
The Beginning

At Year ??? ??? an unknown day. From a dark forest full of fog and uneasiness there was a man running away from someone or something. While running, the man taunt "it" by irritating it, saying the words.

"Is that the best you can do?!" -Man

Which angers it as it launched itself to the man, because of it's sudden outburst it managed to catch up to the man and pushed him down with such force that it made a massive crater after it. The man then turns around to see a shadow figure that smiles at him while saying.

"Goodnight, Prince-". -Unknown

As it cuts down to nothingness...

At Year 499 ATC the present day. It's almost time to celebrate the big festival of peace between Kingdoms, the festival is dubbed by the towns folks "The Great Peace" where once a year the "The Council" will choose a Kingdom for the festival to take place on. This year, the festival will be taking it's place on Atlantis "The Floating Kingdom". It is said that Atlantis was ruled by the son of the God of the Sea, but no one really knows if anything about it is true, from a time long ago said to be the days where King Cademia Castles ruled over Cademia for 35 years has wrote a book about Gods and Goddesses and how they created the whole Universe, it is then passed down from generations to generations, from Year 350 ATC the book has made it's way to the public by the recreations of it from 1 book to 1000 book copies, but because of it having 1000 more copies the public sees it as just a mere story for them to fear the Unknown, but for the Castles, they hold it as a peace offering of their ancestor for the Gods and Goddesses. Now at present day, Age 499 25th day of the 6th month is the 1st day of The Great Peace festival. Prince Eran Castles II has just been done reading a book about some creatures that lived along side humans from the past as Ser Drake Underhall made his way to the library.

"Reading again? Don't you get tired from it?" He smiled -Drake

"Trainning again? Don't you get tired from that?" He laughs and gives Drake a hug. -Eran II

"Welcome back Prince Eran." He hugs Eran II back. -Drake

"You know, all this books, they don't really teach you that much, this is just a way to pass time by my ancestors." -Eran II

"Maybe it runs in your blood that you're all bookworms." He laughs. -Drake

He smirks. "Well, have you seen father?" Eran asks Drake. -Eran II

"Yes, he said to pick you up from the library because the two of you needs to talk or something? I don't really know." -Drake

"Okay then, have you packed already? They said it's going to be a long ride." Eran asks Drake. -Eran II

"Yeah, King Holton have told me to pack last night before you arrive." -Drake

"That's good, I'm going to see you later alright?" -Eran II

"Yeah yeah, I'll be in the throne room if needed." -Drake

After Eran have a small chat with Drake, he then goes up to his parents room to see them waiting for him.

"Father, Mother." -Eran

As his father and mother gives him an open arms welcome.

"For 6 months, you're finally back." -Holton

"I've missed you so much! With all your travels all the time, have you forgot about us?" -Alena

"No Mom I haven't forgot about the both of you. It's just when I reached the age of 18 it seemed like the whole land of Eurepros wants me in their schools." -Eran II

"I understand but, you need to know something." -Alena

"Huh? What is it?" -Eran II

"Son, the Gods and Goddesses have blessed us another child after 21 years" -Holton

"Really?! Wait, how?" -Eran II

"I've told you, don't question the work of the Gods. It's a gift, but.." -Holton

"But what?" -Eran II

"We won't be able to go with you in the festival, but a Castle needs to be there to represent our Kingdom." -Holton

"Wait.. I have to go alone?" He looks down -Eran II

"No son, you'll have Drake to be right by your side." He smiled -Holton

He looks up then smiles at his mom and dad. "Okay." -Eran II

"Now. Go pack, you'll be leaving in about an hour or so, it's going to be a long travel." -Holton

Eran II nodded.

"Also dear, please be safe. And be back after 7 days okay?" She smiled at Eran II -Alena

"Will do mom." He smiles to the both of them and leaves the room to go pack up -Eran II

As Eran II is walking down the hallway he then spot something in another room, he smiles as he sees that his mother and father is getting ready for his sibling to be born in the next 4 months. With a big smile on his face he runs towards his bedroom as he packs his stuffs and gets ready to travel from Cademia to Atlantis. After packing and getting ready Eran II then said goodbye to his mother and father and tells them that "he'll be back safe and sound" then leaves with his Royal Knight Drake. Sometime later.

"So, what do you think it's going to be? Is it gonna be a boy or a girl?" He asks Eran II -Drake

"Doesn't really matter right? He or she will be a King or Queen somewhere else." He exclaims -Eran II

"You're right but he or she will be too young for anyone to be their partner." -Drake

"Yeah, probably suited for another generation." -Eran II

As they keep talking to each other, 3 hours have passed and they've reached their first stop The Golden Coast where they will be riding the boat from the main land to Aguia as their second stop before a 10 hours travel from Aguia to Atlantis.

