
The girl with a broken soul

Nothing interested her except reading. She had devoured books to forget that she wanted nothing. A shadow, without friends, without a lover. But that was the world she had built for herself. Then she died. A god passing by told her that her soul was broken. "Don't worry your next life will be awesome." "Awesome? You call that awesome!" she cried as a gigantic tiger chased her.

Dream_Thunder7 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

No messages

You have 10 voicemail messages

"Hey Alicia, we're going clubbing tonight, do you want to come? Call me."

"Honey, it's your dad's birthday soon, he'd like to see you. I know you're mad at him, but he's your dad."

You have 5 voicemail messages.

"Alicia, It's Jared... I don't know if you know me... but I'm in literature class with you, would you like to... would you like to go on a date with me ? Call me if you're interested, or send a text, an email. You.. I like you a lot."

You have a message on your voicemail.

"Alicia, it's mom, your dad, your dad left us. He made many mistakes, I made many mistakes but he loved you, he loved you I'm sure. Please, please come to his funeral at least."

You have no voicemail messages.

A young woman was lying on her sofa, a book in her hand, in her apartment there was only the bare necessities. The only exception was the many shelves on which the books piled up. It was her only passion.

"Stop running away, or you will end up dying. »

"Why are you crying, are you hurt, is your dog dead? Eh? Use your fists. And he came to save you, again. »

Alicia slammed the book shut and threw it on the floor.

"Tsk, another unnecessary expense. »

She looked at the empty apartment and immediately grabbed her phone.

"What other book could I order. she whispered as she scrolled through the book covers.

"No it's a male protagonist, I don't want to read a harem, again. Nothing, nothing interesting. she complained

"Let's go look on another site. »


"Maybe I should eat first. »

She went to the kitchen area and opened the refrigerator, before closing it as quickly as she smelled the foul odor emanating from it.

She let out an exasperated sigh before heading for her front door. She put on her shoes, grabbed her jacket from the coat rack and left the apartment.

As her footsteps led her towards a supermarket, her face slowly closed, as if all emotion had left her. She watched the children playing in the park near her building with an indifferent air. She quickened her pace, crossing here and there families, a couple in love, a manager yelling at his employee in front of the supermarket. She ignored the scene, walked into the mall's crowded aisles, and weaved through the crowd.

"Are you coming to see the movie with me tonight?" »

"Alan, stop touching the clothes your hands are dirty. I don't want to have to pay. »

"She left me by text message, do you realize! »

"I bought this new game, buy it and let's start a guild. »

She didn't feel anything, she didn't want to meet people, she didn't want to fall in love, she didn't want to leave her house. But that was nothing new, she had already given up, grateful to at least feel some excitement when she read.

But looking at all these people, she realized that this emptiness was not normal, that she was not normal.

She walked into the refrigerated section and grabbed two sandwiches and a soda.

She wanted to go home as soon as possible


She jumped.

A bottle of juice had smashed on the floor.

"Ah, I scared you girl. Sorry," a man said sheepishly, scratching his head.

" It's OK." she said hoarsely. How long had it been since she spoke to someone.

" Are you doing well ? he asked, frowning.

She left hastily, instead of answering him.

Night had fallen when she left the mall, a bag in her hand.

The silence was soothing.

Suddenly she felt a hand over her mouth.

"Did you really think you could escape me Alicia. »

Panicked, Alicia stomped on her attacker's foot. He released her, moaning.

" YOU ? " she says

This face, she had just seen it. It was the man from the supermarket.

He gave her a look that made her tremble.

"Ah, it's true, you never saw me, but I did pay your father $5,000 to have you. I didn't expect you to take refuge in a police station that day. I had almost forgotten you. What a surprise to see you today, grown up and healthy. I was so surprised that I dropped my bottle. »

Cold sweats ran through her body. She had to escape.

"Don't even think about running away." he said before pointing the barrel of a gun at her."Do you know how many years I had to run away because of you?"

"10 years, 10 years of my life after the police got wind of my little traffic. »

"You are sick, I was only an 8 year old child. 8 years and you were going to sell me to a brothel!" Alicia said backing up slowly

"You shouldn't blame me, it's your father. So much debt, and the only thing he could do was sell his daughter. He should never have spent all his money betting. I was just doing him a favor. It was a fair trade."

"I was not for sale! she screamed, remembering the day she had by chance overheard her father's conversation. She had always been a daddy's girl. She adored him even though he was far from perfect. He had broken her heart and she had lost all feeling.

"A deal is a deal, your father hasn't fulfilled his part. He is dead. You sold me to the cops. You are dead. »

He had killed him... He had really killed him.

His mother's message repeated itself in his head. She had never answered him.

"Your dad left us. »

The man's smiling face brought her back to reality.

She ran.

The previously soothing silence had become a trap that was slowly closing in on her.


She no longer felt her legs and fell on the cobblestones.

Her blood was rapidly spilling onto the floor and as her vision darkened, she heard footsteps approaching her.

The man rested his cannon on her skull.

"Goodbye Alicia. »

She really should have finished that book, she thought.

"BANG ! "

A betrayal is a wasted love.

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