
The golden eyed Omega

Ina is a golden eyed Omega, which is exceptional among desert wolves, living together with her friend Noah in the pack on a desert next to a big city hidden behind huge walls. The life for desert wolves is hard, water is rationed out and what is more, there are some parts that are not available for them as they are inhabited by feral werewolves, which cannot shift into human form anymore, and hunt Ina’s pack and similar ones for food. In the city live the high class werewolves entertaining themselves by organizing huntings on stray werewolves who, when they get caught, are being sold into slavery. Werewolves fights are very popular as well as buying personal slaves.

KatS2020 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs

Chapter 27

It was the first time her heat was actually almost enjoyable. Her Alpha came every day, sometimes he stayed longer, sometimes only for an hour yet she felt better than usual. Having sex with her Alpha while in heat was the best.

After eight days her heat was over and Ina was allowed to leave the cell. She immediately went straight to her room. She finally took a nice bath and changed her clothes. With a radiant smile Ina went to the kitchen.

"Back to the living?" Assun asked.

"Pretty much." Ina smiled while eating some fruits. The vibe in the kitchen felt different today. There seemed to be some strange tension in the air. Ina was looking around at the silent workers only to notice that a few of them had whip marks on their arms and back.

"Assun, did something happen while I was locked?" Ina asked quietly.

Assun looked around and then bowed a bit and whispered back.

"Madam went crazy. She punished each and every one for even the smallest mistake. She always carries a whip at her side and that big Alpha helps her to punish any slave who is out of luck." Assun kept chopping the carrot and Ina was lost in thoughts for a moment. Deep inside she had the unpleasant awareness that it might be because of her and after looking at the faces of the kitchen staff Ina knew they thought the same.

It was a slow process but Ina was cut off from everybody. People soon noticed that any person who got involved in a conversation with her was punished severely in a short time. So people avoided her and Ina became a pariah. There weren't many things she was responsible for, out of boredom she was helping in the kitchen but she was stopped yesterday. Very politely the main chef denied her help.

Ina was sitting outside in the garden looking at the fountain and the sparkling water flowing slowly down the marble stone. It was very calm and consoling. A light breeze made the heat less burdensome to bear. This tranquil atmosphere was broken by a sudden loud noise. After the noise a loud scream followed. Ina stood up and, pushed by curiosity, followed the source of this disturbance.

In the living room Assun was lying on the floor, some broken glasses were shuttered on the floor. Adeline with a fierce look and a whip in her hand was punishing the poor slave with all her force. Assun was screaming loudly after every hit and her back was covered by blood and wounds. The whip kept hitting Assun's back and she wasn't screaming anymore she was quiet and Ina noticed that she must have fainted. Adleine however didn't feel like stopping, Ina was almost sure that she will kill Assun. It was an instinct and Ina suddenly threw herself between Adeline and Assun.

"Lady Adeline please spare her life." Ina was already on her knees with lowered head.

"How dare you stop me."

Ina didn't allow herself to look up. She was scared but Assun was important to her. She was Ina's friend and the only one who still spared a few words with her.

"Tar, take her." Adeline dropped the whip and a light smirk appeared on her face. Ina was lifted by strong arms and a well known scent engulfed her. With a pounding heart Ina was dragged out . Adeline was following them.

"Tie her up to the pole."

Ina's hands were lifted and tied to a pole standing on a small square.

"No water for her." Ina looked at the back of Adeline and closed her eyes.

Tar came closer and she could feel his breath on her face.

"So beautiful and so pitiful. Be mine and your life will be easier with me and lady Adeline will protect you too." His fingers slowly grazed her skin on her neck, breast and hip. Ina turned her head to the side and bit her teeth together.

Tar sighted and left her alone.

It was late morning the hit was about to come with greater force in the midday. Ina opened her eyes, the stretched posture was uncomfortable but so far it was bearable.

Three hours later all that Ina could feel was pain, in her stiff legs, arms and the whole body forced to stand still in this unnatural position. The worst thing was the need to pee. Ina really wanted to go to the toilet but she knew she had to endure. The sun was scorching, and Ina's lips and throat were parched. She could barely swallow any saliva left in her mouth. She kept repeating in her head that she is a desert wolf and she can stand the heat of the sun.

It was late afternoon when Ina couldn't hold it in anymore, a warm stream flowed down her legs and despite the lack of water, tears of shame rolled down Ina's face. She felt humiliated by her own body's weakness. She only hoped that no one would come and see it .

In the evening her head felt dizzy and Ina's legs slowly gave out. For a brief moment she was hanging on her arms but the pain was so immense that she forced herself to stand up again. Ina was exhausted, she was grateful that the day finally came to an end and the temperature was slowly going down. The whole night was awaiting her and Ina was wondering how she was supposed to last through the night.

The back door flung open forcing Ina to look in that direction Jiha was walking quickly down the path straight to her.

"My poor baby, what did you do to be punished like that?" His hands touched her burned face. With a one swing of his dagger the ties binding her hands were cut and Ina would fall to the ground if Jiha wouldn't catch her. He lifted her up and carried back to the house with a worried expression.