

A war had erupted between all the powerful races that ever existed in the age of magic, vampires, dragons, werewolves and humans.On their quest to conquer each other,many have been affected negatively that a new government was started on planet Mars.This government brought in people from all races that are tired of the war. Krad,had been raised by Druid Sage on a different far away planet,but brought to Mars by Druid.One day Druid disappeared mysteriously and Krad blamed the war of it.Nothing of Druid was left behind, except a magical hurt and round glasses,then a mysterious old looking book.On touching the book,Krad suddenly received a magus system that would help him to grow powerful fast. He sets a journey,a journey to stop the war and to end the ones that caused it.

CHImanga · Fantasía
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48 Chs


"Him? Don't worry about him.He seems to know how to handle his own problems."Hellen said as she also watched Krad fighting.Both of the girls were pretty much shocked at how Krad was improving in the middle of a fight.

As soon as the ten clones split,four clones and the original went straight for Krad.He had recovered and could now stand properly,but one thing scared him the most.


Of course he knew what this meant.He knew if he made a mistake in this fight,he will definitely die."No!I can't die at the beginning of my journey!"Krad shouted as he shot more wind balls at one clone destroying it.The others split ways planning on attacking from different sides.




[WATER FLOW:You can now harness the power of water.This power has multiple skills that you'll have to unlock in the future]


"Water cannon!"Krad shouted immediately he had received the skill.Stretching his palms out at two clones,two cannons of water left his hand very fast and powerful that his hands jolted back due to the force,and he got pushed backwards slightly.The two cannons had hit two clones killing them instantly.The balls were so fast for them to react."Oh,I never expected that from you."The two remaining vampires said as one attacked by sending in a large red line attack, while the other followed behind the attack ready to smash his fists on Krad.




Seeing the attack coming,Krad remembered that the last time he was hit by a similar attack,5 health points were taken.And right now,he had only 3 HP left."Come on Krad!You are special!!"He shouted at himself as he shot out four water cannons.They collided with the red crescent line overpowering it as it disappeared.The clone that was behind the destroyed attack got hit by the four cannons sending him flying in the air and puffed into red smoke.The four balls had disappeared too as they had ran out of power.



"It would have taken a normal person to take out even only one of my clones.But you,how are you able to destroy four of my clones so easily?"The vampire boy asked as he had stopped running due to what he just saw.Wendy could hear them speaking clearly as Krad gave off his answer."The answer is easy,and very unique,am..."

"Special."Wendy finished the sentence under her breath,but Hellen heard her very well.Wendy had heard Krad say this word when he was fighting Davis,and right now,he gave off the same answer.

After some moment of silence between the two,"Hahahahaha.Who do you think you are."The vamp boy laughed.Krad was clearly annoyed."If you don't believe my words,then watch me defeat you."




Even if the system wouldn't have given him the quest,he was still going to defeat this person at all cost."Then you are free to try!"The boy said arrogantly.His body started to send weak red shock wakes to all directions like a sphere,as many long banded strings came out from both his palms as one large red string from each of his palms.

"I did not expect Mike to use his vampire soul weapon.This is going to be a hard fight for that boy."Hellen thought as she continued to watch.Wendy would have liked to help Krad,but right now she was out of mana energy.She could just stand on Krad's way if she tried.

"I will crash you like a bug!"Mike, the vampire,yelled as he leapt up in the air and swung his two large whips vertically from above heading for Krad."That attack is too strong.I can't block it but avoid it."Krad thought as he rolled out of the way and ran a certain distance.The whips had missed,but they hit the ground so hard creating a large depression on the surface.Krad had made a good choice to get out of the way.

From behind Mike now,Krad shot more and more invisible wind balls and water cannons.They came out faster than before and pushed him back more and more as he shot them.Turning around all Mike could see was a swarm water cannons coming fast at him,he was unable to see the wind balls.All the attacks hit him so hard still in the air that he fell on the ground bleeding heavily.The two whips retracted back in his body as he lay down unconscious.





