
The Given || Alpha

Gabe felt out of place, being ignored by his only family. But that got even worse, and that took a hit on him. He lost everything even his reputation and his dignity that he never would've imagined he would loose. But after every door closing is a new chapter beginning, he left his family, only to be part of the ones he needed.

yander · Fantasía
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17 Chs



No one has ever invited me to dinner. Asked me how my day went. Noticed how I was a carrying a whole lot of baggage all to myself. But they did, however, judged me for my grades.

Sure, call me dumb when I get one B among my other As while your twins are getting straight Cs. How I wish I could say that without compromising a place to live in. I couldn't even call that dungeon a home, and it was depressing.

What's worse was that my own father even joined them, not caring about his own son. Luckily, my step brothers were too dumb to even be mean to me.

"I heard you got in a fight at school today." My father's voice welcomed me as I stepped inside the house.

"Yeah, and I got detention after that because nobody cared to talk to the counselor." I whispered to myself.

"What was that?" The dominance in his voice rose and I found myself flinching while lowering my head.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I said in a small voice, fixing the glasses that at on my nose.

"It better not. Dinner's on the table, help yourself." I perked up. This was the most father-like he's been to me after my mother died.

I rushed to the kitchen, feeling my hunger get worse at the thought of food. I stopped at the entryway of the kitchen when I looked at what was set in the table.

Chicken. I should have jumped at it, devoured it like a wild beast. I mean, I would have if it had any meat left in it. Did they really expect me to eat the bones? I am not a dog.

I felt myself tear up and I heard my dad get up the couch, I dashed to the kitchen and got rid of the bones, disposing them into the trash bin before setting their plates in the sink and washed it for them, like the slave I was.

"You're done already?" My dad asked. I can feel he was only watching me from a distance so I didn't bothered turning around.

"Yup. It was delicious." I tried to make my voice firm, wishing for it not to crack due to the tears that formed in my eyes.

"Okay." He said before retreating to their shared room upstairs.

I sighed, wiping my tears. I shouldn't have expected at all.

When I was done washing the dishes I went to my room and showered for a bit before I couldn't resist my hunger anymore. Because my room was on the first floor of the house, I could sneak out without a problem.

I had to do everything myself. I'm 19 already and I would've moved out of that hellhole if it weren't for my dad threatening me to stop paying for my tuition if I did. At least that's what he did right.

So I didn't move out because I know with my capacity, I wouldn't even have a job that would sustain me and the next thing I know, I would be begging on the streets. So on some extent, this was still better. I only wanted to be treated like a human.

I was already at a convenient store, waiting for my food to get warmed up by the store clerk.

It could've been peaceful, but then again, the world hates me and likes to put me in situations that would make me hate my life.

"What are you doing here by yourself nerd?"

I pushed my food to the side and glared at him through my lenses.

"I have a name, Reez. And if you don't want me to even out the bruise in your face, you would use it." I stared at his bruised eye. I did that. That's why I got into detention.

"Shut up." He only said those words before taking a seat in front of me.

"Don't ruin my food. Get away from me." I said, returning back to eating and praying he would get the memo and leave.

"No. I came here for a reason." I looked up and glared at him more but he didn't seem to faze. "I'm sorry, Gabe. I was a coward. It's not okay to bully someone and I would like to apologize to you for calling you names."

I stared at him in shock. I turned back to see if there were other people with him that would try to get revenge for him when I wasn't looking. But there was no one there, it was only the two of us, and the clerk.

I couldn't utter words so I only stared at him in disbelief.

"It's because that it gave me power. It gave me authority, it made me feel big, it made me feel things that I didn't when I was at home." He confessed, he had his head hung low and I was sure he was tearing up.

That's when I noticed the bruise in his neck. I didn't put that there, I was sure I only punched him in the eye.

"I'm really sorry, I hope you can forgive me." He looked up and smiled, or at least try to. It was crooked, like he was on the verge of sobbing and one reassuring thing I would say or do would make him break down.

I pieced two and two together and knew we were in the same situation — neglected. But he had it worse. I am not one to assume but no one else would dare punch Reez, so the only way he could get that other bruise was from home.

"It's fine. I understand." It was like he didn't expect that to be my response as he let out a tear. I felt my heart shrink, although he was the biggest enemy I had all throughout high school, I couldn't help but feel sad.

"Thank you." He quivered, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. His voice was gentle, something I have never heard before. "Now, should we go to a party?" He offered, his tone gaining back that authority that he always had.

"What? A-are we friends now?" I was only supposed to think that but I guess I blurted it out.

"Of course. Now come on, the party's not that far."

I wouldn't have came with him, not even if he hurt me, but something about that event earlier made me come with. Made me feel somehow connected with him now.

I'm going to regret this.

When we arrived at the party, the loud bass and music immediately filled my ears and hurt my head. I think I was naturally just not made for this.

"It'll be fun." He said. I rolled my eyes knowing that smoking, doing drugs, and breaking a few laws is never going to be fun.

I made my way into the house before deciding to disappear into the kitchen, like most people that are out of place do. This is my first party and I'm certain that this will be the last.

"Hey." I snapped my head to the direction of the voice. There stood a girl with teal hair. "You alone?"

Something about this makes me feel not so good.

"Uh, y-yeah." I stuttered in response, a little creeped out over a beautiful girl talking to me.

"You wanna go out?" She asked out of the blue.

"W-WHAT? I'm sorry but I'm not really into dating someone at the moment but-" She chuckled and I paused my words wondering if I had said something funny?

"I mean get out of here, silly. Maybe at the back of the house where I can breathe fresh air rather than secondhand smoke." She explained. I feel the heat rushing up my cheeks and I nodded furiously, keeping my gaze away from her out of embarrassment.

She led the way and in a matter of seconds, we were out of the house.

I haven't seen Reez ever since he left me to myself so that must mean that he was not planning something, right?

I wandered out of the backyard of the house that led to the woods. I turned around to find the teal haired girl because I was sure she was following me. However, I didn't get the chance to as I felt pain in my shoulder and my neck. It was too much. Enough to drag me out of consciousness.
