

Akiyama woke up with a gut feeling that something would go wrong today. She pushed it off thinking that it was just a reaction to the cold as it was raining outside. Just in case she packed her "suit" which just consisted of a fox mask, a leather jacket, and black yoga pants. It wasn't much but it was all she could afford at the moment. On her way to school she went past UA and the uneasy feeling got more intense. Around 10 her watch lit up with a notification and she immediately told the teacher she felt sick and left school. Using the back alleyways as cover she changed into her suit and rushed to the USJ the training grounds of UA high. The reason she was rushing was because the notification was from the watch she gave to Eraserhead a month ago and told him to use it if he needs help. Akiyama trusted Eraserhead and so off she goes to probably save him and his class. 

Once Akiyama got to the building she busted through the doors and assessed the fight that was going on. Eraserhead was fighting villains and 13 was defending students. Akiyama didn't see all 20 kids so she assumed they got split up somehow. Maybe they had already started the exercise before the villains got there. Akiyama didn't have time to worry about that now she had to help Eraserhead. Rushing down the stairs she casted "Thunderwave '' causing everyone in a 15 foot radius to fall and be shocked by the ground. Most of the villains fell unconscious but Akiyama summoned a sword to knock the rest out cold. Rushing past Akiyama Eraserhead barely spared the carnage before him a glance before rushing past and going after the crusty man with a hand on his face. In that small glance Akiyama understood a hidden message " I trust you at the moment but will not hesitate to kill you if you hurt my kids."  Nodding Akiyama rushed back into the fight knocking down as many villains as she can. Hearing a grunt of pain she turns an sees a big man bird holding Eraserhead down. 

Rushing toward him she casted a protection spell and grabbed him, running to safety. Casting "healing word" Akiyama set him down. When the spell finished his wounds looked a little better but not great. Grabbing Eraserhead again Akiyama ran toward the kids and gave him to them and told them to guard Eraser. Just as she was about to run back to the villains she heard a booming voice behind her. "Do not fear for I am here"  

Thank you so much for reading! have a great day! please tell me if I messed anything up. Peace out!