
The God of Swordsmen [Naruto Fic]

Our MC was Reborn in Naruto as Yato Aburame and strives to be the strongest swordsman there is!

Takemikazuchii · Cómic
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7 Chs


When Yato came back from his 20 minute run, he saw shino patiently waiting for him outside the door.

Yato: "Let me change my clothes first."

Shino: "Mhm."


Shino: "What do you think the academy will be like?"

Yato: "Does that really matter? You hardly talk to people!"

Shino: "I take offense to that"

Yato: "Dont think to much about it, plus im sure we'll just be learning basic ninja stuff like how to throw a kunai and shuriken, the basic stuff. What about you? You never told me what type of bugs you have?"

Shino: "I use the kikaichū, in exchange for living in my body and feeding off my chakra, they attack and do other tasks as I command. You?"

Yato: "Me? I use Kochū!"

Shino: "Youre Kidding right!"

Yato: "Nope, you dont I have to say it, Im awesome!"

Shino: "That explains why you have taken an intrest in kenjutsu, the Kochū are assassination type bugs, perfect for quick and stealthy kills. They inject a deadly venom that paralyzes the enemy and kills them seconds later"

Yato: "You know your stuff!"

Yato opened the academy door and was instantly greeted by their teacher who we know now as Iruka-sensei. Unlike shino Yato was quick to socialie with the other kids. So far the more intresting ones he enjoyed talking to were choji, Next Akamichi clan heir, Shikamaru, Next Nara Clan heir, and that energetic Naruto. Yato didnt know why but they moment he introduced himself to Naruto, the boy had a face of shock, confusion and happiness all in one.

Naruto: 'I cant believe someone actually talked to me!!!'

Only thing that Yato had problems with now was a certain fangirl(s). Ino yamanaka. When Ino saw him walk in, her personality did complete 180. Its like sasuke couldnt even match the vibe he gave off and of course, when a monkey see, the monkey will do because after noticing Ino's change in her gaze, Sakura Haruno also started fangirling for Yato, and sasuke was making a mental note to thank him later on.

Ino: "Hey~ Whats your name?"

Yato: "Yato, Yato Aburame!"

Sakura face turned to one of disgust knowing that they were a clan that specialized in bugs, and she didnt like bugs. Ino on the other hand couldnt comprehend why he was so different, usually they wore hoods and glasses but he's wearing nothing but Black anbu pants and a long-sleeve.

Ino: "Did you get adopted into the clan?"

Shikamaru: "Yea, I wonder the same because your completely different than the others?"

Yato: "Nope! Im was just born different. I have different type of eyes than the others in my clan so I dont need to wear the glasses sense I can see heat signatures, so light really doesnt effect my eyes"

Shikamaru: "If you can sense heat signatures then that means you can basically see different emotions in people since emotions affect body tempature of sorts?"

Yato: "I...Never thought of that. Your a genius!"

Shikamaru: "I know"

Iruku: "Alright class settle down, Today is your first day so we will begin with Taijutsu!


Iruka: "First up will be Sasuke Uchiha vs Yato Aburame"

Sasuke: "Hn, this should be easy, what can bugs do to an Uchiha."

Saskue and Yato both did Konoha hand sign (The thing where one person holds 2 fingers out and the others shakes it. Ill just call it Konoha hand sign) and retreated back into their positions.

Iruka: "Ready....FIGHT!"

Sasuke: "You should forfeit while you still have a chance."

Yato: "Mhm!"

Sasuke was about to run towards him but something was wrong. He couldnt move not a single muscle. Only person that truly knew what happened were Shino and Yato. Shino was amazed at how quick and effective those bugs were, but he was scared cause he knew those things were poisonous and who knows how outraged the village would be if they found out the uchiha clan were now 'Extinct'.

Sasuke: "W-What did you do to me!?"

Yato: "Hm, Simple. The moment we shook hands, I made one of my bugs crawl onto you and commanded it to paralyze you once the match begins. Call the match already, If this had happened to be legit he would be dead, because of the poison my bugs have"

Iruka: "R-right, The Winner is Yato Aburame!"

Ino: "Whooo"

Sakura: "Iruka-sensei, didnt he cheat. He used a move before the match started, plus sasuke had no choice but to make contact with him"

[For everyone out there, please dont think sakura is fangirling and being jealous because sasuke lost, she's only making a point + Pseudo-fangirl sakura, No Annoying Sakura, Smart and Pseudo-Useless sakura in this fic!]

Iruka: "Ah, you are definently right. Then this match counts as a draw, You and sasuke are to rematch once he recovers. Next Match is Naruto Uzumaki vs Kiba Inuzaka!"



Sasuke: "You only won because of cheating, Buts lets see how good you are without your cheap tacics!"

Yato: "There are no cheap tactics on the feild, onli killor be killed"

Iruka: "Ready........FIGHT!

Sasuke bursted forth and cocked his fist back ready to drive a punch into Yato's gut, But Yato grabbed sasuke's hand before he could connect the punch and kneed sasuke in his gut making him fly back to where he was.

The match was already decided the moment Yato grabbed Sasuke's hand. Now Sasuke was stuck on the ground, not able to move a single muscle and even though he was seething with rage, he couldnt move to do anything about it.

Yato: "Arrogance is nothing but weakness disguised as strength. Have some humility."

Iruka: "The official winner of this match is Yato Aburame!"

[Ha, Even when Im away from my computer, I still have a phone! 100+ Dedication Points for me]

In the ninja world, those who don’t follow the rules are trash. But, those who abandon their friends are even worse than trash.

~Obito Uchiha

Takemikazuchiicreators' thoughts