
A Strange Questioning Session

He still had a smile on his face looking at my startled expression.

"You entered my shop without my permission. What do you want to say about it,"he said in a fake irritated tone.

"Err, what can I say it's a shop and there's no sign on your doorstep."

"Okay, I can let you off if you answer a few of my questions," he said.

'Is this some kind of scam to rip me off.'

As I was just trying to say something, he said in an angry tone," I'm not going to ask you any personal information or demand money from you. So stop acting like I took your property away."

If first I was shocked, then now I was wary of him.

But still I agreed.

"Do you believe in fate and stuff like that?"he asked.

"Ah, yes and no."

"That's not a good answer."

"Well sometimes I feel that fate and luck is not real but then there are a few instances in which I truly feel that fate is there."

"Hmm, go ahead."

"Well in my opinion one can quantify fate if possible like if you had a bad day that means you luck count is low and is recovering. If you got something good that means you consumed your luck."

I continued, "For example if before my exams I was ill then my luck would soar and I'll get a better score on that particular exam."

"So what if I say that you have a particular aura around you?" he asked.

'I was thinking he was some kind of seer, but now I think he is just like me, a fan of fiction.' I thought.

"Then I'd say everyone has one, it can mean different things, like someone may be on deathbed, he has an aura of death, some may have aura of charm."

"You sure have a philosophical view of this world," he said.

'This is the knowledge I have accumulated over a few years of watching anime, reading fiction, etc.' I thought.

"Well it's just the little bit of knowledge I possess."

"Don't underestimate yourself so much," he said in a caring elderly way.

' He was clearly scamming me a moment ago'

"Take anything you like, think of it as a gift from me," he said shooing me away with his hand.

He sat on a chair and closed his eyes as if sleeping.

"... Is this a joke?"

"No, and be quick, I have to rest."

Quite a few questions, short and precise, old man acting mysterious.

AdityaRaj100creators' thoughts