
The Goddess of Creation and Destruction

Gaia Moraitis, a human with an ability, despises having one. To her, possessing an ability entails significant responsibilities and plays a crucial role in the deteriorating hierarchy of the world. But what if she carries an even greater responsibility? Something more complex and immensely challenging. Will she be able to endure it?

Jennyoniichan · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
30 Chs


INFRONT of a golden tree was the five powerful beings, all surrounding it, holding hands with closed eyes, chanting magical words in unison.

And there was another figure in the midst, holding something that would give life to the new God.

"With the power you have bestowed,

The golden tree shall bear fruit,

A new God against him shall rise,

But in creating, a price to pay,

She shall not love anyone,

She must fulfill the ordained,

Under my guidance and power,

She shall be born."

The powerful man in the center uttered these words while throwing something into the golden tree.

And from that day forth, the new God was born. The God who would change everything.