"Might be Raj and Howard, Shelly" She tie her hair in a bun and padded to the door that keeps getting knock on.

"I can't help it, okay! It was good!" I decided to follow her since we're not done talking.

"I didn't say it wasn't. I did watch it, hun. I just don't reenact them," M open the door and clearly I was gonna quip back but then we found my best friend, Mist looking like crap on the other side of the door.

She haven't noticed me yet though. So they're looking for me? This early? That's a record.

"Have you seen a drunk idiot who's impersonating Dr. Sheldon Cooper and knocked on your door while calling you one of his friends like recently?" Mist rapidly asked in one breath, her face worried and guilty.

M leaned on the door frame and crossed her arms, "Sounds familiar. Does this idiot have black hair, bright brown eyes and is definitely cute?"

I feel myself flushed at her statement. She keeps teasing me. So I put an end to it by pulling M back in and letting Mist see me. The blonde stared at me for a little while before she can even recognize me. Ha, I'm not the only one who's hungover.

"TEEEEEE!" She immediately lunged at me and hug the life out of me, "I thought we lost you! I'm sorry! We never intended for you to drink something that was drug this time. It's my fault" Does she not hear herself or the shouting makes her feel better.

I choke as a reply since I can't breathe.

"Maybe it's better for you to let her go at the moment " M commented, closing the door, slowly.

Mist let go of me and turned to M, her face full of suspicion.

"I haven't seen you here before. Who are you? " Then she broke into a cheshire grin, "Are you her hidden lover?"

"Don't answer-"

"Yes, I'm her hidden lover" M broke into an expression like she's talking to a baby and pinch my cheeks, "Isn't that right, my baby cakes"

This two cannot be in the same space. I'll die early. Well maybe that's a good thing. Can I die now though? Or maybe can the earth swallow me? Whatever darn thing that can put me out of this.

"And I'm also new. Just recently moved here" she flick a stray hair on her face and smiled ,"Totally not regretting moving. First day here and something bizarre already happened"

Mist chuckled,"If you hang out with us, bizarre is just the surface. I even let you date this idiot" then her phone started ringing. Probably our friends. She turned to the side and walk like it's her place after selling me out.

"Feisty friend you got there."

"Don't remind me."

"That she's feisty?"

"No, that we're friends" we share a laugh and she looks so adorable.

"So what do you mean about-"

"What do you mean Herc got stuck in the ceiling?!" Mist shouted, cutting me off.

And that's phase one.

"A bet? We're supposed to be searching for Tee!"

"What do you mean you forgot?! Because you won? You won! What did you get then?" Mist angry look turned into excitement immediately, exchanging pleasantries with the person she's talking to, on the phone.

"Your friends really sounds very nice" I look at M, who's watching Mist with amusement.

"I let you hang out with them so you can change your mind" I sighed, for time first time in the morning I feel calm. Calm with a pounding headache and getting a numb mouth.

"..then can you also show me around?" M face me, surprisingly a shy smile playing on her lips, her eyes twinkling and seems a bit more brighter.

"You're planning to stay in touch huh?"

"What? Did you expect it to be just wham bam thank you Ma'am?"

"You make it sound like we did bang!"

"..,you did go big bang on me."

"M!" My face flushed blurted out the name I gave her. Yes, a letter is a name.

"You're calling me M?"

"I don't see any other letter related to you."

"That's because words are more likely to be related to me"


She shrugged "Pretty nice and beautiful" she is pretty nice and beautiful. Especially cute with that apron still on her.

'Damn, wife material, huh?'

And you're a throwable one but you don't see me commenting on it. Stop making this harder for me.

"Someone's confident."

"Just accepting everyone's opinion of me" I rolled my eyes at her making her chuckle. She wasn't wrong. Everyone's opinion is practically a fact about that.

STOP! Good grief woman. Keep your head straight.

'Says the woman-'

I'm not going to have a debate with you right now.

'No fun.'

M just bumped shoulders with me and pulled me closer,"Let's have some bet, Athena..." she started whispering, her accent thick. Damn that's one sexy accent.

I got lost bit because of her voice before what she was saying registered in my brain, "What? No!"

"Oh come on."

"It's just a week."

"I barely know you and you want me to be your servant?"

"Not servant, I just want to get to know you better plus you'll know my name in a fun way"

"By staying in my place for a week? Haven't got enough of me? Why don't you just tell me? That's easier for the both of us"


I shot her a dirty look, "That's your answer? To everything I just said?"

"That's also the look you gave me when I told you to sleep on the couch."

"Ughhh!" She's like a goddess yes, but annoying. Real annoying. I think my head got cut in half by talking to her and it's not just the hungover talking.

"Aww look at you both, just like an old married couple" that voice wasn't Mist's. It's higher like Snow White's.

We both face the front the door to see another friend of mine, Venus. She's the real life barbie but ten times better when it comes to physical attributes and such. Just like the Goddess of Beauty I guess.

"Where are you guys coming from?" My brows involuntary furrowed when another head popped in the view. Venus' twin, Sero, who's looking at us with heart eyes. Means, his normal expression.

"We're across the hall, you know in you're own apartment." I look outside and yep. Totally my apartment number. The apartment that betrayed me and let me woke up in some hot stranger's couch.

Meanwhile, Mist finally hang up and got back to us,"Herc is crying as heck in the damn ceiling. He can't get out because he's too big, we need to go" she groans, slamming the front door wide open.

"Nice to know you Tee's hidden lover, we'll see you later and my future godchildren" and with that she drag the twins out and left me once again with someone I barely know. And to think they were looking for me.

I watch as they open and close my door. The few seconds I needed, to know what's inside the room and now, I'm totally good waking up in here. Man, I can already hear the chaos.

"God, when will this ever end"

"I can help you with that"


"Forget temporarily"

"Another sexual comment?"


"Are you sure you were lying?"

"I'm not sure but it's a yes for me."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I was half asleep. You could have been a dream for all I know. I'm happy you weren't though."

"Speaking of which, thank you for taking care of me" I shot her a genuine smile. I did owe her. What If I broke into someone else's and they did something? At least she just teased me a bit. Well, a lot, but a woman can complain so much.

"You're very much welcome, soooo, you're going to head out now?"

I was planning to answer her yes but the pounding in my head is getting so much worse than I thought, I move my hand and pinch the bridge of my nose. I can't go back there feeling like this, it'll be torture. A very painful one.

I close the door and leaned on it, sighing, I gave M an uneasy smile ,"you have yourself a bet if you let me crash on your house for a bit."

"You want to sleep with me again?" Her name might be Maleficent, she looks like her right now. Except the horns, just really the smug evil look.

"Oh yes, rub my stomach and sing soft kitty to me while you're at it."

"I've done it once, I will do it again if I have to and want to."

"It's sarcasm."

"Drunk you made me think it wasn't."

"You will never gonna let that go huh?"

"Hmmm, why would I?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"You want me to really answer that?"

"No" I shook my head and was about to move to walk to the couch when she grab my shoulder and point to the direction of the kitchen.

"Have some breakfast with me first and drink some advil, I'm sure your mouth and head is killing you," she paused, "and you're sleeping on the bed, not there, it's not comfortable"

We look at each other for a few minutes before I shrugged and agreed with her. It'll be a long long day.

...and well, M, the pretty brunette that now lives across the hall that let me sleep on her couch despite me being weird, when drunk and acts out their favorite show, intrigued me.
