
The Gods Die

Paul, a typical 2099 RPG junkie was at home playing in his virtual reality machine, a "MMORPG" called "INFINITY". Facing a difficult time in the game, he decides to use an extra tool, and adds a Chip of an "AI" in the machine for a "Cheat". What he didn't expect is that, at the moment he started using his tool, a lightning bolt accidentally fell on his house and caused a short circuit in all electrical devices. To Paul's misfortune, he was hit while he was in the machine and ended up dying electrocuted. A shame... or is it not?

GliderBR · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Tragic end or a new beginning?

[Earth on June 27, 2098].

The day seems cloudier than usual, probably comes a terrible rain at night. People in the streets run to get ready to take shelter when the time comes.

Since the last war a few years ago, not all cities have been able to fully recover from the damage. And this city is one of them.

Because of the last war, where many people died, the internet network is lighter and was improved to an absurd speed. Who won the most with it were the online gaming companies, who got more freedom to do what they want.

One year ago, the Game called "Infinity" was launched an open world MMORPG, where you can become a "God".

Quickly the Game gained popularity and grew exponentially. In a certain store town, a young boy who by his appearance is 17~20 years old, is trying to buy a certain merchandise.

"Come on, Jorge. Make it cheaper. I've been your best customer for a long time"

"No way, Paul. I cared to get this shit for you, they almost got me".

Says Jorge, as he quickly picks up a package from Paul's hands.

"Okay, okay. I'll pay."

Paul sighed with the stubbornness of the salesman, because he was already bargaining for a half hour.

Jorge agreed, received the money and delivered the package to Paul. This in turn, quickly threw the package in his backpack and went home.

The clouds in the sky were beginning to gather. Soon after, Paul was almost home, and the sky was already dark when it started raining.

Paul curses himself for his bad luck as he enters the house complaining about the world and the background.

So, after taking a shower and eating some snacks, he goes towards the latest generation "XT22-8" virtual reality machine he bought a few months ago to enter the world of "Infinity".

Many of his friends were already playing and he was the only one who hadn't logged in the game yet.

Paul was not very interested at first, but after hearing that 5 "Gods" had been born in the game, a fire of excitement grew inside him, imagining himself defeating one of these players and taking his place as "God". So, he started to play and until he started well, he got a high level, a good equipment and other things.

But, he didn't get the confidence to defeat any of the pillars of the game just with that. For such reason, today he went to Jorge's store to receive the package he had ordered. A high performance "AI" for all and any kind of Cheat.

Paul laughed like a masochist while looking at the chip and inserted it in the machine. Soon after he entered the game.

The rain didn't stop outside and just seemed to increase even more.

But Paul didn't care and entered the game.

After entering he gave a command and the "AI" started to run and was at his disposal the whole time, acting totally as a system of his own body and mind.

Paul laughed like a lunatic and went "to raise the level of his equipment". He got up just enough to be up to date with the gods, since he didn't want to be the strongest there, he wanted at least to be one of the strong there.

When I was about to launch a challenge to one of the Gods, it happened...


A gigantic bolt of lightning descended directly from the sky to his internet antenna on top of the house. Using it as a conductor, the electricity from the lightning went through all the wires, irons and electricity conductors inside the house.

And of course, the machine where Paul will meet was no exception.

" Uuurggggghhhhh!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!"

Paul took a gigantic electrical discharge and felt his entire consciousness emptying.

Everything around him darkened and seemed to distance himself.

"So, I'll end up like this?! Eh? Gosh, thank you so much, God of the world. God... what an irony. "

Paul felt sad and laughed at his own misfortune, dying while trying to become a God, and going to complain with one himself. How ironic.

As his soul climbed a path to heaven, Paul felt something entering him and was terrified. But it didn't last more than 10 seconds that feeling afflicted him. And when he thought it was all over, suddenly... Paul feels something pulling him to the Side.

" Eeeeehhhh????"

Paul was stunned and did not understand what was happening. He just saw/feel his soul being pulled in another direction that he was initially going. Soon he was in a totally white room with no sign of its beginning or end. He looked one way and the other, as well as up and down to find the exact nothing.

I mean, besides a big cell-like construction in the middle of nowhere.

Paul then felt himself once again being pulled, but now towards the cage.

"Waaaaaa!? What the hell!?!?!"

Paul didn't understand what was happening and his thoughts were all out of place. Where am I? What is this? I died, didn't I? Those thoughts ravaged your head until...

"Welcome, my child. I await your arrival for a long time".

Paul, trembling and not knowing what to do, just looked in the direction of that voice. What he saw scared him even more.

A white, almost transparent and apparently weak fog was talking to him.

"Y-you're... God?"

"Technically I was... But that was a long time ago"

The mist spoke while lost in thought and said in a sad tone.

"S- Sorry sir... God... excellence... great being... what am I doing here?"

"Hahaha no need to be nervous, I won't hurt you. On the contrary, I need you".

The fog said with confidence.

"Do you need me? A being like you? Do you need me? Eeeehhhhh!?!?!?!?"

"Yes, I need you. Will you listen to my proposal?"

Paul prepares to answer, but is cut soon after by fog.

"Well, you don't have much choice. Listen, I'm sending you to a different world than yours. From what I have discovered over the last millennia, there are forces called {QI} and {Mana}. Given your memories I see, you probably know them as {Magic}, right?"

The mist said this while sending a certain light towards Phil's body that became even more confused.

"What's that? What have you done to me?"

"What I just did was to give you my blessing and some things that you will need in the other world. I'm sure you'll be able to turn around there. You don't have to do anything in particular, just stay strong and live a quiet life as long as you can... What I gave you too, was... you'll find out in time".

Paul was bothered by all this, but could not say anything. By the next moment, his soul was already disappearing from the white, empty room.

"Wait! Not yet, wait..."

Paul couldn't say anything else, because he disappeared.

The fog inside the room got weaker and weaker and it seemed that it would disappear at any moment.

"I gave you my Divine seed boy, and I can no longer stay here to protect you... sorry for being so selfish, but I hope you get what those others will never get..."

The fog said that, before disappearing completely from the white room... And of existence.