

Mark, a pragmatic skeptic who never believed in gods or the supernatural, has his disbelief challenged when he’s transported to a world of exorcists and spirits. In this strange new realm, an ancient deity, whom Mark once dismissed as myth, chooses him to become its swordsman. As Mark navigates conflicts with wary enemies , he struggles to understand his role and purpose. Torn between embracing the god's purpose or forging his own path, Mark confronts profound truths about belief, power, and his place in the cosmic battle between good and evil.

WHO_KNOWS_I · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Up the mountain

"I am cursed. That's it. That's definitely it." Mark's mind was a haze of despair. He'd lost everything—his family, his dignity, his hope. The town had spat on him, ridiculed him, and now, as if to top it all off, he was thrust into something beyond understanding. Shot at, hunted, and now... monsters. There was no other explanation. He must have been cursed.

The creature before him was a nightmare come to life—a towering thing with bark-like skin, twisted and gnarled like the trees it devoured. But instead of branches, it had limbs, claws, and a hunger that tore through the helpless humans.

"Mark!!!" Nigel's voice echoed, distant and frantic. He sprinted from the cave they'd taken shelter in, eyes wide with fear. But Mark couldn't hear him, couldn't feel the urgency. The moment his finger stretched toward the creature, it all felt like a twisted joke.

"Mark!" Nigel's voice cracked with desperation as he skidded to a halt next to him. His breath came in ragged gasps, his fingers shaking as he grabbed Mark by the shoulders. "What the hell's wrong with you?!"

Mark giggled, eyes glazed over, staring at the horror in front of him. His mind—exhausted, broken—couldn't process it anymore. All he could do was laugh at his own doom.

"Snap out of it!" Nigel's voice was raw as he punched Mark across the face, shaking him like a ragdoll. "We don't have time for this!"

Mark blinked, his giggles fading into a distant hum as Nigel's frantic face came into focus. But there was no fire in him, no sense of survival. He was beaten, worn out to the core.

"Mark, please!" Nigel shook him again, his grip tightening as sweat trickled down his temples. "You're stronger than this!"

But before Mark could respond, the air shifted. The screams had stopped. Nigel's breath hitched, his grip faltering as he turned, his eyes widening in horror. The creature... it was close. Too close.

"Shit," Nigel muttered, as his knees buckled. The beast towered above them, its grotesque claws ready to strike. It stared down at them, its mouth gaping wide with an almost mocking snarl.

A loud crack echoed through the clearing.

"Oi!" Dave's voice rang out as a stone hurled through the air, smashing against the beast's head. "Over here, you oversized palm tree!"

The creature whipped around, its eyes locking onto Dave, who stood with a cocky grin despite the terror in his eyes. His bravado was slipping as the beast's gaze turned deadly.

Dave's breath caught as the creature charged, claws glinting in the dying light. He stumbled back, hitting a wooden post, no escape in sight.

The beast slashed. A flash of pain ripped through Dave as its claws tore through his chest, raking up toward his forehead. Blood poured down his face, blinding him. His legs gave out, and he crumpled to the ground.

"Ugh… what exactly was I thinking?" Dave choked out, clutching his bleeding head as the creature dug its claws into his legs, slowly pulling him apart. "Get out of here! Forget the kid!" he screamed.

Nigel stood frozen, watching his friend get torn apart. His mind raced, panic closing in. He had to act. But Mark... Mark was still in a daze, limp and useless.

"Shit!" Nigel cursed, shaking off the fear and grabbing Mark. He lifted him onto his shoulder, legs trembling with the effort. "We need to move!"

But Dave's agonized screams echoed behind him, followed by the creature's sickening growl as it took its time, relishing in Dave's suffering.

'Bang!' A gunshot pierced the air, followed by another and another. The creature jerked back, releasing Dave, and turned toward the source of the shots. A group of grimy men emerged from the trees, Glocks in hand, bullets ripping through the air.

"Ugh…" the beast hissed, shielding itself from the onslaught. It stumbled back, then bolted toward a narrow exit, disappearing into the shadows.

"Nigel!" A bald, dark-skinned man called out, his voice rough but familiar. "Nigel, that you?"

Nigel blinked, disoriented, but the voice cut through. "Nelson?" he muttered, squinting in disbelief as the man approached.

"Yeah, it's me!" Officer Nelson strode forward, his hand extended. Nigel clasped it, pulling himself up, breath still shaky.

"Thanks for the save." Nigel's voice wavered.

"No time to chat," Nelson said, his face grim as he surveyed the carnage. "We need to get out

"No time to chat," Nelson said, his face grim as he surveyed the carnage. "We need to get out before that thing comes back."

They moved swiftly through the thick forest, Mark slumped over Nigel's shoulder, barely conscious. The eerie light of twin suns dipped below the horizon, casting everything in a haunting twilight.

Camp was made in silence, tension thick as they nursed their wounds. Dave lay by the fire, one of Nelson's men tending to him.

Later that night, Nelson and Nigel sat by the campfire, exchanging wary glances.

"I've been stuck here for thirty days," Nelson finally said, staring into the flames.

