
Unexpected vision?


"In difficult times never lower your head, because the solution to your problem is not on the ground, but in your determination."

This was one of Indra's favorite phrases, he had heard it in one of his past lives. Exhausted, he lifted his head and continued to push.

Then Indra heard small, almost silent footsteps.

"Indra, Mom is calling us."

A young boy called out to Indra as he kept his expression animated.

He was his younger brother, Max. Max was only six, he was a very intelligent and spoiled young man, since his parents did everything he asked, but make no mistake, he was not like other people that Indra met, Max he was not overly proud or if he thought he was the best.

Looking at the young man, Indra smiled and nodded.

'It's been nine years, huh .'

Nine years, this is the time when Indra is a champion of the Goddess Lilith, she has sent him into a world of cultivation where the strong reigns and the weak picks up.

Indra lived a very comfortable childhood, he had no needs, his father was the patriarch of one of the most powerful clans of the city of Draco, he also had a very loving family, and a good younger brother.

In this world, when people reach the age of 10 years, they would discover his true talent as well as his lineage, if the el had.

The culture of this city was divided into three kingdoms , from the weakest to the strongest: <Mortal Kingdom>, <Kingdom of Origin> and <Elemental Kingdom>. As he already had a basic knowledge of the cultivating world, he knew that this city was only one of the weakest and that there are millions of cities , clans, and empires stronger.

Already the line, it was s m s divided into nine stages, the weakest to the strongest are: <Mortal Lineage>, <Lineage Elemental>, <Earth Lineage>, <Celestial Lineage>, <Lineage Legendary>, <Lineage Immortal>, <Divine Lineage>, < Ancestral Lineage > and <Primordial Lineage> .

Before Indra reincarnated, the Goddess gave her little information on the first gift that would be a <Celestial Lineage>, and he also knew that the lineage was very special, since it did not only increase its power in much, but also constantly grew along with Indra. Already the second gift, Indra still had no idea, but the Goddess told him that he would wake up on his tenth birthday, he was a little anxious, but could not do anything but wait.

A little anxious, he looked at the moon in the sky, it looked like a white cheese that showed a beautiful divine light.

After looking at the moon, he headed toward his mother's house, her patio was 1 km from Indra's courtyard, and for him to get there, he had to pass through a small forest that he had in his house.



Arriving in front of his mother's door, Indra made two light strokes.

"In between..."

A beautiful voice answered on the other side.

Turning the knob, Indra came in and closed the door behind him. The first thing he saw was a small room with a sofa, books and furniture, across a small corridor, he came to his mother's room, she looked good, looked through books.


Indra waited patiently for her mother to finish, which did not take long. Turning to look at Indra, she gave a tired smile. Indra's mother was called Mia, she had smooth white skin, green eyes and blond hair, in short, she was an incredible beauty. Since incest was a very common thing, Mia and Indra's father were cousins, as incest was a very common thing in this world. Mia was also very talented, since she had already reached the 6th level of the <Elemental Kingdom>.

"Indra, I called you because I need a favor."

Mia spoke with an expression of hesitation.

"Hmm? Tell me, Mom. "

Indra was surprised, her mother was usually a very confident and determined person, she would never hesitate, even if to defend her children from a much more powerful beast.

"I think..."

Mia did not know how to really talk, she was afraid, she thought that if Indra found out, he would look with pity or something similar to her.

Arriving in front of his mother, Indra spoke;

"Have no fear."

Indra whispered into his mother's ear as he held her.

"I ... Your father is cheating on me."

Mia counted, finally tearing down sad tears.


Indra inquired in exasperation. He was aware of this pain, he was often betrayed in some past lives. He then hugged his mother tightly.


A few minutes later, when Mia was calm, she looked at Indra in shame and asked him for a favor;

"Indra, my son, you ... Could you follow your father for one day?"


Indra asked, confused.

"I want you to follow him and tell me something important, like ... if he found another woman."

Mia spoke, hiding her face in shame.



Indra was at that moment with an annoyed expression on a pub, he was wearing a black overcoat and a mask, you might think this would only attract more attention, but it is wrong, these two objects were made by an elite blacksmith and, an invisible cloak, and it was also Mia's greatest treasure, it worked as a cloak of invisibility, and no one could feel its presence, smell, or heat, only those in the final stages of the <Elemental Kingdom> or stronger.

Indra did not have to wait long to see his father who was a strong, muscular man with dark hair, his name was George. At that time, George also wore a mask, but it was much weaker than Indra's cape, as Indra had a very experienced vision, it was not a problem for him to feel the presence of a weak mortal and, compared to the aura of Mia, George seemed three or four times weaker.

Praying that it was only a lie of his mother, Indra saw when a beautiful lady entered the room and suddenly embraced George. George and she talked for a few minutes and then left the room, as Indra was very experienced in spying, he waited for some time and then followed them.

Indra stood in the shadows, always watching every movement of people, George and the lady. Soon, the two entered a luxury hotel.



Indra put her ear to the door that the two of them had stayed.


"Ugh! * Cough * * Cough * "

Slap *

Through the door, Indra heard strange groans and noises. Getting very angry, he kicked the door hard and the sight ... It disturbed him.