


Lakin and Mia Gray


Larkin and Maverick returned from their honeymoon and had jet lag. Why? Because they fell asleep on the couch when they sat down. It’s a good thing the wedding wasn’t until tomorrow.

Dad walked in to find them asleep and chuckled.

They would move into their new house after Lakin’s wedding. Larkin and Maverick camped out at our parents’ home since the weddings were close together.

The next day, we all got ready. Since we had it at the house with our family and the Harpers, it made the wedding less hectic.

Dad checked on Lakin. He opened the door to find her standing in front of a full-length mirror.

/"You look beautiful, baby girl./"

She turned to him. /"I feel beautiful. I’m marrying the love of my life and having the people I love the most here. What is better than that?/"

He smiled as she smiled back.

/"Yo! Let’s get this show on the road! I’m a busy man!/" Nixon said.