
The Useless Human

"Jack, Why are you so useless!?" said a Worn Old Man. "It's not my fault Grandpa..." said Jack as he cryed.

"Well you best get it together because the big competition is today" said Jack's Grandpa.

"I understand" said Jack as he returned to his room to get a good night's rest. 'I need to win tomorrow and then I'll never be called useless again!' thought Jack.

The next day.

"Jack! Get up" yelled his Grandpa, "Okay." called back Jack as he walked down the stairs to face his Grandpa, "You better not disappoint me like I think you will." said Jack's Grandpa in a Cold tone. "I won't!" said Jack as he headed to the competition.

As he arrived he noticed it had already started and he began to wield his sword in his left hand while waiting, This sword that Jack held was more like a heavy clump of metal with a hilt than a sword. Jack had a knack for heavy things especially heavy weapons and this clump of metal happened to be one.

As Jack waited a group of boys came up to him in a unfriendly manner, "Hey trash." remarked one of the boys.

Jack looked at the boy and said nothing.

"Nice piece of junk, fitting for garbage like you." continued the boy as all his friends laughed loudly. Jack stood there unfazed by the boy's insults. "Hey I think he's deaf" said the boy as his friends continued laughing.

"And also, trash I recommend switching to a lighter sword, it looks like your scrawny arms can barely hold it." said another one of the boys.

"Those worthless pieces of shit." thought Jack but was interrupted as it was his turn to mount the stage and fight.

As Jack mounted the stage he gripped his weapon tightly while waiting for the announcer to begin the fight. As the announcer begun the fight Jack thought about what to do but only 3 seconds into the match Jack was blown away as he died from shock.