


Settling into Married Life


As Nate, Grayson, Jonas, and Cayson worked on the house, I started school and my new job. College differed from high school, and I had gone from six classes to three over four days. The concept was weird to me.

Then I started work at Grayson’s company, meeting with HR to fill out paperwork as someone showed me around. I would clean the offices and bathrooms. It wasn’t what I wanted, but I needed the money.

With the house improvements happening, we ate out a lot. I would be so happy to have a kitchen, fridge, and stove. Eating out is okay, but I miss home-cooked meals. Thank God, we had my mom and Lucille because that’s where we ate.

Nate and I settled into married life. Married life didn’t differ from dating except for sex. Other than that, marriage suited us both.