
THE GIFTED ACADEMY (Searching For The Lost Portal)

Meet a twenty-one-year-old adult teen, Phoebe Hampton. Orphaned from birth. She's adopted by Mrs Hampton, who only died leaving her to fend on her own. Just like any, other hardworking student. Phoebe works part-time to be able to make ends meet with her job, to enable her. . . pay school bills. Her normal routine. Work, school, eat and sleep. Until a tragic event, which brought her to an entirely, different world— Living her earthly body in ruins. She would rather run, than trained how to harness her power by the Stoic, Cold-hearted and Handsome, Alexander Xanthos. Trying to adjust to a new a world. Doesn't sit well for Phoebe. As evil lurks around the corner, waiting to devour her world. Evil knocks on the door of all magical creatures. Will she stand and fight along side the Good, as she's torn between two worlds— one her birth world and second, a Magical world, filled with Betrayal, Conflict and Love. Will she be able to find her way out? or forever be stuck in this Mystical world? Find out more. . . On The Gifted Academy.

Celine_Sky · Fantasía
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6 Chs


"She's not even, pretty."

"Such weird. . . eyes."

Back then, in highschool I was always laughed at. Because of my strange appearance. Being an orphaned, had its drawbacks. Lucky to be adopted by Mrs Hampton, who only died leaving behind a cottage. I felt like I was bound to be alone. . . In this beautiful, but cruel world.

Working my ass off, I had to cater for college and myself.

It was a Monday morning, I had over slept because of work. While Waiting for the cramp bus to stop at the school gate. I sprinted to the school building knowing I was late for class.

"You are late!" Mr Ken, scolded me for being tardy to class.

"I'm sorry sir, I was-"

"No excuses!" Mr Ken demanded.

"Thanks." I muttered, before taking a seat.


Once class was over, three groups of girls walked over to my table.

"Hey! Four eyes." The one in the middle called, which gained my attention.

"You should be crowned for being a workaholic. How many jobs do you partake in?" She asked, mockingly. As her minions giggled.

"That's none of your business." I replied.

"Really? Because my cousin bro, was looking for a stripper-"

"Am not interested." I simply cut her off. Not liking where the conversation was heading.

She half yelled, "You!..." She paused, glaring at me. As other students were starting to listen, on our convo.

Signaling her minions with her eyes.

"Ugly, bitch." She cursed, under her breath as they left my table.


At home,

I payed the taxi driver, as I unlocked the yard door. Walking on the grassy patch, I stepped on the porch. As I reached for the bunch of keys in my brown coat. Which jingled as I opened the main door.

"It's so good, to be home." I muttered, as my voice was drowned by the silence of the house. Suddenly, I felt something touched my leg.

"Ah!" I gasped. Before noticing a pair of yellow eyes peering at me.


Looking down, on the small black kitten with yellow eyes. I watched as it rubbed its body on my leg. How did it get here? I wondered, feeling helpless.

"Where is your, home little guy?" I picked the cat up. As I opened the main door. Feeling the cold breeze on my skin. Dropping it on the porch i gestured for it, to run away.

"Hop along now, kittie." I uttered, as the cat only run towards me.


"You wouldn't want to be in my world." I say, hoping it would leave.

*Purr* The cat continues rubbing its body on my leg.

I sighed, "Welcome to your, new home."


Back in the kitchen, i poured milk on a small white bowl. Keeping it on the floor, the cat quickly drinks from it. Reheating the left over Pizza in the microwave. I sat on a chrome stool, which was facing the kitchen window. Devouring the pizza slices.


I flinched, when something hits the window. And felt something sat on my thighs. It was the cat. I chuckled, at how frightened the cat was.

"Its just a bat." I say, while stroking the cat which purred. "Time to go to bed then." I declared, putting the dirty dishes in the sink.


There was an eerie sound, as a voice was heard.

"Phoebe, can you hear me?"

"Wake up!..."

"PHOEBE!!!" The Voice thundered.

I gasped. As I woke up to uncertainty, feeling lightheaded, my body was sweaty all over. I could still hear the angry voice in my head.

What just happened?

My breath came out harsh... Which slowly calmed down with time. Slowly my eyes starts to adjust to the darkness in the room.

*Creak. . .creak...*

Like Coldwater was poured over me, sleep vanished instantly from my eyes. "Who is there?" I asked, panicky.

No response.

I could barely see anything. Trying to ON the lamp which was on the bedside table. I switched on the light as the room was lit.

Putting on my glasses, I could see my room door, which was slightly opened. Had I forgotten to lock the door? No, I could vividly recalled, locking the door before showering.

Slowly my eyes roamed about, as I noticed the cat was no longer in the blanket. . . more like, in the room.

Deciding, to go look for the cat. I readied myself before climbing off the bed. My two feet located the blue floppy slippers with ease. Grabbing my mobile phone from the Night stand, I head downstairs.

The ticking sound of a clock was heard in the hallway. As the girl was seen trying to switch on the light in the Living room.

"Oh, please. . .not now..." She groaned, whilst clinking the switch, over and over. It was damaged and wouldn't ON.


I flinched, turning swiftly to see the cat enter the kitchen. Stopping at the entrance of the kitchen, there was a sudden unsettling feeling I felt at the pit of my stomach. Stepping inside, I flashed my mobile phone at the kitchen counter to see the cat, drinking milk from a bowl.

"Hey, kitten..." I paused, having a weird feeling of something being odd. Quickly, I turned back to see a hooded figure in front of me.

I gasped.

In the spur of the moment, it lunched towards me grabbing my left hand, and I fearfully smashed its head with my phone. Causing it to let go of my hand.

Suddenly, a second figure appeared from the shadows muttering incoherently.

"Ah!" Before I could realize what was going on. I felt an invisible force pushed me, as my body breaks the window, which had broken glasses on the ground.

"Ouch!" I cried, painfully as I tried getting up as shards of glass pierced my skin, on my hands. Not wasting time as of why I was being chased by some unknown identities. I sprinted for the gates, hearing hurried footsteps behind me, and fighting the urge not to look back, I fled for safety.

Upon reaching the main road, I stood at the road. Waiting anxiously for any vehicle that would come my way. I could hear my heart- beating loudly, against my chest. I had outrun them, at least I thought. . . until a hooded figure appeared in front and not so far from me.

I flinched as I asked, "Who are you?!" I snapped fearfully, at the figure. Who was trying to abduct me. But it didn't respond but only kept looking at me, a face which was not clear to me.

There was a loud beeping of a car honk. As the figure fixated it's attention on the upcoming vehicle.


Finally. But suddenly, I couldn't move from the spot I was. I panicked, "What did you do, to me?!" I asked, struggling to raise my leg which didn't bulge.

My Abductor looked at me, and i felt it was smirking wickedly at me.

And then, it dawned on me. "I am your. . . NIGHTMARE."

I heard a voice in my head said.

I cried. "Please, don't do this. . ." I pleaded, for mercy.

As the figure stood unwavering, waiting for me to die. And then it occurred to me, a feeling which I had never felt before, overwhelmed me. Fear.


I heard the harsh blaring of the vehicle, and whatever happened. . . rendered me unconscious.