
Chapter88 Banks Money

Everyone is gather at the

Jackson family sitting room

waiting to hear the big


The lawyer open an envelope

and look at the faces of everyone,

they are so anxious  to hear

what’s in for each one.  

The lawyer open the first

envelop to read.

     "This is what Mr. Jackson said

on this latter, “I will like to thank

 everyone of you who have

contributed one way or the

others to make me a happy man

 while on earth, because if you

are hearing this words from my

 lawyer, it than mean’s that I am

 no more  among the living, and

 this is what I want from every

one of you my immediate family,

I want all of you to be at peace

with each other, don’t let my pass

 mistakes to divide you further

 than it already did, to my two

sons ken and ben, I love you

equally  and I will like to see you

go along with each other, if I

cannot do it when am alive, I

 hope that my death makes both

of you to come together and plan

 how to bury me. And that is

why am giving my lawyer the

 following order.

1, that I will be buried before

the will is read.

2. both of you must go along

with each other before the will

 can be read.

Both of you must agree to take

 my wives and the rest of the

 family along.

As for my wives, I know that

 they have tolerated each other

 for a very long time, and I want

both of you to keep on doing that

 even though I am no more, help

our children to live peacefully.

Failure to do so, my will, will

not be read.

The lawyer stop to look at the

 entire family, they were all quiet

 like the dead, no one spoke.

     "Is there anything any of you

 have to say? The lawyer ask.

But no, everyone is silence no

one is ready to talk, they were

 thinking  of how to start

 spending money almost

 immediately and here Mr.

Jackson wants them to do all

this things before his will can

 be read.

    "It’s ok with me, Ken spoke first

 but I don’t know about the others".

     "Am ok with it too, Ben said and

every one of them say the same


    "Good, that is a welcome

 development so you guys need

to fix a date to bury Mr. Jackson

 then the will can be read, the

lawyer said and close his


After the lawyer left very one

want to their own quarters.

    "Are you sure is my husband

that wrote such letter."

    " I think so, mom", Ben assured

 his mom.

    "Then where are we going to get

 the money for a huge burial like

 this one? Since Ken and his

 mother are saying there is no

more money in the company

which I doubt is true."

     "We will find a way, let me go

and see ken, so we can arrange

for the burial."

After much argument, they came

 into a conclusion then they got

 back to the lawyer who told

 them where Mr. Jackson has

kept money for his funeral."

    The day came and the whole

 family work together to make the

 occasion a huge success.

    "Dad, why is my mother not here?"

Timothy ask Ken.

    Ken was really finding it hard

 to accept Timothy as his son,

but there is nothing he can do

about it, he has to keep his

father’s secret, he made a promise

 and he will take it to his grave.

     Gina look at Ken who did not

 answer Timothy’s question.

     "Tell him the truth, Gina said,

he is going to know one way

 or the other."

    "Yea, but I don’t think is the

right time."

    "Come here dear, Gina hug

Timothy, “don’t worry your mom

 will be find ok, we are still looking

 for her."

    "Did she got missing?"


     "No, those men took her, she

 is not missing."

     "Ok, we will make sure to

find her."

     "Go and play with little Tina ok,"


    "Don’t worry, you can call me mom."

     "Ok, mom, timothy smile for the

 first time since his mother got


     "What are we going to do about

 timothy’s questions, he won’t

stop asking about his mother,

Gina complain to Ken."

    "What did you think we should do?"

     "Tell him the truth."

    "Ok, you go ahead and tell him

 the truth, am fine with it."

    "We need to brace  ourselves

for what is coming ken said."

    "What is coming?"

    "The way I see it, is like we are

 going to lose the company and

 this house."

    "What do you mean?".

     "Earlier I receive this letter from

 the bank."

     "Let me see, Gina takes  it from

ken and read it."

     "This is not happening, what are

you going to do?"

      "Let's show it to mom and ben

and his family so they know what

 is going on.

This is so serious, how did it

got to this point?"

     "I remember my dad trying to

tell me something, but I didn’t get

 it that time, now I think am

 beginning to get it. He was telling

 about the bank and how he run

the company and that the money

belongs to the bank, now we

 have spent more than we needed

 to spend and this is the result."

     "This was ben’s fault, he is the

 one spending without minding

that the company is running on

 borrowed money."

     "Hmmm, I will have to take it to

them so they know what we are

 up against."

     "What? This can’t be true, this

is my husband’s house, the bank

 cannot take my husband’s house

 is not possible. Ben’s mother

 keeps shouted and crying."

       " Let’s call the lawyer to read

 the will, after all the funeral is

over, Tina suggested " 

     The lawyer was called up to

 read the will.

  Ben was given two estates

and 100 million as the first son

of the family.

Ken was given the company

 and one estate with 100 million

The mansion was given to his

two wives and 100 million each

His grandchildren are given

40million each.

Daughter in-laws 60 million each.

Relations and relatives got

 their own share too. 

But this money will not be remitted

to them until the debt own the

 bank are cleared.

    "What??? Are you saying that

we cannot get anything until the

 bank’s money are paid in full?"

Everyone ask the lawyer.

     "Yes, that is the instructions of

 Mr. Jackson.

     "That cannot be his order ben’s

mother augured, my husband

cannot do that to me, I know him,

is  not hard heart to this point."

     "Mom, it has nothing to do

with hard hearted, is the banks

 money he was using to run the

 company, now the company has

 acquired a lot of debit and there

 is nothing any of us can do about

 it, we cannot even sell anything to

cover the loan", Ben said.

     "So what do we do now?, she

ask everyone.

    "We are going to gather everying

we have to pay off the loan Tina

said, making Ben and Ken to

 laugh at the same time.

   "What is making you boys laugh?

She ask them.

     "Mom, how much do you have

 at hand to pay of loans that

runs in billions of naira?"

    "Is that how much it is?"

     "Yes mom, is up to a 100 billion

 naira loan we are talking about,

and the bank are threatening to

 take over this house and other


     "We need to think of something

 fast because as for me I don’t

have anywhere to go". Miriam said.

     "But you have a house, where

your shop is Ben ask his wife.

    "Look at you, that is all you can

 think about, they start quarreling,

making Ken and the rest look

at each other.

     "But there is no need to fight

 and quarrel, ken said, we can just

 think of something else.

    "Something like what? Ben turn

 to ken.

    "Something like start adjusting

your mind to live below your

 current standard."

     "That is not going to happen."

     "Ok, so what do you suggest

 we do.?"

    "Look for a way to start paying

 off the money".

    "Hmm, that is a good idea, but

where do we get the money?"

      "Grace was so glad to see Ken

 and Ben discussing like real

human beings this time, how I

hope things didn’t turn out to

 be so, now they are going to lose

their home to the bank, but how

on earth did Mr. Jackson manage 

to live with all these debt? I believe

 he must be very happy to me

 relieve of all this burden, he was

 a strong man indeed, how would

 I have known that he has been

carrying all this load along without

telling any of us, may his sweet

 soul rest in peace."

     They all chorus amennnn.

    "I have a suggestion to make,"

Gina raise her hand.

    "What is it?" They all ask her.

     "Let’s sell one part of the quarters

 and pay off the debt then we all

 can live in one of the quarters.

Which in this case, she pause to

 look at byen and his wife.  Let’s

sell ben’s questers"

     "What??? Ben side of the family

all chorus.