
The Gods Of Alkebulan

Long ago, the land of Alkebulan was ruled by the mighty Gods. Mortals lived at the mercy of these divine beings, who decided their fate and wielded the power of the elements. When angered, the Gods would shake the heavens and earth with their mighty power, leaving mortals trembling in fear. But then came the discovery of the Supreme Power of Jok - a force that allowed mortals to harness the power of the Gods and connect with their own Ori, or inner spirit. With this newfound power, humans began to thrive and rise to levels of strength and ability that rivaled even the Gods themselves. They took control of their own fate, harnessing the spark of destiny embedded within their very essence. But such power was not for everyone. Only the truly talented and skilled could go against the natural order of the heavens and claim their own fate. It was a rare gift, but for those who possessed it, the possibilities were endless. **Disclaimer:** The concepts, names, and themes presented in this book, are entirely fictional and created for entertainment purposes. They do not represent real deities, belief systems, or cultural practices. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real events is purely coincidental. This content is a product of creative imagination and does not reflect any existing religious, cultural, or historical beliefs. Readers are encouraged to enjoy these imaginative elements within the context of fictional storytelling and to respect the rich diversity of real-world cultures and traditions. Please note that the information provided here is for entertainment and creative purposes only and should not be considered factual or authoritative in any way. Alex Matarirano 2023 All Rights Reserved

Matrino2 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

The Clash

'He's right; we can't fight, but I can challenge him to a duel. He has a poisonous vibe, and since he has the guts to confront me like this, he might be from one of the clans,' my mind churns as I look up at him. I'm only 5'4 since I'm 10.

With a glint in my eyes, I offer a sly smile, my expression piercing and confident. "What is your name?" I inquire, my tone laced with subtle amusement.

"My name is Nia Kazi," he responds, meeting my gaze with unwavering confidence. His name serves as confirmation of his clan ties.

The Nia Clan, renowned for their mastery of the Spiritual Realm, is indeed formidable. However, their prowess pales in comparison to the might of the Mustafa Royal family, a fact he seems to overlook.

"I challenge you to a duel two months from now," I declare, turning to my parents, the King and Queen of the Eastern Region, who nod in approval, their confidence in my abilities unwavering. "My parents will be the witness of this challenge"

I redirect my gaze to Kazi. "Do you accept?"

He laughs heartily, accepting the challenge with a hint of arrogance. "Challenge accepted. I will defeat you and showcase the might of the Nia Clan to all."

I can't help but admire his daring spirit, despite his misplaced confidence. With a final parting jab, I remark, "You're daring, I'll give you that, but you're just a dog. Let's go, Father and Mother. I can't wait to test my talents and prove everyone wrong."

A boy with dark hair and brown eyes, standing at a similar height to Kazi, couldn't resist taunting Kazi.

"Kazi, a Cursed Prince is still a Prince. Your clan may be powerful, but in front of the Mustafa Clan, hmph," he remarks defiantly.

Kazi, undeterred, responds with a dismissive tone, his gaze fixed on Antaeus's back. "So what? Watch how I will trample him under my feet in two months."

However, the boy has one more arrow in his quiver. "He defeated your older brother at the age of 5 with just his martial power. Unawakened at that too. What do you think he'll do to you?"

Kazi's temper flares, and in a burst of speed, he has the taunting boy pinned to the ground, his anger emanating like a palpable force. "Don't you dare mention that failure in front of me again," he hisses, his grip unyielding.

Their altercation has not gone unnoticed, and a stern voice cuts through the tension. "Hey, you two, break it up!"

The voice belongs to a guard clad in beast skin armor, each piece pulsing with energy from intricate inscription runes. His presence alone commands respect, and his words leave no room for defiance.

"Conflict is strictly forbidden within the academy's grounds," he states firmly, a reminder of the rules that govern the behavior of all who walk the path of Jorin within these sacred walls.

Kazi sneers and lets go of the boy who coughs and groans. He shakes his head and walks off into the academy.

From inside the academy, the Alkebulan Spirit Academy sprawls in magnificent splendor. It's a place of profound learning, shrouded in an aura of mystique and reverence. The sprawling campus is a testament to both architectural grandeur and spiritual significance.

The main building, carved from pristine marble and adorned with intricate runes, stands as a symbol of knowledge and power. Its towering spires seem to touch the heavens, and its corridors hold the secrets of generations of practitioners who have honed their skills within these hallowed walls.

The academy grounds are a lush paradise of carefully tended gardens, where rare and exotic plants thrive, their energies intermingling with the spiritual currents that flow beneath the earth. A serene pond, said to be inhabited by sacred spirits, reflects the azure skies and the academy's magnificent facade.

