

Darkness may fall out in the presence of light but light will always reveal the darkest secrete of the dark. Elena was traumatized after a pathetic experience with her uncle, she became a devil in human form her mission was to kill her uncle and any guy with who she had sex. A witch cast a ring spell on her finger in which she became unconscious, aggressive, and callous. She vowed never to fall in love with any guy which she resist for many years. But the story change when she met Clark. Clark became an antidote to her spell due to the love coexistence between them. Ever since then, Elena understands the true nature of love and its power she rather chooses love to hate.

David_Godwin_5404 · Fantasía
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11 Chs


It was 8 pm after I left school on Friday when everyone had gone to their various residences, but I pretended to be exchanging pleasantries with my colleagues, they were all excited thinking I was going back to my Uncle's house.

They planned to accompany me home, but I turned down their request so no one will duplicate my movement.

I went to the brothel to have a drink and party with other girls. I transformed myself into a slut dressing gorgeously like them since I have the power to do so.

Suddenly two men walk into the club. Guess who they are?

I was astonished when I saw my uncle and his friend Jasper in the same club, they made an effort to haggle with the other slut for a night of sex.

I couldn't wait to bring down the wall of Jericho, I ran quickly to my uncle so I could compel both of them to a fight.

They fought among themselves, while others formed a circular gathering to commemorate the fight as he gasped heavily with blood gushing down his mouth and nose.

Jasper on the other side was suffocated when people rallied around him to sing a pathetic song, others took to their hill to fetch water to drench him from his slumber.

"He is suddenly awake to look like a drunkard". One of them said as they all burst into laughter.

My uncle finally regained memory, when I evacuated the spell from his eyes. The first word he spoke was to scream my name repeatedly.

"Elena!!, Elena!!, Elena!!!, Elena!!!". He said while looking confused, I pretended to know him, paying deaf ears to his words.

I stopped a cab to take my uncle home, He was very fatigued due to excess loss of blood.

An address was given to the driver, he took my uncle to his destination and left him in front of his cottage.

The doorbell jingles, Mrs. Clara walks out of her room to see who is at the door.

"Good evening ma, I Am Harrison by name, as you can see your husband is badly injured. I drove your husband down here because I was instructed by a lady whose name is Elena, she also sent a gift to you".

Immediately Mrs. Clara heard the name, Elena! She was curious to know where he met her. She repeatedly asked the driver for her address but the driver kept mute left the gift and drove to his other destination.

Mrs. Clara who became sober was wandering, and shivering she became confused thinking Elena might be the cause of her husband's incident.

She took the gift, while she tried glancing through it she saw an envelope "Oh!, I guess it's a letter" she said as she took a deep breath to read from it.


"Hello Mrs. Clara I believe you are fine, it has been six months since I left the house and I know you have tried your best in search of me but I want you to know, I am fine and healthy.

Don't bother looking for me because the Elena you know then is different now. Concerning my uncle, you can see he is badly injured. This is just the beginning. Please take care of him while he awaits another battle.

I am coming for a REVENGE!!....

Yours sincerely Diamond


Mrs. Clara screamed while she folded the letter, throwing it in the trash, then she ran into her room with tears in her eyes.


Why would Elena run out of the house without confiding her reasons to us? and now she is coming back for revenge. Is there something she is not saying? I guess there is a secret behind this scenario.

She was a nice girl, and I understood every part of her but now the story is different. I don't know what came over her.

I guess I needed to pay a visit to her school to figure out what went wrong, I believe her friends will have something to say about this.

Clara fell asleep after pondering on this.


Mrs. Clara woke up feeling dizzy. She tries to satisfy her schedule due to her simultaneous tasks which are: going to Elena's school to see her friends and also going to her place of work. Indeed this will never be easy for her as she decided to go through stress.

Mrs. Clara arrived at Elena's school and went to the principal's office for some personal discussion. She was offered a seat with a chilled drink while she waited for the principal.

"Good morning Ma! Nice to meet you. I am Mrs.Clinton by the name".

"I am Mrs. Clara". she replied while she looked worried.

Mrs. Cliton observed Clara's facial expression as she aimed at adequate interrogation with her.

" Ma!, you looked worried, may I know the problem?". She politely asked.

"Have been in hell ever since Elena left home, I knew her to be a kind and gentle type until she delivered a shocking message to me which influenced my sleep with many Nightmares". Mrs. Clara said while she gave the letter to the principal.

Mrs. Clinton was astonished when she glanced through the letter and wondered what revenge Elena tried to embark on.

She called for Elena in her class but she was absent from school, then she called for her friends asking if they knew anything about the letter.

Elena's friends were stunned when grazing the letter they felt pathetic and wondered why she may agree to such decisions.

No words were uttered as they contemplated among themselves whispering with feeble words to their ears.

Mrs. Cliton caught their attention while she asked them to speak out unless they may be punished.

Indeed the fear of Elena is the beginning of wisdom none of the girls could speak out so they start shivering.

"Elena has been a wonderful friend to us. We knew her as someone who cried a lot. She felt pathetic telling us about the death of her parents. We tried consoling her but she never kept calm. I believe the reason for her Revenge should be towards the one who killed her parents". Rose said, crying profusely.

"Revenge! over someone who killed her parents is that the reason she left her uncle's house does it mean she thought we are the cause of her parent's death, this is bad if this should be her thought because Elena is like a daughter and a sister to me nothing would make me do such". Mrs. Clara said, putting her hands in her head as she cried.

"Elena is just a child, she will come back to her senses all we need to do is to set her up together and talk to her, she needs to be counseled. I guess her parent's death is affecting her psychologically". Mrs. Clitton said while she consoles Her.