
#2 The Reason

I have peace with my new condition as a dragon. From human with two arms, two legs, two eyes and anything else about human then became a dragon that have huge body, four legs, and of course I can sprout fire. Yeah, it's not easy to receive it but this is life, so, I must always going on.

I try to remember how I can became like this, from a human that only trying the best for his life untill can be a dragon and have the empire of dragon as the heir of Lord Dragon, Zourdi.

I remember that my last activity as a human is eating my special vegetables food, and then I can't remember anything after it, but I remember that I eat one vegetables that weird, because I find it in my backyard home. But, I think it's not too problem for me became like this, and then I decide to forget my past identity as a human and chose walk on my new identity as a dragon.