
Chapter 13

The next words the the entry was illegiable other than the last few lines which said,

'This may be my last thing I write as I am currently hiding from him, if you find this them he has taken or killed me or perhaps both. He killed my family and now he serches for me as my mother once called him a beast now I know why she said such harsh words, for he is indeed no man he is purely a terrifying beast....'

Amanda looks up from the journal mystified not sure what to say, now things make a little bit of sense. Clarice Autry is Yvonne's twin sister who was supposed to have died at birth but the family really just hid her away. Who was the man they called the beast? Did he really kill her family? Just what happened exactly.

Putting the journal back down on the desk Amanda continues to look around the dusty room the journal being here means Yvonne hid in here. She steps toward the closet she didn't really notice earlier she opens the closet to reveal the bones of what Amanda could only guess was Yvonne's skeleton with a knife deeply burried into the chest cavity, she takes a shaky breath and reaches inside the closet to pull out the knife and on the knife hilt was the intials A.M. curious to find out who this belonged to Amanda quickly goes out of the room and back into the mirror room searching the room for a book or something and decided to check the closet in the room and with luck on the top shelf of the closet there was a stack of papers, she pulled them down onto the floor.

"What are you doing Amanda?" Yvonne asks curiously making Amanda look up at her,

"I'm trying to find out who your murderer is Yvonne." Amanda says with a look of sadness on her face, Yvonne just moved closer to her to look at the pile of papers and nods with a confused look on her face.

Ater what felt like an hour of reading each paper Amanda finally came across one the briefly mentions a deal no mention of the deal itself but the deed was signed by a Aristide Autry and Augustine Morrison Mr. Morrison being the deed holder while Mr. Autry was the signer of the deed. The date signed was back in 1789,

"So if the deal was made in 1710, how could it be Mr. Morrison? it was as least a few decades old he should've been too old if not dead by the time Yvonne was 18..." Amanda whispers to herself puzzled, something clearly wasn't right here. As if on cue the humming started and the whispers rang lightly in her ears, telling her she needed to leave now. Grabbing the papers she folds them then shoved them in her pocket and heads out the door turning to Yvonne before walking out.

"I will find out what's going on and I will try to find a away to stop that thing." With that she turns on her heel and heads out walking back down the stairs through and out the front door back to her car, heading to the only place she could think of...the library to see if the could find any information on the Autry family or even on Mr. Morrison. Walking into the library a woman in her 40's with a white blouse and khaki pants with her auburn hair pulled back in a tight bun, the librarian stood behind the counter with her eyes focused on the computer as Amanda walks slowly to the wooden counter the librarian looks up at her,

"What can I do for you miss?"

"I was wondering if you had any records or newspapers from the old Autry residence?" Amanda asks gingerly hoping for some kinda positive response,

"Well normally we wouldn't but because that family was well known in this small community we may have some old records in the upstairs area." The librarian says then starts shaking her head,

"But if you want to see them then I need your ID, your signature, a current picture, and you will have a security guard with you while your there." She states matter of factly looking at Amanda sternly.

"Okay, Thank you." Amanda says while sliding her ID over and proceeding with the sign in sheet and letting the librarian take a picture of her on the computer, with that all out of the way a security guard was waved over and instructed to take Amanda upstairs to the records department. Most libraries would have this stuff in a basement or downstair or even in catacombs but for some weird reason not this one, once reaching the door to the records department the security guard follows her inside but stands by the door. Amanda looks around the room it's small and dimly lit even with the sun filtering through the windows, the ash grey walls, the opal black ceiling and floor, the were about five shelves full of folders and books. Amanda sighs and shruggs her shoulders reminding herself to take one step at a time then sets for the first shelf looking for something along the lines of the Autry family or anything indicating the household or it's associates of any kind, after about an hour into the search still only on the first shelf she hears the door open and looks up to see a man walk in though it was only a glance she looks back at the shelf still filtering through the folders and books.

