
The Given || Alpha

Gabe felt out of place, being ignored by his only family. But that got even worse, and that took a hit on him. He lost everything even his reputation and his dignity that he never would've imagined he would loose. But after every door closing is a new chapter beginning, he left his family, only to be part of the ones he needed.

yander · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Here's The Enemy

Ever since the blossoming of my supernatural ability, I have been training nonstop. I needed to hone it if I want to withstand the upcoming threat to our pack. It was also the other way I could get my mind off things that bothered me since yesterday.

The look I saw in Harry's face after we dispersed from the living room was a mixture of all things I imagined. There was sadness there, anger, fear, hurt, and concern. I knew he was scared for this pack now that Rowan has came back. But I also feel the anger overpowering it, it also seemed to affect me because I know we were thinking the same thing.

Last night, he burst into my room (which he hadn't done ever since me knowing his love interest in me) just do proclaim his anger.

"I knew Reez had something to do with it. I knew it." He screamed. I see the veins on his neck protruding and it scared me. Heros was also shamefully walking behind him. "As soon as you became our Alpha, suddenly Rowan can sense it? No. Because your boyfriend has been ratting us out."

"My boyfriend?" I looked at him furiously. I don't care if this was jealousy fuming inside him but who gives him the right to talk to me like that?

"And you still kept on defending that he's not a part of their pack. We'll I guess you have your answer now." He hissed. I see Heros sneakily pulling him out because he had probably read my mind and it was full of thoughts of attacking Harry right now.

"Get out." I see him flinch in his position by my tone but he held his ground. The anger built up in me and I couldn't hold it anymore. My room was big enough to cater two huge wolves anyway. And that's what happened.

In just a matter of a second, I was on top of Harry's wolf form who probably shifted the moment it saw me charge at him. I've been practicing my shape-shifting abilities recently when I went through those simulations.

I snarled at him, pinning him down. He couldn't flip us over because that would mean war. I had little control over my wolf right now and who knows when I'm gonna rip his neck off. Heros was out of the room, probably to call someone to sedate us, but I was busy snarling at him.

"Don't ever talk to me like that again." I chastised through our nexus.

"Why? Scared to admit it?" He tried to provoke, but the struggle in his voice as he tries to go against the Alpha was evident.

"Me? Scared? I think that's you." I ribbed in response.

"And what would I be scared to admit-"

"That you're jealous of Reez." I sassed, nearing his side so our eyes were closer. "Do you want me by your side all the time?"

I feel him twitch beneath me and in no time he had me thrown off of him and was on the other side of the room. He turned back to his human form and ran out, naked.

I also did the same and turned back, covering myself with my blanket as I look at the shredded clothing on my floor. I hear rushed footsteps growing louder and, as expected, Elder Vix and Elder Jone came rushing in.

"What happened?"

"It was nothing." I dismissed them since I didn't know what other things to say. I couldn't even believe myself that I've become provocative to Harry when I was supposed to be avoiding him. "Can you leave, Elders? I need to fix this." I said, shaking the blanket that hid my body to them.

"Of course, Alpha. We're sorry for the intrusion." Elder Jone said and stepped out, also closing the door that Harry left wide open.

Now, it was Sunday night and since then, Harry hasn't uttered a word with me. Though I did see him lifting the logs that served as his barbell angrily. I knew he wouldn't even spare a glance at me. But what exactly was I thinking?

I know I was sorta triggered by him talking bad things about Reez, that's just because I've learnt my wolf is more drawn to him than Harry. However, I do feel sad and betrayed that he is a part of them. He has resemblance from his father too and that was so hard to miss. But how does he hide his scent? I don't smell a wolf in him so how? Is it his power? I don't know. Right now though, I don't want to think about it. All I want is to be able to protect my pack.

I recently discovered my power was stealth, as predicted by Elder Faeris. I could become invisible, run really fast but not as fast as Traxter but I could run quietly. I could also climb walls now, and even walk on water or fire. There was still a lot to uncover about my powers but I've learned when and where to take advantage with it when fighting.

I've learnt that it wasn't actually very rare for a wolf to be given invisibility because I have been informed that I could expand it to make the rest of my pack invisible and that was pretty overpowered. However, it would take a lot of intensive training for me to reach that level.

"How was everybody's training?" I asked over dinner. Cheers followed and I was glad to hear that everyone was developing and digging out their capabilities.