He had no time to read all the messages because he saw Wendy and another girl running towards him with worry on their faces.When they were close enough,Wendy shouted."Run!The guards are here."Krad did not need to be told twice as he also started running away with the two girls round and entered the building through the main entrance.They got to their floor after some time of running and now they could catch their breathes.

"We'll talk tomorrow.We have no time because I know the guards will also be here soon."Hellen said as she ran off with Wendy to their respective rooms.Krad wasted no time as he also got to room number 7 and entered locking the door behind him."Phew!That was close."Krad sighed as he removed his mask."I know where you were."A voice spoke softly from the bed next to Krad's.It was Caleb Mist,his roommate.Krad had failed to notice that the lights were on,so Caleb saw him in his demon disguise and now,he was back in his normal human self.


"What the heck happened here?"A grey knight asked as he had to remove his helmet to see.The knights had already arrived behind the East wing building and were shocked to see the aftermath of whatever happened in this place.

There was a long deep crack on the ground,and next to it,lay a boy who had passed out.From the side near the trees,was a girl who was extremely injured and had passed out too."Take them to the medic immediately.Am afraid we are now dealing with a pure threat."

"ROOOAAR!!"The morning timer went off.Krad did not have a good night's sleep because of a certain someone.He had to explain himself to Caleb, because the person was showing signs of aggressiveness,and Krad wasn't ready for another fight.He told Caleb everything, except about the system.To his shock, Caleb proposed something,"May I join you in that journey?It will be an honor."Krad was speechless,but what could he have done?He had to allow him to join him and Wendy.After all,he needed more people to help him.

Still looking at the ceiling while lying on his bed,he opened up his system.


[SPECIAL SELECTION:You can now evolve]

[SPECIAL SELECTION:You have the ability to improve now.You can now improve on your current skill through certain ways:1-You can use your leveling points to increase any of your stats 2-You can absorb beast crystals to evolve

3-You can absorb mana from others to increase your own]



[MANA STEAL:You will be able to increase your mana by absorbing that of others]

[MANA 20/100]

Waking up,he noticed that Caleb had already left.He prepared and went to class.When he got there,he was shocked to see knights, standing infront of every class door in the floor preventing the students from entering."What are they doing?"Krad thought to himself.He looked around and saw both Wendy and the girl from last night together.He walked to where the two were."What's happening?"Krad asked."They are searching each and every floor in this building."Wendy replied a bit worried.

"Anyway,Krad,this is Hellen Revel."Wendy said gesturing at the girl next to her who had long blonde hair and her eyes were bright brown.

"Hi,nice to meet you Krad."Hellen stretched her hand for a handshake."Hi too."Krad shook her hand."Wendy has told me everything she knows about you."Hellen continued.Wendy's face had turned slightly red when she heard this.

"Let them in!The coast is clear!"A knight shouted at the others,and all of them left.The students regarded this as very weird,but they had to enter their classrooms.


In a certain floor in the building that was located at the centre,the principal,teachers and a few knights were inside a hall having a meeting."What is happening!?"Eugene shouted demanding for an answer."Our students are going missing every night.Is it hard to put a large patrol around the school to protect our students?!"

"That am afraid won't happen as easy as you think.There is a low supply of grey knights provided by the Martian Government."Frank replied, relatively annoyed."I said that all students were supposed to be in their rooms before dark.And that's enough."

"That's enough?!"Another teacher raised her voice.

"What do you expect me to do?!"Frank stood up angry."The school has low credit resources.Every side needs money!We can't just hire some knights.If you want to patrol the school at night,then you're free to do so."

Frank's answer was understandable.The teachers had nothing else to say,but to let thing play as they are at the moment.

"This meeting is dismissed if none of you has nothing to say."Frank said as he left the hall and was followed behind by his two guards.