
The Great Black King • Volume 1

She has fallen in love with a character from a book she has read a thousand times and after an incident, has awakened in her arms, but who knew that one's opinion could change so much upon seeing the actions of such a being up close. Even though she no longer sees him romantically, she wants to save him and his little son, she wants to give everyone a happy ending, but... what if they are right in the middle of THEIR happy ending? It should be okay, right? After all... This was never a story about King Callisto.

ElliotAvaritia · Fantasía
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55 Chs

Chapter • 40

♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱ •⋅ Asmodeus ⋅• ♱

He was sneaking out of her room again and then another. It was comical to see the king sneaking in to watch my sweet child sleep.

Calisto had become something like a dumb teenager - not that at some point he was exactly smart.

"Come on, tell the truth."

The demon in my mind mocked.

"What did he do to you? Am? Did he steal any of your lovers while you were distracted by some bright light?" That was an outrage "or do you just hate it for free? Em? I'm right? Wasn't the mistress? Which one? Am? The redhead? He looks like he likes redheads. The girl you see every night is kind of a redhead..., but... I don't know, maybe he likes blondes? There was a blonde, wasn't there? What was her name?"

I snitched.

"Have you forgotten how much fun it is to be alone in a room with me?" I snored "I can remind you if you don't shut your evil little mouth."

That wasn't a double-entendre suggestion. I was ready to torture that bastard if he didn't shut his fucking mouth.

I hated Callisto for his simple existence.

I didn't need good reasons to hate him, let alone bad reasons.

I just hated him.

He was dumb, carrying a weight that did not belong to him on his back and above all: he was selfish and self-centered.

I usually admire selfish people - like Lucifer or Baal, but Callisto, Callisto was selfish in the worst way.

Egoists who try to be something beyond what they are.

"Don't you know how to play? As far as I remembered, you were more fun" he seemed upset, but at that moment I did not care at all.

"No" I replied "I lost my mood along with my patience in my mother's womb."

"And here I thought you were born of an egg" provoked the demon and all I could think was if that idiot had given up on living.

He seemed to be struggling to die.

What had happened? He had finally understood that he would never leave that earring? This was not my fault!

Well... partially, but that wasn't the point.

"Are you calling my mother a brooder?" I raised one of my eyebrows "watch your answer."

The demon laughed, but soon hurried to speak.

"I just remembered the old stories about dragons."


I sighed.

"I'm a demon before I'm a dragon," I said leaning against the wall "and we're not born of eggs."

He laughed.

"Will you find out?"

That little demon was getting bolder, maybe I should really teach that little thing a lesson.

"So..." he said sighing "What are we going to do? Am? Are we going to stand here staring at this door all night?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"If you keep complaining, I Cogito" spoke with a huge smile "but the focus was not him" I muttered and when the steps approached Asra's door, smiled "this, this was the focus."

The words had barely come out of my mouth and I saw a figure enter the room.

I recognized that way of walking, would recognize even after years.

It was Azrael and when he left minutes later, it became even more obvious.

"What????" the demon did not seem to understand and I laughed.

I laughed because I didn't want to let on how much it annoyed me.

"Let's..." I said touching the earring with a flick "we need to take whatever he put in her room."

"Did he put something there while she slept? What is he? A pervert?"

I snitched.

"Something like that, he was an angel after all."

"Angels in the sky..."


"I know... they can't be trusted."

The demon nodded and nodded.

He was angry, like a spectator who eagerly watches his favorite story every day.

Cast a spell over my body and when Azrael is gone, I sneak into Asra's room.

It was full.

Full of curses, full of evil intent.

What the hell was that fallen one up to? Did he want to control it? Did he intend to kill it or did he just want it all together?

It was just absurd.

"Fucking sadist" grumbled to myself and the little demon in my earring got angry.

"How can he? She's cool!"

I settled.

Asra was nice and the one who was now in her body was genuinely someone decent.

Someone Asra had forgotten to be when she decided to dedicate her entire life and existence to a scumbag like Callisto.

"Let's go" I muttered "it's time to work."

"Work?" he grunted "you want me to work?"


"Weren't you mad at him? Didn't you want to help her?"

The demon writhed in his little house.

"But... work now? At this time of night? Will you pay me for overtime?"

I snitched.

What was he thinking? A deadly employee with working hours.

"His payment is to stay alive" I purred and before he could complain or deny it, snapped my fingers and threw it in the middle of the room.

He would clean up...

I would leave that place and Asra as a new being, but at least now I knew how far Azrael could go.

He could go all the way. As far as it took to get rid of the snags.

Smile, a broad smile.

It was a real shame for him that boredom had thrown me through his plans.

I popped my tongue in the roof of my mouth.

"I will destroy that fool... every little bit, until there's nothing left."

The demon grunted and complained, but when he heard me, he laughed.

"Are you going?"

I stared at him.

"Yes" I spoke with a huge smile "I will slaughter him and then deliver him back to his "father" just as he did to my little prince project."

The demon has snitched.

"And since when do you sympathize with children?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Since... they say they'll protect their useless parents?"

The demon couldn't understand, but I smiled.

I had eyes and ears everywhere, because I was the shadows and the shadows were me.

We were in tune and little by little, I was clinging to a child.

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