
Levels Of Training

“Alright!” Le yelling this made Leva-on circle Imuru, at a measly pace.

Imuru could feel he's a bit nervous, but feels he had the capabilities to defend and deflect successfully.

"Alright, ready when you are," Le-va-none said, ready to begin only when Imuru says so.

Imuru exhales, "Ready."

Leva-on strikes at Imuru in a flash, getting deflected for the first strike by Imuru.

Le-va-none let out a sigh of relief, holding his chest slightly worried Imuru might have gotten hit, and can then after be impressed by Imuru's reaction.

Leva-on returned swiftly for another strike, bending and curving to try and deceive Imuru.

Imuru keeps a keen eye, managing to deflect another assault of the Leva-on directing it into the sky.

Le-va-none clasps his hand together, “There we go,” he thought with a proud smile.

Eld-onone approached Le-va-none.

“Oh,” Le-va-none smirks, “and here I thought you were too scared to stand beside me?”

“Purpose of this exercise?” Eld asked.

“You know it's nice that you came all the way here to see me, I could kiss you now,” Le-va-none said.

Eld groans lightly. The two ignore each other's questions, and just talk without actually acknowledging what the others are saying.

They stare out in silence, oddly waiting for each other to say something so one can blow each off.

Le looked up at Eld for a brief moment.

Whilst the two have their trip, Imuru is still engaged in a game of block or deflect with Leva-on.

He glanced over at Le, his attention glued to Eld for a second, causing him to almost get struck by Leva-on.

Le-va-none's attention is brought back to Imuru, “Remember focus,” Le shouted to him as a bit of encouragement and worry.

“Quite slow,” Eld commented on Leva-on speed.

"Yes, I have a conscience," Le-va-none responded in a casual tone, blankly staring at Eld.

“Just wanting to see his limits,” Eld said.

“Hmm, I don't need that from you, I do what I want and besides I was warming him up,” Le said, sticking his face into the air.

Leva-on gradually dawns a transparent lucent golden aura, giving off a wide area of effect, making the space around them, especially the targeted opponent Imuru feel heavier than usual.

Leva-on with this skill activation pressed Imuru, all their way up the tree, overpowering him here and there.

In a quick burst Leva-on passed Imuru, the same golden aura sending Imuru hurtling to the ground.

“As you can see, he's gotten better. A warm up,” Le said.

“The difficulty increased slightly and he's already on the back hand,” Eld remarked.

“Patience, he'll adjust,” Le-va-none responded.

Imuru held his own, landing not so sturdily on his feet. Rushing down Leva-on is Deflected into the ground and throwing himself back onto the side of the tree, Imuru blade gives off a glimmer of purple, as with one slash he dispatches the golden aura, rendering back to his original mobility.

Le looked up at Eld with a cheeky look, “If it was a bet, I would've won, eh?”

Eld remained silent, just accepting Le-va-none's gloating.

Le cleared his throat, “Now if you'll excuse me, I have my little one to congratulate,” Le-va-none said, flying over to embrace him tightly.

Imuru returned the embrace, as Leva-on gently floated over to the pair. Le held Imuru's hand, bringing him over to Eld.

Putting Imuru in front, so he can be praised by Eld. He didn't quite get the memo and had to be probed into the right direction.

On the more confusing side, Eld swiftly asked for the reason he should, expecting Imuru should already know.

"Insensitive,” Le-va-none said with almost zero emotion. He looked back at Imuru and pats him, "Hmm, doesn't matter, no patting privileges for you," Le-va-none said pouting.

Seeing that there won't be much from Eld, Le-va-none takes Imuru's hand and walks away.

Standing at the tree, Le-va-none moved the sun so he could be in the shadows of his tree.

Imuru stared speechless, “He moved the sun?”

“Hey don't worry yourself, that's not impressive,” Le-va-none said jokingly.

“Okay,” Le materializes on himself some new clothes, going with a pretty look, along with a board.

Le clears his throat, “Now first of all I'd like to say, Imuru, I am deeply impressed with your strengths. Now with that being said, do you think there's anywhere you could improve?”

“Maybe just being close range might be a problem?” Imuru asked hesitantly.

“Great, That's it. Being a close range fighter is a good thing, especially with that nullifier of yours, but most opponents are versatile, ” Le-va-none replied.

