
Chapter 1

Medieval Years. It was the medieval years of the world. This world was something supernatural. Nothing was just natural.

In this world called Satella, magicians, warriors, mages, assassins, rogues, cultists, paladins and many more existed. The prominence of these class were present.

Of course, the reason for these classes of fighters are because of the existence of monsters. Monsters of many types. Goblin, dragons and many more.

However, one such monster was smarter than most. And those monsters were currently chasing a 21 year old male wearing a tattered grey cloak.

About 5 men chased him through the snowy mountains of Satella. Located in the nothern regions of the world. The male was shot to the calf by an arrow that was shot.

His brief urk of pain was heard by none, covered by the thick layers of snow, only to be shot once again at his neck, falling down to the snowy ground.

The 5 men who were chasing him, caught up. They all wore masks to hide their faces while committing crimes, but one had his hair out. The mouth was covered by a bandana as he approached the injured boy, trying to crawl away.

"Wai-wait...w-we can work this ou-"

The boy was cut off as the man took out a hatchet and began to cut the male into pieces. His cloak, clothing and limbs were each cut off, slowly, spilling blood and tainting the white snow of the ground. His arm and hand were cut seperately as well as his thigh, calf and feet.

But even then, he was still alive, but that changed when the man went in for the neck. Chopping down the neck until the cloaked boy was massacred and choppee off like a meal's ingredient.

"Haaaah...Haaaah...That should do it. No more witnesses." The man said.

The group of 5 all laughed and left the poor massacred up boy. His body parts all over the area of snow he was killed in. The night sky enevloped his massacred and minced body as it continues to snow.




"...Is the coast clear?"

The boy's decapitated head spoke as it's lips moved like it nothing even happened. Then, as if it wasn't weird enough, his arms amd hands reatached themselves together, as well as his thighs, calves and feet.

Lastly, his limbs all reattached themselves to his with his arm, plunging the head back on to his neck, as if he was just a toy who had lost it's head in an accident.

"Oh dear. It's been a while since I did some acting. Quite convincing, don't you agree mother?"

The boy stared up towards the sky when he asked the question.

"...I get it. I get it. I maybe was a bit overdramatic, but that's how humans are in a death situation. Desperate."

The boy answered from a question that was nothing. No onr answered, atleast in another one's point-of-view.

The boy was all smiles and giggles, as if he wasn't just chopped off like a pig in a slaughterhouse. He looked around his body and his cloak, all bloodied and filled with holes.

"Awww~ My clothes are all messy! Not a great look for the only son of the goddess of death!"

He was acting goofy, calling himself the only son of the goddess of death. A title that nobody calls him, because...he isn't known as that. He takes off his cloak, to reveal his now tattered black robe.

"My robe too!? Aww~ It matched perfectly with my white brown hair and blue eyes too!"

The boy complained about his clothing as he had a pouty mouth. He didn't think of how he can take revenge on the group who killed him, but how dare they destroy the clothing he wore. So, he began to pray.

"Oh goddess of death. Please bring me an unfortunate victim to loot from. I will humbly kill him in you're name."

He clapped his hands, indicating the finally of his prayer. And so, he began to walk towards the direction where the men who killed him earlier were headed.

'Well, if no unfortunate human is going to bump into me, then I can atleast take vengeance by looting those blokes.'

He thought of an alternative as he chased after the group who killed him, but he was only walking, taking his time as if he wasn't in a hurry.

"...I have to say, mother. They killed me in such a boring way, right? A very common method of killing someone slowly."


"I know right? After the countless trials of death you gave me, they killed me in one of the less fun methods, mother!"

He complained, as if it was a regular occurence. His brown hair was covered in some snow since he threw his cloak that covered his body away, since it was damaged by those 5 people.

He really smiled. He thought that, after he was killed, the men would go back to their hideout and lead him there, unknown to the men. The boy seemed to be in a good mood, but his lust to kill those men were visible.

"This skill you gave me really is useful, mother."

A purple aura was around him, which was his killing intent. The spell he mentioned was names [Victim Choosing]. As long as he has an intent of killing that person, or a group of people, he can track their location at the range of 9,000 meters, which are affected by slopes and environmental terrain differences.

The aura is invisible to other people, but to his so-called victim, it is visible and even from meters away, they sweat from how they feel his killing intent is.

From he stood, the figure of his victim was visible, they were only a few miles away as he held on to a tree, decaying it into a dead tree.

"...[Decaying Death]...It's still as beautiful as I remember. To see the face of a human decay slowly is such a good expression to see."

"So! What spell should we use, oh goddess of death. What spell is worthy to use on these infidels?!"

His sadistic side shows. When his not on a killing spree, he is calm and is rather kind and respectful, but when it comes to even killing one person, this side shows. The pleasure to kill.