In The Golden Coast, they see people from around Eurepros, the rich, the poor, the ordinary folks, while all of them line up for the ordinary boat, the royalties have the fortified boat that they can ride to Aguia. In their boat Eran II and Drake was welcomed by a family friend the Castles have, they are the Dallas, they we're asked about why the King and Queen of Cademia wasn't going, Eran II just said about the incoming baby that his mother and father are waiting for. 3 hours have passed and they've reached the docks of Aguia, they will be staying the night on Aguia because the tides are wild in the night and they can't travel to Atlantis until then.

"Say Eran, do you think Princess Luxe is still here?" -Drake

"Probably, I mean they still have to maneuver the boat to the other side right?" -Eran II

"Hey guys, wassup?" -Luxe

"Well, speaking of, we were just talking about you." -Eran

"Really?" She looks at Eran and Drake -Luxe

"Pri- Princess Luxe?! H- Hi, I didn't expect you to show up just like that." -Drake

"Drake, I've told you just call me Luxe. And to be honest I'm not very excited about the festival." -Luxe

"Really? Why?" -Eran II

"It's just.. too boring for me, it's been like it ever since we were kids." -Luxe

"I mean, you're right but still. Atlantis gives this festival a shot in every 30 years, we're lucky we will see Atlantis, and maybe that's the reason why there's more people going than usual." -Eran II

"You're right about that, but did you know about the missing prince?" -Luxe

"You mean the second son of King Sparrow VI?" He looks at Drake -Eran II

"Wait, do you know anything about it?" She asks the both of them -Luxe

"Well you see, rumour has it that the Prince was lost at the age of 6 and if he's still here he'd be the same age as we are." -Drake

"And the most devestated about the lost is the Prince's older brother Drogo." -Eran II

"So we're going to meet them tomorrow huh." -Luxe

"Heeeeeey guys!" -???

"Roxy?!" -Drake

"Hell yeah!" -Roxy

"Drake is she drunk?" -Luxe

"I think so..." -Drake

"Well I gotta go alright!" He runs off towards the nearest tavern -Eran II

"What's wrong with him?" She asks Drake -Luxe

"I dunno." He then knocks out his cousin then carries her -Drake

"She can rest on my bed tonight, can you carry her there?" -Luxe

He blushes then hides it. "Yeah, sure!" -Drake

"Alrighty then." -Luxe

While Drake and Luxe walks towards the Okeanos castle, Eran II sits in the tavern and ordered something to eat and while he waits some girls notices him and goes up to him asking if he's participating on an event during the festival.

"I mean, sure?" -Eran II

"Oh, I'm Karrie, this is Helen, Nina and Julia." -Karrie

"Well, it's nice to meet the four of you." He smiles -Eran II

"So who are you going to take?" She asks Eran II -Helen

His eyes widen. "Wait what? Excuse me?" He asks the four girls -Eran II

"In the four of us, who are you going to take to your room?" -Karrie

"Uhm, n- no thanks." He smiles awkwardly -Eran II

Before anything happens his food came at the right time so was another person coming to the place at the right time.

"Eran? Is that really you?" -???

"Brandon? Holy crap! Brandon!" -Eran II

Because of this commotion the four girls leave Eran II alone and Brandon goes up to him ordering the same food and talking to Eran II.

"So let me ask you, why are you alone?" -Brandon

"Yeah, now that I think about it, where did Drake go?" -Eran II

"You were with Drake?" -Brandon

"Yeah, a moment ago with Luxe." -Eran II

It takes a moment then the both of them smiles and says. "Guy's becoming a MAN tonight!". And the both of them does a toast, an early celebration of the upcoming. Drake and Luxe enters the Okeanos castle then goes to Luxe's room, Drake puts his cousin down on Luxe's bed and.

"Drake, can you stay for a moment?" -Luxe

"Huh what is it-" -Drake

Drake's words was cut off by the kiss of Princess Luxe, as Eran II and Brendon expected Drake and Luxe will actually happen. It's been 4 hours and Drake enters the tavern and sees Eran II and Brendon drunk and sleeping on the tables. Age 499 27th day of the 6th month, the ship to Atlantis have sailed and are carrying every bloodline in Eurepros, everyone but the Surrys. 7 hours later, the planks dropped to the docks then Eran II, Drake and Everyone else sees the gigantic Kingdom of Atlantis and all they can say is. "This is Amazing!!!".