
The Girl Who Wheeled

Permanently bruised by a tragic accident, Melanie Martins felt useless. She was the girl who people stared at in public,the girl who didn't need a chair because she was permanently sitting on one with wheels. She became so isolated that her parents were getting so scared that they enrolled her in a therapy session. Melanie was acing all her tests and exams because she had nothing fun to do,so most of the time,she was stuck with her books. At least,she could do one thing right. Her friends moved away,and there was literally no one she could relate with. Well, until HE came along. Damien Brooks was the dude with the killer looks,he was that guy that was stared at whenever he walked into somewhere. He was so popular that all girls wanted to do was smell his jacket. He was new to Melanie's school,and Melanie felt threatened because he was stealing her spot on the 'A' list ; the top. Within a week of joining EastLake High,Damien found himself quite a couple of friends. Although he was known for his hot Instagram pics and videos,they finally met him in person,and all everyone wanted to do was one thing...be his friend. Damien noticed everyone trying to sit with him and talk to him,but there was this girl who wore round glasses and sweaters every damn day. She didn't give a hoot about his reputation,and he didn't like that. Damien was no douche or jerk,but his ego was something no one could match up with. Curious to know her,he tried talking to her,only to get coffee poured on him. Well,that was a rough start. Damien started to discover that there was more to the girl who sat at the back of the class,but aced all her exams. Damien discovered she was fun,but she was hidden in a wall she built around herself.

Melanin3000 · Adolescente
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32 Chs


"You're grounded!"

"You can't ground me!"

"I gave birth to-"

The door slammed before Mrs Jameson could finish her statement.

Melanie wheeled towards the car and waited for Hudson as she saw Amelia get on her motorcycle.

Amelia looked furious,and when she noticed Melanie,she smiled.

"Thank you for letting me crash in your room" she said

"Um...," Melanie looked around. "I guess you're welcome?"

Amelia chuckled.

"You've got a lot to learn" And with that said,she zoomed off.

Melanie was as puzzled as ever as Hudson walked out of the house, carefree as ever with his bag slung on his shoulder.

"Hey" he grinned as he gave Mel a peck.

"Ew" she grimaced as she wiped her cheek


"Don't pass your germs to me"

Hudson rolled his eyes as he helped his twin into the car.

"So you're not gonna kiss your boyfriend when you have one?"

"Ew,I'm not even gonna have one. Right, a boyfriend is a boy that's my friend right?"

"No,Mel," Hudson sighed. "Never mind... When it's time, I'll tell you"

"Why don't you wanna tell me now?" She pouted as Hudson got into the car.

"Because you'll get irritated and I don't want you vomiting in my car"

"I won't" she said as Hudson began to drive.

"A boyfriend is someone you.... date?," He shrugged. "You share your hoodies, joggers and some other stuff together. It's cool,and if you wanna-"


"Told ya" he rolled his eyes.

** *_*---_--++_++××_××

"Who ate my strawberries?"


"Who ate them?"

"I was... hungry"

"But I need them for school"

"One day without your strawberries won't kill you"

She let out a deep breath before wheeling to the dining to apply peanut butter on her bread.

"How's the new kid Hudson's been talking about?" Mel's dad asked as he knotted his tie.

Melanie narrowed her eyes at Hudson and in return,got an innocent grin.

"I don't know about any new kid"

"My bad," her dad chuckled. "New guy"

"Yes,these kids don't like to be called kids anymore" her mom muttered to her dad who replied with an "I know right"

"Is he your friend?" Her mom asked as she wheeled towards the door.

"No!" She replied as she waited for Hudson.

**$ **$$

"How was the party?" Melanie asked as Amelia settled on the floor.

"It was crazy!"

"I can tell"

"You should come with me one of these days" Amelia grinned as she took off her jacket.

"I'll pass" Melanie shuddered as she put her new novel on her nightstand.

"You need to have some fun," Amelia replied. "I'm sure Hudson goes to a lot of parties" she shrugged.

"He does"

"I know" Amelia chuckled.

"Hey,I didn't hear any argument today. What was that all.... about"

"I haven't been home in two days" Amelia shrugged as she began to eat some sugary cookies.

"Two days?! Why?" Melanie asked.

Amelia ignored the question and went on to eating her cookies.

"Have you been able to talk with Damien?" She asked

"I haven't exactly apologized,but he seems cool with it" Melanie replied.

"Did he talk to you?!"

Melanie nodded with a raised brow. She didn't get what all this excitement was about.

"And he wasn't mad,was he?"

"No he wasn't. Why are you so excited?," Mel shrugged. "He's just like every other boring and ugly person"

"Please don't say that about Damien. That'll just be rude" Amelia scoffed.

"I mean, that's how I see it"

Amelia let out a sigh.

"What exactly is your issue, because I don't get why you're hating on him"

"I'm not hating on him,I just feel like he's getting way too much attention"

Amelia chuckled.

"Like I said,you still have so much to learn"

** ** ** **

"The names have been posted on the class' notice board. You can check your partners when the class is over. The project is due Monday"

And after Mr Ken said that,he left the class and students scurried to the notice board.

Some with disappointed faces and some with happy grins.

Mel just stayed in her wheelchair, waiting for the crowd to die down before she checked her name.

She wasn't sure she was even gonna see it,but she hoped that whoever her partner was,he or she was gonna tell Mel they were partners.

After about ten minutes,everyone settled down and Mel wheeled to the notice board.

She tried to squint even with her glasses on,but Mr Ken happened to print the papers out in the tiniest font.

"No need to sweat it," she heard a voice say. "You're my partner"

"I-I am?" Melanie stuttered as she stared up at Damien.

"Yes" he said calmly

"Oh my God" she breathed as she moved back.

"If we're gonna be partners,you can't keep acting..this way"

Melanie didn't say anything,she only nodded.

"So,what are we gonna do,?" Damien asked. "I'm gonna need your phone number so we can-"

"No,no. I don't give out my number to people outside my family!" She cried out.

"Alright, alright. What's the problem with you?" He asked, getting impatient.

"Please step back. You're getting too close" she pleaded.

"Listen,I'm not gonna-"

And the bell rang.

"Let's talk later" he said as he strolled to his seat.

'Let's talk later' was all that rang in her head.

Why did he want to meet later? Of course to talk,but what about?

Melanie tried to control whatever emotion was trying its best to roam free as she wheeled towards her table.

Hehehehe. We've got another nerd in the fam guys, welcome her with love. Introducing to you ladies and gentlemen is Melanie Martins. *round of applause*

Hehe,I know I love a little drama. I mean,who doesn't?

Anyhoos,hope you enjoyed this chapter