"What are you looking for?" A deep aluring voice softly whipers by her ear hot breath fanning her ear she jumps with a start turning around quickly,

"What buisness is it of yours?" Amanda asks cautiously eyeing the man, now that she is looking at him she notices he looks at leat 19 or 20, he's tall maybe around 5'9 if she had to guess, he had thick and semi short dark brown hair, with light brown hazel eyes framed with long dark lashes and olive tan skin. Hearing her question he simply laughs and throws up his hands in surrender,

"Fair enough haha I just thought maybe I could offer my assistance is all." He says with a grin that would make any girl drool, it would've gotten to her too if she hadn't gone through all this crazy stuff but she needed to keep a clear mind to figure this out.

"Well you wouldn't happen to know where any information on the Autry household may be would you?" Amanda says tilting her head to the side a little watching him wearily, he looks to the ceiling to think tapping his foot to the ground a few times the stops the grin back on his face as he walks over to the third shelf at the top row while he fliters throught items on the shelf she watches as his muscles move under his grey hoodie and his dark jeans hang snugly on his waist then looks down to his red tennis shoes. He spins around with some folders in hand then walks over to a table and sits down, noticing she didn't follow him he waves her over and slowly she walks over to him and sits across from him.

"These are some things about them and this book here is the ledger of all the guests that appeared to their last party." He says pulling a small thin leather book out of the stack of folders it looks worn from age but otherwise very well conditioned.

"How did you know where it was in here? Also I noticed he's the only guard in here, why is that?" Amanda asks watching him wearily, he chuckles a small deep chuckle and shakes his head.

"Well I have been coming here for a while for research of my own about the family curious about them and their sudden disappearance, it can't be coincidence we are looking into them. Why are you looking into them though?" He asks nodding in her direction completely ignoring her question on the guard, she decides to humour him with a vague answer of her own.

"Well I used to live there and wanted to know what really happened with them is all." She states looking for any change in his demenor but he stayed the way he was, he simply nods and sticks out his hand toward her which she looks at in confusion.

"My name is Beaux, and yours?" He asks raising a brow, she shakes his hand and introduces herself. With that she starts shifting through the files, after a little while she decides to pick up the ledger and shifts through it til she spots a certain name.

"I found you." Amanda whispers loud enough to make Beaux look up from his paper questioningly,

"Who did you find?" He asks confused and curiously,

"The name I was looking for to confirm something, Mr. Augustine Morrison." She pulls out the papers she had in her pocket found from the mirror room, she compares the signatures sure enough the signatures were similar but still slightly different meaning it was no the same man so maybe this man had Mr. Morrisons knife.

"Mr. Morrison? He had barely any connection them after the initial signing of their contract." Beaux says in confusion, she looks up at him bewildered.

"How did you know about the contract?" Amanda asks,

"It's common knowledge the Autry family signed a contract to be partners with Mr. Morrison to further their buisness making both parties companies famous but Mr. Morrison passed away 3 years later from an infection in the heart." Beaux says matter of factly, Amanda sits back her head starting to spin.

"Did he have any kids or did anyone take up his name by any chance?" She asks now a bit frantically, he pauses for a moment to think then stops and nods.

"His grandson was named Augustine as well and kept the Morrison name, He spoke with the Autry family a few times over the family companies." He says walking over to a shelf to grab a file and walk back to the table and hands her the paper stating Augustine Morrison took over the business and with the paper was a photo of a man shaking hands, smiling at the photographer with another men it was Clarice's father with Augustine Morrison the second. Clarice, her mother and brother stand at the end of the frame smiling brightly. Amanda now knows whose knife it was for n the picture she could barely make out the knife strapped to Mr. Morrison's hip,

"This man is the beast?" She whispers to herself, beside him was another man the resemble the man that described in Yvonne's journal. This whole thing keeps getting crazy, Amanda looks up at Beaux.

"Why are you really looking into this family? There is no way it can be from pure curiousity." She says judgingly, she had hoped her would've been honest with his intentions but he had too much knowledge about the family it overall looks strange.

"Okay you got me there, I'm honestly just curious about my family is all." With that statement he pulls out an envelope from his shirt pocket and unfolded it the pull out it's contents then shows her a birth certificate, on the page was his picture and his birth name.

Beaux Autry, his birthdate, but the mother's name was Blacked out and the Father's name wasn't listed. Amanda looks at him with a look of shock on her face, He was an Autry member but Who was his parents? And Why is he here looking for his past family members? Things are getting more interesting......