Nigel's brow furrowed. "Thirty days? That... can't be right." He looked away, confusion tugging at his mind. "What the hell is this place?"

"Time's different here," Nelson muttered. "The longer you're stuck, the harder it is to know. Feels like forever."

Nigel rubbed his forehead. "I woke up in that cave three days ago. It feels like weeks."

Mark, lying near them, suddenly began to sob quietly. His body shook, the tears coming out of nowhere.

Nelson moved toward him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We'll get through this, kid. Just gotta keep going."

The group fell silent for a moment before a loud, bone-chilling wail ripped through the night air. Nigel's blood froze as he whispered, "What the hell is that?" His voice carried both impatience and fatigue.

Nelson's eyes narrowed. "Shh, stay completely quiet and still."

The wailing dragged on, growing louder and louder before halting suddenly. For a tense moment, the group stood frozen, hearts pounding, listening for any movement.

Nelson sighed heavily as he signaled them to get up. "We have to move. There's something big out there, something massive."

He pointed toward the looming peak barely visible through the fog. "Up the mountain. It's our only way out."

They trudged through the foggy, dense forest, the air heavy with dampness. The vegetation grew thicker with every step, moss covering the twisted trees, and the undergrowth bristling with unseen life.

Mist clung to the ground, swirling as they walked, adding to the eerie atmosphere. Strange shadows darted between the trees, though nothing dared approach.

They finally reached the base of the mountain after hours of walking. The path before them was steep and winding, flanked by jagged rocks and patches of sparse vegetation clawing for survival.

"I'm tired! We can't keep walking," Dave huffed, his tone strained with exhaustion.

"We have no time," Nelson countered sharply. His eyes darted between the tree line and the mountain ahead.

An argument broke out. Dave insisted they stop, his voice growing more agitated. Nigel tried to calm him, but even his patience wore thin. Eventually, Dave's exhaustion won out, and Nelson begrudgingly agreed to rest.

Mark stared up at the mountain, a shiver running through him. "There's something watching us," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Everyone ignored him, too focused on their own weariness, except Nigel, who shot him a glance filled with concern but said nothing.

After walking a few more miles, their bodies grew heavy, and the mountain trail seemed to stretch endlessly. Nelson called for a rest, and Dave sighed with relief. "Finally."

Nelson gestured to a small cave carved into the mountain wall. "We'll sleep here. Me and my men will take turns keeping watch."

The group filed into the cave, grateful for shelter. The towering mountain stretched far above them, casting a long shadow over the path.

As they settled down, Nelson and his men stood guard near the cave's entrance, keeping a careful eye on the horizon.

Mark lay on the hard ground, eyes open, unable to sleep. The wind howled through the crevices, but it wasn't that keeping him awake. He noticed something—Nelson and a few of his men were huddled together, whispering.

"It's almost time," one of the men said, his voice low but clear.

"Alright," Nelson replied, his tone calm and deliberate. "I think it's time we go."

Mark's heart skipped a beat. He scrambled to his feet, rushing to wake Nigel. "Nigel, get up! Nelson and his men... they're leaving."

Nigel groggily opened his eyes. "What?"

Mark pulled him up. "They're leaving us. Something's wrong."

In an instant, Nigel sprang to his feet, his voice sharp as he roused the group. "We need to get down the mountain. Now!"

No sooner had the words left his mouth than a loud bang echoed from beyond the cave, shaking the ground beneath them.

The group froze, fear rippling through them as they stared into the darkness outside. Suddenly, monstrous figures emerged from the shadows, their silhouettes towering and grotesque. They moved with unnatural speed, their forms hulking and misshapen, skin glistening in the pale light of the moon that peeked through the clouds.

Razor-sharp claws and glowing eyes marked them as creatures far worse than anything they'd faced before. Nigel's voice was a frantic shout. "Move! Get down the mountain, now!"

The group scrambled in panic, grabbing whatever they could as the creatures closed in. Nelson and his men, who had been preparing to slip away, now stood frozen, their eyes wide with shock as the monstrous forms bore down on them.

Nelson's face twisted in frustration, realizing they'd been caught off guard. Mark's heart pounded in his chest as he ran toward the cave's exit, Nigel close behind.

Dave, still injured but filled with adrenaline, limped forward, clutching his side as he urged himself onward. One of Nelson's men fired a shot into the darkness, the gun's muzzle flash briefly illuminating the chaos outside.

The bullet struck one of the creatures, but it barely slowed it down. The monstrous figure let out a blood-curdling scream and lunged forward, swiping at Nelson's men with claws like scythes.

Mark stumbled out of the cave, the cold air biting his skin as they spilled onto the narrow mountain path. Rocks crumbled beneath their feet as they hurried down, the treacherous path winding sharply.

Behind them, the roars of the creatures filled the air, closer and louder with every second. Dave glanced back, his face pale. "We won't make it!"

"Keep going!" Nigel shouted, his voice hoarse with fear. "Don't stop!"

Mark's legs burned, exhaustion weighing him down, but he pushed forward. His mind raced, still reeling from the revelation of Nelson's betrayal. Why had they been planning to leave?

What was happening? He didn't have time to process it. Survival was the only thing that mattered now.

