
The Great Alpha System

In the past , there was no light , no joy , no pain , no laughter , no regrets, . It was just me ,me and an eternity of darkness, then i created the heavens , i created a place for me , i created my followers . I guess it was quite fun. For a God like me protecting , creating, was one of my specialty as i love it like so. so i created many dimensions , many universe , many live , at least it reduced the darkness. But as they say good things don't last . things started going wrong. Then , things started going wrong when one of my own followers desired my spot , my spot as a God as king of all living. He went against me and my every will.and the worst part is that, i can't Kill him , after all he is one of my creation . So i locked him up far away from my every creation of mine , but am sure it wouldn't hold him for long . i just feel it and am sure his coming back . "since you are the king of all live , I'll be king of all deaths" he said as he laughed out loud ."Hahahahahahahahah'" Right now am going to do something i never thought I'll do I think Ill need help from one of my own creations . _____&&&&&&_________---&&&&&&& This book actually has 4sides, for you to understand the book fully you need to read all 4 sides. (Note , this story is not a werewolf based story, am trying to creat a new Parth of fantasy just need your support ) My first time writing so first few chapters might not be that good it get better at chapter 16

Willfried_Jilib · Militar
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19 Chs

A flash back

A young lady could be seen walking the streets a smile on her face, as she held on to the hand of her little girl.

This beauty of the lady wasn't hidden , she was wearing a red gown which showed off part of her well carved chest area , it also showed a little bit of her back .

Her hair was lose, wavy , shoulder length and was beautifully carried back by the little wind that would blow now and then.

The little girl seemed to be happy as she held on to her mother's hand as she moved , skips in her steps, this smile on the face seem to never go, this little girl had pretty face , and also she had the same type of gown that her mother was wearing , the only difference was that her own wasn't the red colour , it was pink.

The little girl couldn't help but think about the surprise that her mother promised her.

"mom can you please tell me what the surprises is, please!" the little girl asked looking at her mother with a smile on her face , trying her best to make it look cute.

" Hmm hmmm hm" her mother gave out a little laugh "unfortunately for you dear , I can't tell you anything, but don't worry , you would know once we arrive at the destination." the woman said as she looked towards her daughter giving out a smile of her own, she couldn't resist the cute face of her daughter.

"oh come on Mom !,please just tell me please please please Mom!"the girl continue pleading it was a habit of hers to keep on insisting sometimes , even if she knew it was of no use.

She continued looking at her mom as she give out the sweetest smile with every words she said , seeing this, her mom couldn't help but laugh ,but unfortunately she couldn't say a word , if she did then it wouldn't be surprised anymore. But if there would be anyone who knew her daughter the most it was of course her , she knew that her daughter wouldn't give up that easily and will continue bothering her with the question , but it didn't mean that she too would let go easily.

The lady took a look at her daughter once more and that's when she started seeing the other extreme features, now looking at her chest , one would see it, sign of maturity , and at her back , two huge watermelons could see pushing out under from her waist area, yeah these where the sign of puberty, sign of maturity.

Puberty was believed to take place in women very fast rate , a the age of twelve at least, and in men at the age of fourteen.

' she's growing up, and quite fast too, she's even become more talented than we had expected James , '

'who knows maybe soon you'll be presenting me your husband' the lady thought as she laughed in her head about her own words, she looked on to her daughter giving out a smile and some drop of tears could be seen going down her face but she quickly wiped it , as the painful thought hit her 'I just hope she'll be able to make it in there, just hope she'll be strong enough to overcome all the training' , but it still hurts ,she is so young, and we didn't for the war in the first place ' i lost you , but i don't want to lose her too' . The lady thought as she wiped the drops of tears running down her face.

'Mom , anything wrong?' her daughter asked, "No darling, I just got a little bit of dust in the eyes but I'll be okay" she lied as she clean the tears in her eyes.

The lady and her daughter continued theirs journey , as they walked under the rays of the beautiful sunset, with the slight wind hitting their body, it was good though.

soon the lady and her daughter arrived at their destination as they looked at the door in front of them it was mainly painted in red, and had some steps moving towards it. The door didn't have the normal 'ding dong' bell that everybody knew of nowadays, it was the olden days type where one will come and jingle the bell at the door .

"well, here we are " the lady said

"where are we?"her daughter asked as she seemed to be confused.

"you'll see" the lady said as she moved forward onto the door , sending a hand forward she's slowly jingled the bell.

hearing the noise of the bell , this door was slowly opened, from inside and an old lady who seem to be in her late 50s stepped out of the door as she said the words

"welcome, dear daughters it's been a long time now "the old lady said with a smile on her face as she was ready for a hug .

when the words left the old woman mouth a huge smile could be seen on Elena's face as she immediately jumped towards the old woman not even caring if she was done with her ramblings or not but luckily her grandma was fast enough to chat her, but her lack in strength made her to shift some steps behind to regain her balance,"grandma! i missed you so so much "

"Easy dear or you will brake these weak bones of mine , haha , i missed you too darling"

the old woman said, then soon, after the sweet moment she dropped the little girl down "why don't we go inside,? I even made some cookies do you want cookies Elena " she asked as she looked at the little girl "oh yes oh yes cookies i want cookies"

This made the old lady smile , then without waisting much time she directed her grand daughter to the dining room.

" Go to the dining table you would see, there i kept some cookies in the plates enjoy them it's all yours" the old lady said as she tried to direct her grand daughter to the cookies. " wehh gramma you are the best" the girl said excitedly as she immediately ran to where she was told not even waisting time, this was one of her best suprise ever.


just let it be

sorry For the lack of update guys.

Y'all know it ain't easy with me , but i promise to make up for it soon.

Keep voting guys ,it motivates me to write .

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