
The golden summoner

Cordelia Ebony would do anything for her fiancé, as summoning is the one thing she is good at, and the one thing her fiancé needs to be successful. She will be by his side even if he’s the only one who will get the glory. Even if means risking her life for a ritual to get stronger for him. But most of all the betrayal that follows as she watches him whisper love words to her own cousin Elizabeth. As death follows bringing her a year and a half in the past. With a broken heart and her knowledge of what will happen, she is determined to change the future even if means forming an alliance with the coldhearted Duke of Crimson... What will happen once that time is up? Will she have her revenge? Or will she fall again?

Lushcious · Fantasía
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4 Chs


"Lady Cordelia which dress would you like to wear for the festival today?" The ladies in waiting all glared at Cordelia who was looking outside towards the beautiful garden.

"Lady Cordelia?" The ladies in waiting questioned her as they where all confused on why she wouldn't answer.

Cordelia turned around and smiled "I think we should go with the yellow dress" Cordelia said as she made her way to the vanity and sat down. As her ladies in waiting started getting her ready she looked at herself in the mirror.

'Will I ever find someone who loves me for me?' She wondered as shes only met men who wanted her for her appearance.

For a noblewoman she had a pretty face, hair that was as white as the snow, eyes that where as deep as the sea, skin that was as white as the snow, lips that where as cherry as the fruit. But even as she was a beauty her body spoke more for her than her face.

"Finished my lady" she looked up to see half of her hair up and two strands of hair from the front out and curly, her hair went down towards her waist. She smiled "ohh Ella you always know what looks best on me"

"Dress time!!!" The ladies in waiting where excited as so was Cordelia for as she looked likes a flower that had just bloomed.

"lady Elizabeth has arrived my lady"

Cordelia headed out to find her cousin in a blue dress her black hair was long and as Cordelia she had deep ocean eyes.

"Cordelia! I have missed you cousin" Elizabeth says with excitement as she hugs Cordelia. "I am glad you wished to have join me today as I want to introduce you to someone" Cordelia smiles at her and says "how could I not? You left for some time leaving me all lonely, I missed you"

As Cordelia and Elizabeth both head to the center of the village Elizabeth goes on to tell her about her adventure with her friend and the foods and places she passed by.

The village was full of people as they celebrated the new year still. There was music to dance to and many little shops from things to buy from.

Elizabeth and Cordelia danced, ate apples covered in caramel, and even went on a boat ride.

It was an hour before sunrise and Elizabeth took Cordelia to a garden.

"What are we doing here Elizabeth?" Cordelia was confused on why Elizabeth took her to the garden where not many people where at. "The person I want you to meet, my friend, he said he'd meet us here" Elizabeth explained as she sat next to Cordelia grabbing both of her hands into hers "you have grown into an amazing lady Cordelia" Elizabeth smiled at her as Cordelia blushed and smiled back closing her eyes.

"He's here" Elizabeth whispered as she let go of Cordelias hands and walked behind her "My Lord it's been a while" Elizabeth said as she bowed to him.

Cordelia got up and turned around to see him as Elizabeth introduces her to him "Cordelia this is the Countess Silas of Harrington" Harrington?? Cordelia was confused and wanted to know how Elizabeth knew him since he was famous and rich everyone knew him as the nephew of the king.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" Cordelia says as she bows "my name is Cordelia Ebony" Cordelia then looks at him. Her heart stops as she realizes what he's about to do, he takes her hand and kisses it "it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Cordelia" his green emerald eyes twinkled under the setting sun and his blonde golden hair was well styled back as some strands of hair still got in his face.

She could feel her cheeks get warm and her heartbeat was like music to her ears. What is this? She thought

Elizabeth then proceeds to talk "well well I'm glad to finally introduce y'all but I will be right back if you excuse me My Lord" Elizabeth bowed to him as she turned to look at Cordelia who was confused "I'll be right back Ima just go get us some snacks The Lord will keep you company" Elizabeth smiled as she walked off.

"Miss Cordelia would you walk with me?" Silas asked her with a gentle smile as she looks at him and smiles back "yes My Lord"

Cordelia and Silas go on walking in the garden as Cordelia begins to pick flowers and putting them in a basket for later.

"What are your favorite flowers?" Silas asks as Cordelia looks surprised that a Lord would ask such a thing. "A white Peony My Lord" she answered as she continued to pick flowers.

"What a rare answer, usually when I ask this most woman say roses or daisies" he says. That's when Cordelia gets a bit bothered due to him saying 'most woman'. Silas sees that his answered bothered her and process to explain "I ask because depending on the flower a person picks says a lot about them" that's when Cordelia looks at him trying to figure him out.

"The sun is about to set" Silas says as he goes to say something "would you accompany me to take a ride on a boat?" He looks at her as she smiles and nods.

Following him as he gets on and reaches for her hand to help her. Cordelia takes his hand and settles into the boat as Silas starts pedaling making it towards the center of the lake.

"What is something you enjoy doing?" Silas asks as Cordelia starts getting the flowers and placing them on the water. Cordelia smiles as she looks at him "you might not believe me when I tell you" she says.

"Well what is it" Silas says as he tries to study her, he starts picking flowers and also placing them in the water making them float. "I'm a summoner" she says.

Silas is taken back as he looks at her "really? a summoner?" Silas says surprisingly "yes, I've studied since I was 11" Cordelia proudly says.

As Silas looks at her "wow I'm surprised since there's not many summoners no more" Silas then proceeds to ask "could you show me something?" Cordelia sees the sun was already down and it was quite dark.

Cordelia smiles as she grabs her basket throwing all the rest of the flowers into the water around them. Silas looks at her questioning her "Look" she says as she places her hand on the water. A blue circle forming around her finger appears "Vulpid" she says as a fox with 3 tails appears running on the water and with every step it takes the flowers start glowing like starts in the night.

"You really are amazing" Silas says he looks at her once more. Cordelia smiles and blushes as she goes on to think. Could this be it? Could he be the one?

Ever since I met him he hasn't once looked at my body or said anything inappropriate. He really sees me for me.

Cordelia goes on to have a conversation with Silas as from far away Elizabeth watches and smiles.

"Our plan shall begin"

As for the rest of the night Cordelia spends it well with the countless Silas of Harrington. He takes her home and leaves her with a kiss in her hand.