"Good. Keifer can turn into a bird now." Lucy pointed.

What amazed me was that not only can Keifer turn into a wolf, but his powers were also shapeshifting. When I first came here, the only animals he could turn was a bear, lion, tiger, deer, and a cheetah. During training, the Elders advised him to turn into something small to use to our advantage. They have been manifesting to turn into a bird for a week now and seeing it be fruitful brings joy to everyone.

"That's great. Now we can spy together with the enemies." They all laughed and cheered.

"I'll join." Elder Vix butted in and chuckled.

"Elder Jone, I think with you alone we can bring them down." Savana spoke. I agreed to the proposition because I think Elder Jone's power is the strongest among us here.

"I could, darling, if only it costs only a little of my energy." He did explain it to us one time that one massive manipulation can make him exhausted to the point that he couldn't resist resting or it could make him unconscious. If that happens within the battlefield, that could be really dangerous.

"Nobody is fighting anyone, we can resolve this in many other ways." Elder Faeris reminded. For the record, I haven't seen her powers yet nor has she talked about it.

"Yeah? As if their Alpha would settle this other than war." Harry commented. Everyone agreed and the atmosphere returned glum. I cursed Harry in my mind for that.

"How's the training with the memories, Heros?" Out of all the others here, Heros had been working the hardest. The brothers hadn't been talking much and they spent that time into honing their skills.

"I'm still trying, Alpha." He said sadly. It was a pain to see that because firstly, I am already accustomed to the Heros that was sarcastic and was free. But lately, he had been frustrated with how he couldn't seem to progress his power. Everyone tells him it's okay but he still pushes for it.

The rest of the night was spent with relaxing for a weekend well spent of preparing.

The next day was also surprisingly easy. The drive to school was indeed a long ride for Harry and I, but the three other wolves didn't know so they were doing fine.

Despite not being communicative with each other, Harry still managed to guard me. This time, he changed his classes so he had the same schedule as mine. No teacher could protest so now he was in the same room as me on second period. I haven't seen any sign of Reez yet so that was lucky for me.

It was during lunch when I landed my eyes on Reez but this time, he avoided me.

"Lover boy's guilty he got you in trouble." Harry spoke in front of me. He must have noticed my eyes following him.

"He's not." I defended. I see him clench his jaw and roll his eyes. He grumbled something under his breath that I failed to hear properly. I asked him what it was but he said it was nothing so I didn't ask any further.

I waited until the end of the day where we share the last period to talk to Reez, only this time I have Harry watching me too. I lifted my hand to wave at him but he had his eyes locked to the ground. I slowly lowered my arm and pretended to scratch my head.

This time I curse the nexus for only working when we're on wolf form because I wanted to talk to Harry. (I know, shocking)

Being the good student I am, I attentively listened to class. So much that I missed Reez going outside the door as soon as the bell rang. I only noticed he wasn't here anymore when I looked back to check on him.

I wanted to shrug it off, but my wolf was being very persistent to talk to him. However, I am slowly considering what Harry said to be true. What if he's avoiding me because he knows something's up and he has been ordered by his father? That thought hurts but it was indeed a possibility.

The ride back home was silent, but it was nevertheless comforting.

It was supposed to be just another normal afternoon, until we realized we were being followed. I saw the other car park a distance from our house and I immediately hid behind Harry and made myself invisible, walking to them.

"Don't hide yourself now, Alpha. I've seen you already." Rowan's voice coursed through our ears with venom as he descended the driver's side of the car. I growled and stayed in front of the other wolves, the rest of my pack also now outside to see the commotion.

"I've been following you." Rowan laughed. I urged to attack him but froze in my steps when the other door opened, letting Reez step out.

At the sight of him, I grew weak. Not because he's my love interest, but because I felt betrayed. I defended him so much only for me to turn out to be wrong. It made me feel weak, that in turn made me reveal myself.

"Ah. There he is." Rowan clapped his hands. "Now, shall we begin?"


You guys, wow. I still can't believe that the season's going to end next chapter. No worries, season 2 will start sometime in January. I will be taking a break because I have squeezed all the juices in my brain to update this book frequently. Originally, I was going to finish the book with the next chapter and mark it as a short story. But with the response it got, I couldn't just drop it. Next season will be more interesting, I promise. See you all and have a wonderful holiday.

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