Imuru listened closely, taking Le-va-none's words to heart.

Le-va-none gets up close, “But you're impressive either way,” He said with a smirk.

The wind slowly starts to pick up, "Oh! a big storm, one of my favorite times of the day," Le-va-none brings Imuru back inside.

Up inside Le-va-none got a seat to watch the chaos that's about to be unleashed by the storm, beaming with enthusiasm.

Imuru was a bit curious about Le-va-none's enthusiasm. stood beside Le-va-none preparing himself to find out.

In a few moments of heavy pitch black clouds rolling in, sounds of thunder echoed across the land.

Waiting Imuru glances at Le-va-none. A flash, followed by a crashing sound, frightens Imuru.

“Ah… Did you see that?” Le-va-none blurted out in excitement, pointing out at the damage it caused, for being from the clouds. “Just watching nature do its thing is so entertaining.”

Now Imuru could see why he was excited, figuring Le-va-none gets a kick of seeing this sort of destruction.

A hand is laid on Imuru's shoulder.

“Mind me borrowing you for a second,” Eld asked Imuru.

Le-va-none blankly stared at Eld-onone, “Uh, Excuse me?”

Ignoring Le-va-none, Eld took Imuru with him.

“He doesn't like you,” Le-va-none said to himself. Not feeling like he should bother, he continued to watch the storm.

Down on the ground Imuru thought of asking Eld what he needed, but that wasn't really needed as he figured it out the moment he saw something that seemed to be a wolf and an overgrown centipede.

Not wanting to leave Imuru alone with Eld-onone, Le joins them. He gave each of the storm creatures a glance, knowing now this is his attempt to train Imuru.

The storm creatures are stuck in place for the moment, being released once Eld-onone allowed.

Without warning the creatures rush towards him, the storm Wolf being the first to cover the distance. It leaps off the ground, going in for a bite, swiftly reacting Imuru maneuvered over the wolf..

Agitated, the storm Centipede unleashed a lightning bolt towards Imuru. Unfazed he burst through like breaking through the surface of water, to land a devastating strike to the Centipede severing it into a few pieces.

Before the giant storm Wolf can react, Imuru strikes it from the side, which did little to even stun it. It retaliated with a burst of sound, that missed Imuru entirely.

Still alive and kicking, the storm Centipede drew down lightning from the clouds, charging itself for on last attempt.

"He hasn't really done much to the wolf? Hmm, he likes it.” Le-va-none thought, a little bit surprised.

At long last, the storm centipede is fully charged and utilizes its Complex Skill, to bring lightning down forming a cage around Imuru and the storm Wolf. The lightning closes in expeditiously, colliding, sending out external energy and charging the air.

[[<Complex Skill>]]

[[Charged Field]]

The air sparks at random signaling another Skill of the storm Centipede. After a few more seconds of sparking, the entire area in the range of 110 meters, it discharges a huge amount of energy vaporizing everything within its range.

Le-va-none waits patiently for any sign of Imuru, "Huh?" Le-va-none face lies up, Imuru stands right beside the now dead storm centipede that is now in much more tiny pieces.

Imuru exhales, and waves over to Le-va-none. Happy to see Imuru is doing well, Le-va-none couldn't contain his excitement to see that he could casually deal with such opponents like they're nothing.

Eld-onone himself shows a face that makes it clear he's been impressed, "And now for the real challenge."

"Ehhh? Eld-onone are you serious, what real challenge?" Le-va-none asked his entire mood dropped.

Eld-onone looks at Le-va-none "You'll fight him."

Le-va-none doesn't seem too against the idea of finishing off this training with himself and Imuru.

Debating with himself Le-va-none agrees, "Oh! well sure." Abruptly Le-va-none

demeanor changes to pretend like he's still a little upset, "Hey! and don't get the wrong idea, this has no benefit to me. I just want to get this over."

With confidence Le-va-none approaches Imuru. One small break in the clouds allowing sunlight to pierce through, Imuru smiles brightly at this.

“Maybe he doesn't like the storm much,” Le-va-none rubs the back of his head, “Yeah, I should probably stop doing that,” He thought.

"Hey Imuru?" Le-va-none stops a few feet away from Imuru, "Put it simply, I'll be your final test."

Imuru nods, “Final one.”

“Yes, exactly. No need to worry you'll do great,” Le-va-none said encouragingly.