
The Great Alpha System

In the past , there was no light , no joy , no pain , no laughter , no regrets, . It was just me ,me and an eternity of darkness, then i created the heavens , i created a place for me , i created my followers . I guess it was quite fun. For a God like me protecting , creating, was one of my specialty as i love it like so. so i created many dimensions , many universe , many live , at least it reduced the darkness. But as they say good things don't last . things started going wrong. Then , things started going wrong when one of my own followers desired my spot , my spot as a God as king of all living. He went against me and my every will.and the worst part is that, i can't Kill him , after all he is one of my creation . So i locked him up far away from my every creation of mine , but am sure it wouldn't hold him for long . i just feel it and am sure his coming back . "since you are the king of all live , I'll be king of all deaths" he said as he laughed out loud ."Hahahahahahahahah'" Right now am going to do something i never thought I'll do I think Ill need help from one of my own creations . _____&&&&&&_________---&&&&&&& This book actually has 4sides, for you to understand the book fully you need to read all 4 sides. (Note , this story is not a werewolf based story, am trying to creat a new Parth of fantasy just need your support ) My first time writing so first few chapters might not be that good it get better at chapter 16

Willfried_Jilib · Militar
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19 Chs

An Alpha



Steering at the message in front of him , Grey was confused, but still yet , he had to admit that he was a little bit excited.

Grey right now felt like he had what he had been dreaming for a long time now , a Vertality , something that all earthlings seemed to have at the moment ,But at the same time he wasn't so sure about it anymore as he looked more into what was written on the screen in front of him.

" My duty as an Alpha ?,what does it even mean in the first place , does that mean i got some were wolf transformation type of Vertality or something ?,naah i don't think so ,if so why would it ask me to kill demons instead of errmm what they would normally eat , i think this must be something else , something different "

The situation was really making Grey confused , But yet , he couldn't help but get excited once more , he was sure that this system thing was something that might bring a change to his life , even though for some reason it was asking him to kill demons

Like that ,Grey felt the envy of knowing more of what this system thing was all about . he wanted more information about it , since it seemed to be like some kind of olden days games.

Just as he was thinking of it , he got another notification from the system .

*ding *


[YES]. [NO]

As if the system was reading his thoughts , it gave him some kind of link to know more about it , totally overjoyed of such an outcome Grey wasted no time as he said Yes.



[NAME : Grey Redems ]




[Level: 1]






[Alpha Energy:0]

[Mind fortitude :2]


Looking at the Golden screen once more , Grey was more than excited.

" It's like i thought , it's just like those olden games , " he said as he loved what he was looking at .

Grey was right , in the past people will play games of such just for fun , without the need to train, worry, or even think of war .That was a life that Grey had never lived , but maybe now he some what had a Chance to live it, the only difference was that this was reality and not a game , and a single mistake could lead to the loss of his life, anyways it wasn't like Grey didn't know all of that , He knew , it was just , he was trying to see more of the good side of it than the bigger picture.

This system of his would be able to show him not only his progression, but he could also be able to Compare it with the time he took to improve ,and it will help him know how fast he was compared to the others. but the advantages of such a thing wasn't just limited to that , there was more ,

" If this system is more game like than it seems, it means that it can even give me reward for completing the quest i get from it. ,and , depending on the level of difficulty of the quest my reward will be given " Grey said still happy about the situation ,it was more like a dream come true for him.

"It only means that , the harder the quest the better the reward" He continued to make the rough analysis of the system.

Looking back at his status , Grey found some interesting facts , for many of his stat points seem to be the same , with the number five , but some of them seemed to be different

And they were his : mental fortitude,and Alpha Energy , they were all at , Two and zero respectively

" Why are they even different in the first place? " Grey asked himself as he thought deeply as he tried to reason it out himself

In some games of the past, things like this would Usually happen , and it had only one explanation and that was , either the stats was something that wasn't easy to have or, it was the kind of stats , that one were to find them self .

" If it's not one of the two then i don't know what it could be " Grey said , he was trying his best to compare his system to olden games , to him it was more easier like so to remember most of the important points , but..... yeah it seemed to be working .

But those were not the only thing he noticed thou , as he continued to stare at one of the most confusing thing of the whole status .

[Vertality : Light (inactive)]

" Here it says I have a light Vertality , an it seems to be inactive , but that doesn't even make any sense , does it mean i have two Vertality,?" Grey thought in the Earth of today , a person with two Vertality was unheard of , so if it was out that Grey had some how managed to have two Vertality Grey would immediately become an experimental bag , as every type of experiment would be conducted on him just to be able to understand such a phenomenal , and with Grey having no backing it wasn't going to be hard to carry out , since those doing it will face no conséquences . Thinking of this the expression on his face was that of fear since he knew it was likely to happen.

" I pray they don't find out " Grey prayed to the heavens for his life .

However , there was another explanation, What if the system was different and the Vertality was different too , and they were all in one due to their circumstances . it might look insane but that was the best shot he got .

When Grey thought he had got enough of information that he could from the system , he thought of turning it down , and. with the thought it disappeared.

" So it means , anytime i need it all i have to do is think of it , " Grey said as he tried his thought which were correct .

Turning off his system Grey , could finally once again take a view of his surrounding , " ooh am still in that cave " Grey said out loud as he realized it .

" Guess It's high time i left , if i don't want to meet those guys when they would be back." Grey said as he slowly walked his way to the only source of light he could see , which was the door

But as he was some steps away from the door , what he feared only just had to happen .

They were back and this time they were three .

Standing right in front of the door was the spiky hair guy and the afro hair , and with them there was some one Grey didn't notice before.

"Well , well , well , what do we have here?" the spiky hair guy spoke with courage as he looked at Grey .

" So ,our little friend here was trying to escape ? " without even telling us good bye". he said as he moved further, studying the cave , trying to see if there were any changes .

As the guy with spiky hair moved forward ,Grey suddenly had a notification in in his head .


[You are surrounded by people who want to do you harm]

[Quest ]

[Defeat the people in front of you and win your first battle as an Alpha ]

[Quest rewards:????]

'hmmm interesting'

'the system is giving me a quest , but i think it's only a plus side to motivate me more cause I was going to do tit anyways'

Grey thought to himself as he prepared his fist an took a fighting stance ,ready for his first ever battle, be it as an Alpha or as a human.

*********. **************


Thanks for reading this far guys.

it's my first book so don't really mind my writing since I have a good idea in head

the more I'll be writing the more I'll be good , i Guess

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Don't worry for your update guys am not planing on giving up soon.

It's still my first book and am planning on doing more if this one goes well

Willfried_Jilibcreators' thoughts