Behind them, the creatures continued their pursuit, their twisted forms moving with an unnatural agility, closing the gap with terrifying speed.

One of them lunged forward, its claws outstretched, inches from Mark's back.

Bang! A gunshot rang out, and the creature howled in pain as a bullet struck it in the side. Nigel had fired, giving them a momentary reprieve.

But they all knew it wouldn't be enough to stop them for long.

"We need to find cover!" Nigel yelled over the din of the chase, his eyes scanning the path ahead for any hope of refuge.

Up ahead, Mark spotted a small crevice in the mountainside, barely wide enough for them to squeeze through.

"There!" he shouted, pointing.

The group veered toward the crevice, breathless and desperate. One by one, they squeezed into the narrow space, pressing against the cold rock as the monstrous figures thundered past them on the path, oblivious to their hiding place.

For a brief moment, the only sound was the ragged breathing of the group as they huddled together in the dark, hearts pounding in unison.

The creatures' footsteps faded into the distance, but the terror still lingered in the air.

Nelson's face was tense, a mix of anger and fear, as he stood at the edge of the crevice, his back against the rock. He met Nigel's gaze but said nothing, his jaw clenched tightly.

Mark's eyes flickered with suspicion, his mind still spinning from what he'd overheard. But now wasn't the time to confront Nelson. Not yet.

The creatures had passed, but they all knew it was only a matter of time before they were found again.

The mountain was still ahead, looming like an inescapable fate, and the danger had only just began.

Here is the revised paragraphed text with the added detail:

The group froze, fear rippling through them as they stared into the darkness outside. Suddenly, monstrous figures emerged from the shadows, their silhouettes towering and grotesque. They moved with unnatural speed, their forms hulking and misshapen, skin glistening in the pale light of the moon that peeked through the clouds.

Razor-sharp claws and glowing eyes marked them as creatures far worse than anything they'd faced before. Nigel's voice was a frantic shout. "Move! Get down the mountain, now!"

The group scrambled in panic, grabbing whatever they could as the creatures closed in. Nelson and some of his remaining men, who had been preparing to slip away, now stood frozen, their eyes wide with shock as the monstrous forms bore down on them.

Nelson's face twisted in frustration, realizing they'd been caught off guard. Mark's heart pounded in his chest as he ran toward the cave's exit, Nigel close behind.

Dave, still injured but filled with adrenaline, limped forward, clutching his side as he urged himself onward. Two of Nelson's men, Jenkins and Reynolds, flanked them, their guns at the ready.

One of them fired a shot into the darkness, the gun's muzzle flash briefly illuminating the chaos outside. The bullet struck one of the creatures, but it barely slowed it down.

The monstrous figure let out a blood-curdling scream and lunged forward, swiping at Nelson's men with claws like scythes.

Mark stumbled out of the cave, the cold air biting his skin as they spilled onto the narrow mountain path. Rocks crumbled beneath their feet as they hurried down, the treacherous path winding sharply.

Behind them, the roars of the creatures filled the air, closer and louder with every second. Dave glanced back, his face pale. "We won't make it!"

"Keep going!" Nigel shouted, his voice hoarse with fear. "Don't stop!"

Mark's legs burned, exhaustion weighing him down, but he pushed forward. His mind raced, still reeling from the revelation of Nelson's betrayal. Why had they been planning to leave?

What was happening? He didn't have time to process it. Survival was the only thing that mattered now.

Behind them, the creatures continued their pursuit, their twisted forms moving with an unnatural agility, closing the gap with terrifying speed.

One of them lunged forward, its claws outstretched, inches from Mark's back.

Bang! A gunshot rang out, and the creature howled in pain as a bullet struck it in the side. Nigel had fired, giving them a momentary reprieve.

But they all knew it wouldn't be enough to stop them for long.

"We need to find cover!" Nigel yelled over the din of the chase, his eyes scanning the path ahead for any hope of refuge.

Up ahead, Mark spotted a small crevice in the mountainside, barely wide enough for them to squeeze through.

"There!" he shouted, pointing.

The group veered toward the crevice, breathless and desperate. Jenkins and Reynolds took point, covering the group as they filed into the narrow space.

One by one, they squeezed into the crevice, pressing against the cold rock as the monstrous figures thundered past them on the path, oblivious to their hiding place.

For a brief moment, the only sound was the ragged breathing of the group as they huddled together in the dark, hearts pounding in unison.

The creatures' footsteps faded into the distance, but the terror still lingered in the air.

Nelson's face was tense, a mix of anger and fear, as he stood at the edge of the crevice, his back against the rock. He met Nigel's gaze but said nothing, his jaw clenched tightly.

Mark's eyes flickered with suspicion, his mind still spinning from what he'd overheard. But now wasn't the time to confront Nelson. Not yet.

Jenkins and Reynolds exchanged a wary glance, their loyalty to Nelson evident, but their concern for their own survival clear.

The creatures had passed, but they all knew it was only a matter of time before they were found again.

The mountain was still ahead, looming like an inescapable fate, and the danger had only just begun.

W third chapter

Had trouble gathering the plot.

Don't mind me if it's chaotic

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