Within the academy, students and practitioners from various clans and regions congregate, each pursuing their unique path of Jorin, whether it be Body Ascension or Spirit Ascension. It's a place of camaraderie and competition, where talents clash and flourish under the watchful eye of revered mentors.

As the heart of Jorin cultivation in Alkebulan, the Alkebulan Spirit Academy exudes an air of solemnity and dedication, a place where the boundaries between the mortal realm and the spiritual realm blur, and where the destiny of the realm's future warriors is forged.

-Antaeus's POV-

"When will the Jorin Test begin?" I inquire eagerly.

"In 10 minutes, son," my father replies with a warm smile as we make our way to the Alkebulan Spirit Academy's Main Hall, the designated location for the upcoming test.

Our walk through the academy's halls takes us past various classrooms, each with its own array of training equipment. Some resemble traditional classrooms, while others have an air of specialization that piques my curiosity. The prospect of exploring these diverse spaces fills me with excitement.

Alina, our loyal maid, can't help but notice my enthusiasm. She smiles warmly and remarks, "Your Highness seems eager to start learning."

My mother chimes in, her laughter bubbling with affection. "He certainly is, Alina." It's clear that they share in my anticipation, knowing that the academy holds a world of knowledge and opportunity waiting to be explored.

As we continue through the academy's corridors, I can't contain my curiosity and excitement. The academy is a place of vast knowledge and opportunity, and I'm determined to make the most of it.

Passing by one of the specialized classrooms, I can't help but ask, "What kind of training goes on in these special classrooms, Father?"

My father, always patient with my inquiries, smiles and explains, "These are the classrooms where students with unique talents and affinities receive specialized instruction. For example, those with exceptional control over elemental magic or rare physiques may find themselves here, honing their skills to reach their full potential."

My mother adds, "The academy is a place where you'll have the chance to discover your own strengths and affinities, Antaeus. It's a journey of self discovery as much as it is about learning."

Alina, who has been quietly walking beside us, nods in agreement. "Indeed, Your Highness, the academy will help you unlock your true potential and become the best version of yourself."

With their words of encouragement and the academy's vast possibilities stretching before me, I feel a renewed sense of determination and excitement as we approach the Main Hall, where the Jorin Test awaits.

We finally arrive at the Alkebulan Spirit Academy's Main Hall, a magnificent structure that resonates with an aura of tradition and reverence. The grand doors swing open, revealing the interior bathed in soft, ethereal light. The Main Hall is a place of significance, where the destinies of countless young practitioners have been decided.

Inside, the hall is already abuzz with activity. Students from various regions and clans gather, their faces a mix of anticipation and nerves. Instructors in distinguished robes move about, ensuring that everything is in order for the imminent test.

The grandeur of the Alkebulan Spirit Academy's Main Hall is truly awe-inspiring. Its towering columns, adorned with intricate engravings, reach high into the vaulted ceiling. Ethereal light filters through stained glass windows, casting vibrant hues of blue and gold across the hall. The hall itself seems like a living testament to the rich history and tradition of Jorin cultivation in Alkebulan.

Seated in our designated area, an opulant viewing booth, my family and I had a clear view of the stage where the Jorin Test will take place.

The anticipation in the air is almost tangible, as students, instructors, and representatives from the clans gaze alternately between the stage and the royal family.

At the front of the hall, a remarkable figure has taken the stage. He exudes an aura of fiery energy, his flowing red hair adding to his imposing presence. As he floats a meter above the stage, his voice resonates with authority.

"Good morning to you all, I am the Dean and I will be testing you this year," he declares, his words carrying weight and significance.

"Should any of you demonstrate exceptional talent," the dean's voice resonated with authority, "I will select them as my personal disciple and provide them with specialized training."

The announcement sent a wave of astonishment through the assembled students. Whispers and murmurs rippled through the crowd as the news settled in.

Below us, members of the various clans watched with a mixture of curiosity and respect. The annual Jorin Test held great significance, and the presence of a distinguished figure overseeing this year's event elevated its importance.

My parents, the King and Queen, exchanged meaningful glances, their pride in my abilities evident. As the minutes ticked away, a surge of excitement and determination coursed through me. The Alkebulan Spirit Academy offered limitless opportunities, and the impending Jorin Test marked the beginning of my quest to unlock my full potential.

'And change my destiny as the Cursed Prince. No one will stop me.'

Sounds like our MC has met his potential rival or stepping stone maybe ? we'll find out ! ba-dum-tiss, did I say that right lol Like it ? Add to library!

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