
The Goddess of Wisdom and creation (unedited and discontinued version)

Update:The finished version of this book is my other book with the same name. Somehow I ended up with two books. If you would like to read this book for free you can type in the name and click the one that says updating. If you have read some of this book you will unfortunately have to start from the beginning because half way through I changed a few things and now that I have a second book to go with this book I can’t stick with this version. I really do apologize and I hope that you will give both of my books a try since they are free. Also this is a dark war and romance book so reader’s discretion is advised. Mazaya(masaya) is the goddess of wisdom and creation she's anything but normal. she's emotionally unstable because She holds too much power. She's the only God that was born with a dark god and light God parent. It was never heard of before her. So that explains why she is the most powerful God in existence. Right? Not really because nothing is as it seems. Gods are manipulating each other left and right to prevent complete control. Things you think you know turn out to be a spell caused to protect the world. The only truth is the what they are living now. The past could be lies and there's only one way to find out the truth, to go along Mazaya's journey. One thing is true though She only has one weakness and when the most powerful Gods find it out they work to exploit it so they can control everything. The person who possesses her rules all. Will Mazaya be a pawn in this war against Gods or will she be able to free herself from some of the most ruthless Gods in existence. It' starts off slow but once you get into it it heats up and gets intense. nothing is as it seems in a world full of the most powerful gods. There will be sex scenes and at times it will seem out of there but this is a world of Dark Gods not weak mortals. And what is the way to ones soul? sex and manipulation. Don't be offended by how out of there this book can get. I was trying to be realistic. If a completely dark God was anything but what a dark God truly is would it be real. The light Gods are good Gods and you see it. But there's manipulation everywhere. This is a Dark Gods novel. Only a few Gods are based off of mythology this is a world I created and copy righted myself. (Warning turn back if you are looking for a happy ending. I can't promise that evil will not come out on top. This is war between gods so anything can happen. Conflicts will be high and anything can happen. worlds may be destroyed, important characters may die. read at your own risk because Mazaya is the only God that I can say for sure is completely immortal).

Ashley_loo · Fantasía
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168 Chs


I woke up in pain still, from the rough sex that we just had. It was too intense. I don't think sex is my thing. I guess being celibate for so long has that effect on you. After laying down for an hour without moving because of the pain. I finally decided to get up. Ill go down to the garden. I didn't want to see Alex right now. Maybe when I got my nerves. The pain was everywhere as I stood up.

I went to heal myself but it seemed that sex pain had to heal naturally. As I went to conjure up some clothes nothing happened. I tried about 3 more times and still nothing. The panic was slowly seeping in as I walked to his closet and grabbed a dress that he took from my room. All my clothes were in here. When did he do this? After I put them on, I went to teleport to the garden but I couldn't. I tried again and again and again still nothing. I tried to grab any ounce of magic and nothing.

I don't have magic. I went to conjure up some dark magic not caring about the consequences because I needed to fix this now. But still Nothing. My magic wasn't working. Nothing was. What was happening. As I walked out of the closet I looked at the bed and it all hit me. He tricked me. He tied my hands down so I wouldn't leave. He stole my magic. The build up wasn't a orgasm, that was him pulling the magic from out of me. I wasn't a God anymore.

The tears started up first and than the panic. How could he do this to me he had his own. He was powerful. He used me. That's all anyone ever did was use me. I can't breathe. I crashed into the wall and fell down tears coming fast down my face. He stole my magic and left me. He used me. Ugh. Before I could change my mind I was up and opening up the door. Opening up ugh.

I started running down the hallway. Wait what way was his office? I tried to teleport still nothing. I tried to use a locater spell nothing. Omg he used me I thought as I fell to my knees. I can't believe I let this happen. After I wallowed in my pity for a bit I got back up and ran. He didn't even care that I was breaking down. He got what he wanted and now I was useless.

After about hour of getting lost, I wasn't really sure how long since I didn't have my magic ugh, I finally found my way to the main entrance. Maybe I could just leave. Forget him he can have my magic and I'll just leave. As I went to open up the door it wouldn't budge. After pulling on it for awhile I finally gave up. The panic attack in me was full force.

And as I tried to teleport and nothing happened again, it just got worse. I felt hysterical. After opening up a dozen or so doors because I never took it in me to actual pay attention to where the actual rooms were located. I finally found him but he wasn't in his office, he was in the meeting room. Everyone was sitting and listening to him talk about crap. Because he was a liar and everything he said was lies.

"You stole my magic." I screamed. Not caring that I had every Gods attention. He turnt towards me and had the audacity to smile. "Hello beautiful I see you finally woke up." He had the nerve to say. "I've been woke but I got lost because you stole my magic." I yelled. I didn't care if I looked crazy, he stole my magic.

"Relax, you are worked up and obviously emotional right now." He said acting like I was overreacting.

"You stole my magic and I want it back." I yelled. I went up to him, about to hit him but he grabbed my hand. "Mazaya you need to calm down." He said in a soft voice like he was talking to a toddler. "You tricked me and used me." I cried. I pulled my hand away and broke down. I was done. I was nothing, I didn't even care anymore.

"Mazaya we can talk about this after you calm down." He said like there was anything to talk about. "If you don't plan on giving me my magic back, I want to leave." I said making up my mind. I would go and be a monk alone in the forest. "And I'm taking snowy as payment for my magic." I declared as I stood up and turnt around to go get snowy.

Before I could even make it 2 steps away I was being grabbed and restrained. "Let me go. You got what you want and I'm leaving." I screamed and kicked. "You aren't taking snowy." Alex gritted out. "You take my powers and won't even give me snowy." I cried. "You aren't leaving so you won't be taking snowy. You will relax and when you are calm we can talk like reasonable adults." He said In a voice I didn't like.

"No I am done. I'm done here. You can tell all your friends you tricked me and I ran like a baby because I'm done." I said my decision final. "Mazaya." Chasity called out from the side of me. I looked and it was snowy. He probably didn't want me anymore because I was powerless. I can't believe he tricked me. She tried to hand he him but I looked away. I felt something being set on my lap. I looked to see snowy, he was cuddling with me. Without thinking I grabbed him and started crying.